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    Heart diseases


    The heart is the main engine of the whole organism, and due to various factors, such as environmental imbalance, the fast pace of modern life, a huge amount of stress, unhealthy diet and others, unfortunately, in our time people often have various heart diseases. For the most part, they can significantly worsen a person’s life, and in some, especially severe cases, they can lead to disability and even death.


    There are many types of these pathologies, for example, such as:

    And this is only a part of the currently discovered pathologies of our motor. You will learn more about them in this section.

    Nowadays, there are quite a few ways to treat heart disease, modern medical equipment, more and more advanced medicines every day, and you should not forget about folk methods for treating motor diseases.

    In this section, we will help you understand what heart diseases are, why they appear, how to identify them, and how to deal with them.

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