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    What causes low blood pressure

    Anyone at least once in their life, but measured blood pressure. Everyone knows the measurement process, but rarely does anyone understand the tonometer readings. This device determines the pressure of the flow on the walls of blood vessels in the systolic and diastolic period.

    In the first case, the device captures the blood pressure during the maximum contraction of the heart, in the second - at the moment of its greatest relaxation. A deviation from the norm of these indicators (more or less than 120/80 mm Hg. Art.) indicates the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    What do changes in diastolic indicators indicate?

    Doctors and patient

    The ideal blood pressure should be 120/80 mm Hg. Art. But today the concept of approach to normal blood pressure has been somewhat changed and is aimed at the individual characteristics of the human body. But still there are limits, going beyond which is considered dangerous in any case.

    So, if the tonometer consistently shows 140/90 or more millimeters of mercury, this means that the onset of arterial hypertension is possible.

    With a systematic score of about 90/60, hypotension is suspected. But pathology can be indicated not only by changes in both indicators. Very often, one parameter goes beyond the normal limits. In such cases, when diagnosing, the doctor focuses specifically on him.

    Throughout a person's life, diastolic blood pressure is not constant. On average, its performance is 65±10 mm Hg. Art. After 50 years, it may slightly increase. The normal numbers of the tonometer for this age are considered to be up to 90 mm Hg. Art. Tonometer

    The presence of diseases can not always be judged by diastolic changes. Ascertaining the pathology is based on a comparison of the upper and lower indicators. Attention is also drawn to pulse blood pressure (the numerical difference between systolic and diastolic). Normally, it should be 40 mm Hg. Art.

    If the upper one rises, and the lower one remains normal (the pulse rate also increases), this indicates possible violations in the work of the circulatory organs. In the case when the difference in performance is less than 40 millimeters of mercury, that is, the diastolic pressure is increased, attention should be paid to the functioning of the kidneys. But these are only superficial definitions. Establishing a diagnosis is a much more complicated process and depends not only on the above factors.

    Why rises

    TonometerA full-fledged human life is more dependent on blood pressure indicators, in general, and diastolic, in particular. An increase in the lower number along with the upper one indicates a violation of cardiovascular activity.

    An increase in only the lower number may indicate a disruption in the functioning of the kidneys, adrenal glands, and sometimes dysfunction of the endocrine system. 

    The most common causes of high blood pressure are:

    • Congenital abnormalities, chronic renal failure, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis. If, as a result of the pathology, there was a decrease in the lumen of the vessel of the organ, then less blood is supplied. Against the background of such dysfunction, the body's defense mechanism is activated, and the kidney begins to produce elements that do not allow the removal of water and sodium from the body in full. As a result, these substances increase the amount of circulating fluid, that is, its pressure on the walls of the artery increases.
    • Hypo or hyperthyroidism. With a lack or excessive amount of iodine compounds in the body, an increased lower blood pressure can also be observed.


    • Pathology of the pituitary and adrenal glands.
    • Heart diseases.
    • Hormonal imbalance.

    If high diastolic pressure is one of the symptoms of diseases, it is very difficult to return it to normal levels. It is difficult to treat, both with antihypertensive drugs and folk remedies. But not always high rates of DD can appear against the background of pathologies. Often the cause of this manifestation is stress, heavy physical activity, coffee and alcoholic drinks. As a rule, in these cases, the lower pressure rises along with systolic, and is temporary.

    As for the symptoms, the manifestations at the initial stage are practically absent. A person physically feels the effects of high diastolic pressure when target organs are already affected. As a result, chest pain, heaviness and noise in the head, weakness, causeless irritability, constant insomnia, and other symptoms may appear (depending on the background of which disease an increased DD has developed). Doctor's appointment

    After contacting the clinic, the doctor measures blood pressure, conducts an examination and prescribes tests to identify the underlying disease. Most often, the patient is recommended to do an ultrasound of the heart, kidneys, thyroid gland (depending on the alleged pathology), blood tests, urine tests, monitoring of blood pressure and ECG. In addition, sometimes consultation with an ophthalmologist, endocrinologist or other doctors is required.

    Why does diastolic pressure drop?

    If high lower pressure appears most often in old age, then low numbers of DD can also be in adolescence. When the second indicator on the tonometer is below 70 mm Hg. Art., this suggests that the heart muscle does not have sufficient strength to pump the necessary volume of blood.

    The body reacts to its deficiency with the following symptoms:
    tired girl

    • fatigue;
    • dizziness;
    • dyspnea;
    • darkening in the eyes;
    • problems with concentration;
    • a sharp decline in strength;
    • forgetfulness;
    • small spots before the eyes;
    • constantly cold hands and feet;
    • poor tolerance for temperature changes;
    • nausea;
    • indigestion;
    • low body temperature;
    • lack of sexual desire.
    Often, low diastolic pressure is detected by chance and is not the result of any pathologies. Such a manifestation may be based on the individual characteristics of the organism or on a genetic predisposition.

    In the second case, a reduced DD can be observed in parents and children, starting from a young age. But as a rule, in most cases, in the process of formation of the body, it returns to normal.

    With regards to serious diseases, the indicators are less than 80 mm Hg. Art. can be observed in such pathologies:

    • heart failure;
    • tuberculosis;
    • anemia;
    • kidney failure;
    • ulcer;
    • vegetovascular dystonia;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • infections;
    • deficiency of vitamins B, E, C;
    • exhaustion;
    • stress;
    • depression;
    • great psycho-emotional stress;
    • climate change;
    • side effect of drugs.

    The reason for the decrease in DD can only be identified after a thorough examination. After contacting the clinic and the initial examination, the doctor prescribes the necessary tests, based on the results of which treatment is recommended.

    Low diastolic pressure at a solid age is due to a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels and cholesterol deposits on their walls. This condition of the arteries means an increased risk of complications of the cardiovascular system, as it leads to an increase in DM and a decrease in DD. Because of this, older people often develop coronary heart disease, from which it is at this age that most often die. It has also been found that low lower blood pressure in older people is one of the factors in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Pregnant

    In addition, normal diastolic pressure indicators for pregnant women are very important. In the event of a decrease in the second parameters of the tonometer, the blood circulation of the fetus can be disturbed, that is, symptoms of placental insufficiency will appear. The result of which can be complications in the form of a miscarriage, physical and neuropsychic lag in the development of the fetus.

    The World Health Organization classifies arterial hypertension in terms of diastolic pressure. So, I degree of the disease is diagnosed when DD is in the range of 90-100 mm Hg. Art., II degree corresponds to indicators from 100 to 110 mm Hg. Art., III degree more than 110 mm Hg. Art. Studies have shown that men are most often affected by changes in lower blood pressure.

    This is due to the fact that representatives of the strong half of humanity are more addicted to alcohol, smoking, fatty, spicy foods, and overeat. People who have a constantly low DD are not self-confident, have a changeable mood, a constant feeling of guilt. They are unable to clearly formulate a life goal, they do not have a personal opinion.

    Article author: roman
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    What causes low blood pressure
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