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    Why does the heart hurt and sharply gives back and side

    Heart pain in the back is common among patients and is a wake-up call. The appearance of such a dangerous symptom cannot be ignored, since serious complications are possible, up to death, for example, with myocardial infarction. A sharp pain in the heart from the back speaks not only of diseases of the circulatory organs, but also of disorders of the digestive tract and the musculoskeletal system.

    What exactly is dangerous back pain heart pain?

    Diseases of the circulatory system that cause retrosternal pain

    The doctor examines the girl

    In almost 50% of cases, pain in the chest occurs due to diseases of the cardiovascular system: they can be both in the acute and chronic stages.

    Such violations are especially dangerous for humans and threaten the development of severe complications. Among all deaths, the first place is occupied by diseases of the circulatory system.

    The most dangerous conditions of the body are those in which chest pain is noted:Heartache

    1. Acute myocardial infarction is characterized by the appearance of severe pain in the chest. However, their localization is not the same. A feeling of pressure, burning sensation appears behind the sternum on the left, in the region of the heart, it can radiate to the back and left arm, to the lower jaw and neck. Concomitant symptoms are breathing problems (shortness of breath), the person is covered with cold sweat, turns pale.
    2. Attack of angina pectoris. It is often confused with a heart attack because the symptoms are similar. The main difference is that angina pectoris can be stopped by taking a Nitroglycerin tablet, and this will not be enough in case of a heart attack. Angina pectoris develops gradually, due to circulatory disorders and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
    3. Inflammatory process in the heart bag - pericarditis. The disease is caused by an infection. Additional symptoms are fever, general malaise.
    4. Due to trauma to the spine or chest, aortic dissection can occur, this pathology is very rare.

    If there is a aching pain on the left, radiating to the back, this should not be ignored: this alarming symptom may indicate the presence of serious problems in the body, which often lead to death.

    Acute myocardial infarction

    The man has a heartacheThis disease is the most dangerous and in half of the cases ends in death. In the tissue of the organ, necrosis occurs, that is, the death of cells, blood circulation is disturbed.

    The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of pain in the region of the heart. Localization and character are different. It all depends on the degree and area of ​​myocardial damage.

    It is customary to distinguish two forms of pathology:
    1. Classic. It is characterized by the manifestation of burning, bursting, pressure in the left side of the chest with irradiation to the arm, neck and back. Additional signs will be shortness of breath, white or bluish tint of the skin, cold sweat, rapid heartbeat, general weakness.
    2. Atypical. This form is characterized by atypical localization of pain. They can be both in the stomach area and in the fingertips on the left hand, the larynx. Among the accompanying symptoms, cough, palpitations, headaches, and confusion are distinguished.

    Often such a serious illness is manifested only by an unpleasant sensation in the chest or back, so it is important to be attentive to the appearance of alarming symptoms and seek medical help.

    Myocardial infarction requires urgent intensive care.

    The initial examination includes:
    • examination of the patient;
    • general blood analysis;
    • electrocardiogram.

    In severe cases, additional diagnostics will be required.

    Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

    Doctor examining a womanMany patients are interested in the question of whether it can hurt in the region of the heart, while the focus of inflammation will be located in a completely different place. Yes, indeed, this happens with various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. All organs and systems of the body are closely connected and interact with each other, so inflammation in one organ can manifest itself as unpleasant sensations in another.

    Disorders of the body that cause discomfort and pain in the chest area:
    1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine. It is characterized by damage, further destruction of the intervertebral discs. Patients have dull, aching pain in the chest, shoulder blades, shoulders, which increase with heavy loads. Additional signs: tone, muscle tension, an acute reaction to hypothermia, tingling and numbness in the hands, a feeling of cold in the lower extremities. In an acute period, it is difficult for a person to move. The main diagnostic method is X-ray, computed and magnetic resonance imaging.
    2. Intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region. This type of pathology is found in only ten percent of patients with spinal hernias. It appears due to damage to the cartilage tissue and circulatory disorders. The fibrous ring protrudes outward, the nerve endings are constantly squeezed. Pain is noted in the region of the sternum, back and abdomen, aggravated by exertion and coughing. Sometimes there is a burning sensation in the region of the heart, between the shoulder blades, goosebumps on the arms, back, neck, indigestion occurs, numbness of the lower extremities. The examination is carried out the same as for osteochondrosis. Additionally, an electrocardiogram is done to rule out cardiovascular disease. Such people are shown surgery.
    3. A rib injury appears after a strong blow to the body, this can happen when falling from a height, during a fight, and so on. The nature of the pain syndrome depends on the type of injury (bruise, fracture). With a simple bruise, the pain is not pronounced, unlike a fracture and a crack in the bone, it becomes difficult for a person to breathe. Sometimes there is discomfort in the epigastric region. To establish the correct diagnosis, a survey, examination of the patient is carried out. The examination includes X-ray, electrocardiogram, if necessary, CT and MRI.
    4. Fibromyalgia is characterized by dull, unpleasant sensations that do not have a specific localization. Inflammation of extra-articular soft tissues occurs. Accompanying symptoms are stiffness of the body in the morning, numbness of the upper and lower extremities, insomnia, emotional disorders, severe pain in the head. These patients are treated by neurologists.
    5. Inflammatory process that occurs in the cartilage at the junction of the ribs and sternum. Discomfort in the sternum increases with coughing, sudden movement, recoil occurs in the heart, so many people confuse it with an attack of angina pectoris. The diagnosis is made on the basis of an objective examination, X-ray, general and biochemical blood tests.
    In order to distinguish a heart attack from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to seek medical help in time and undergo a thorough examination. Self-medication leads to disastrous consequences.

    Pathologies of the digestive system

    Abdominal painThe cause of simultaneous pain in the region of the heart and back can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Diseases of the digestive tract:
    1. Erosive gastritis or stomach ulcer. Pain attacks are very strong and are localized on the left side, resembling an attack of angina pectoris. If no abnormalities are detected on the ECG, the person is sent for examination of the stomach, FGS is performed, and tests are prescribed.
    2. Pancreatitis or cholecystitis. The inflammatory process in the gallbladder and pancreas is acute, with a pronounced clinical picture. And the disease can begin with discomfort in the epigastric region with irradiation to the chest.

    Timely examination and treatment will help to avoid the development of severe consequences.

    There are cases when, on the contrary, myocardial infarction is mistaken for a stomach ulcer. When the apex of the heart, which is located in close proximity to the stomach, is affected, severe pain in the abdomen appears. In this case, myocardial infarction is confirmed only on the electrocardiogram. Often people simply do not have time to help.

    Therefore, you need to take your health seriously and not neglect the alarming symptoms that have arisen, especially if there are problems with the cardiovascular system.

    Other reasons

    Panic attackIn addition to all these diseases, there are other ailments that are manifested by painful sensations in the sternum.

    Among them:
    1. Panic attacks and states of neurosis. When a person panics, a rapid heartbeat and breathing appear, there is a lack of air. Due to increased nervousness, there is a feeling of compression in the chest. The diagnosis is made after passing an ECG and other examinations. Treatment is prescribed by a neurologist.
    2. With an attack of bronchial asthma and acute and chronic bronchitis, respiratory failure occurs. The lumen of the bronchi narrows, a person may experience discomfort in the sternum. During an attack, clouding of consciousness occurs, the skin turns pale, sticky sweat appears. The difference from a heart attack is that the patient's condition worsens in the supine position.
    3. Pleurisy and pneumothorax may also have a characteristic symptom. Patients who have breathing problems often do not pay attention to warning signs, prefer to lie on their side, as the heart begins to hurt in the supine position.
    4. Malignant and benign neoplasms in the stomach, bronchi, lymph nodes and other organs and tissues. The tumor may not manifest itself for a long time, the patient will only be disturbed by unpleasant discomfort. Unfortunately, most neoplasms are found at an advanced stage.

    With the appearance of any unusual discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart or back, one cannot ignore the alarming symptom that has appeared.

    It is urgent to seek help from a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

    Possible diagnostic options:
    • objective examination of the patient;
    • collection of anamnesis, complaints;
    • general analysis of blood, urine;
    • blood chemistry;
    • electrocardiogram;
    • x-ray;
    • CT scan;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging;
    • ultrasonography;
    • FGS.
    Timely examination and correct diagnosis can save the lives of many patients with emergency conditions. Properly selected treatment allows you to get rid of severe consequences. All therapy should be selected only by a doctor, self-medication leads to disastrous consequences.

    Article author: galchonok_-07
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    Why does the heart hurt and sharply gives back and side
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