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    Blood pressure norm in the table by age

    If the pressure is normal, no one thinks about the correct arterial indicators. Interest is shown when pathologies arise that negatively affect the quality of life.

    Mankind owes a lot to Riva-Rocci, an Italian therapist who, back in the 19th century, developed a method for non-invasive measurement of blood pressure. And although measuring instruments have changed significantly over almost two centuries, even today doctors use tonometers to find out whether a patient has normal blood pressure or not.

    BP and its deviations

    Blood pressure measurement

    Anyone knows that the ideal values ​​for blood pressure on the walls of the arteries are 120/80 mm Hg. Art. But not everything is so clear. There are many factors that affect these parameters. In particular, blood pressure may vary depending on the weather, load, psychological state. But such differences, as a rule, are insignificant and are not dangerous for the body.

    A much greater risk is stably deviated from the norm, accompanied by changes in well-being. In the first case, when determining arterial values, the age of the patient is taken into account. In the second variant, when the patient's condition changes, the age factor plays a secondary role.

    In any case, if a person is healthy, blood pressure on the vessels changes throughout life.

    A device for measuring pressure

    So, at birth, this indicator is noted within 66/55 mm Hg. Art., after 50 years, the numbers on the tonometer can reach 140/90.

    The differences are significant and the main role in this is played by physiological changes in a person throughout life.

    Blood pressure in the arteries depends on such factors:

    1. Individual contractility of the heart muscles and a sufficient release of fluid into the vessels.
    2. density. The thicker it is, the worse it moves through small vessels.
    3. elasticity of the arteries. This is a completely age-related cause of pressure changes. In infancy, the walls of the veins are more “extensible”, over the years they become dense, atherosclerotic deposits accumulate on them, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.
    4. Frequent stress and hormonal disorders. These factors, more than others, are the causes of increased pressure in women. Throughout the life of the representatives of the weaker sex, the hormonal background changes repeatedly (pregnancy, after 50 years, during menopause), which is a prerequisite for an increase in blood pressure.

    Measurement of arterial parameters is mandatory when contacting a cardiologist. This is one of the main procedures to determine abnormalities in the work of the heart. So, the systolic indicator (upper blood pressure) reflects the strength of the onslaught of blood during the release; diastolic number (lower blood pressure) indicates the state of the arteries in the period between heart contractions.

    doctor measures blood pressure

    Measurement of pressure in an adult is done by a special apparatus with a tonometer. The procedure is carried out in a sitting position, in a warm room and in complete tranquility.

    The cuff is applied to the forearm in such a way that the lower edge is slightly above the elbow. The material does not tighten much, nothing should put pressure on the limb, the hand is completely relaxed.

    In the region of the cubital fossa, a sound-conducting membrane of the stethoscope is applied. After that, the air outlet is blocked in the balloon and by repeatedly pressing this element, the flow is forced into the cuff.

    This is done until the sound manifestations disappear, after which it is necessary to increase the pressure in the cuff by a few more millimeters. Then the crane on the “pear” is slowly opened and the first and last sounds are recorded.

    1. If the numerical values ​​are significantly higher than 140/90 mm Hg. Art. - this may indicate a violation of the functioning of the cardiovascular system (in particular, the development of hypertension).
    2. Indicators are much lower than 120/80 mm Hg. Art. may indicate hypotension. But when analyzing the significance of deviations from such indicators, the doctor must take into account age criteria.

    Normal blood pressure according to age

    Back in the last century, general standards were adopted stating that blood pressure, the norm and extremes of which for men and women of middle age are within 123/76 - 129/81 and 120/75 - 127/80 mm Hg. Art. respectively.

    But today the situation has changed a little. And meeting people under 50 with such indicators is becoming increasingly difficult. Measuring blood pressure, doctors are increasingly guided by the marginally acceptable norms.

    Today, in a middle-aged adult, it is considered correct when the systolic numbers do not exceed 130 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic - 85. In this case, the pulse should be within 60 -80 beats per minute. But this is not considered a single correct indicators. In addition to the personal characteristics of a person, these numbers are significantly influenced by gender. So, if we compare the obtained values ​​​​of the tonometer in men and women of the same age, then in the representatives of the weaker sex they will be several millimeters less.


    Also, blood pressure norms depend on age. If for healthy twenty-year-old boys, blood pressure within 125/75 mm Hg is considered optimal. Art., then at 50 years old the ideal is 135/85.

    But, in practice, at a respectable age, such indicators are rare. Most often, numbers are stated within 140/90 mm Hg. Art.

    The main reasons for this are:

    • excess weight,
    • smoking,
    • alcohol abuse,
    • sedentary lifestyle,
    • nervous tension,
    • genetic inheritance.

    That is why at this age people are most often prone to diseases of the heart and blood vessels, especially ischemic pathologies.

    As for children and adolescents, from birth to adulthood, there is a continuous process of formation of personal blood pressure norms. In young children, the vascular system is more elastic than in adults. And, therefore, blood pressure indicators are lower.

    Electronic blood pressure monitor

    For children, there is no single established norm for arterial indicators. This is due to physiological age fluctuations. So, in one-year-old babies, numbers within 95/65 mm Hg should be optimal. Art. During the school period, these values ​​depend on the phase of puberty and range from 100/70 to 120/75 mm Hg. Art.

    In the age range from 12 to 14 years, girls have higher blood pressure than boys. This is due to hormonal changes occurring in the fairer sex at this time. At the age of 16, the situation changes dramatically. At this age, the blood pressure in young men is slightly higher than in girls.

    Especially important is blood pressure, its norm and its extremes for women in position. The good course of pregnancy and the life of the unborn baby directly depend on this. For two trimesters, blood pressure indicators do not change and correspond to those that a woman had before pregnancy. In the third trimester, under the influence of hormones, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the tonometer may increase slightly. A deviation from the norm is allowed no more than 10 mm Hg. Art.

    In the case of a pathological course of pregnancy, preeclampsia with significant changes in arterial parameters, kidney damage, preeclampsia and eclampsia can be observed. If pregnancy takes place against the background of hypertension, the woman's condition may worsen in the form of hypertensive crises or a persistent increase in blood pressure.

    headache during pregnancy

    The placenta is a vascular organ, and with a decrease in blood pressure, this affects the condition of both the mother and the baby. The flow of blood to the fetus slows down, the embryo feels a lack of oxygen, which negatively affects its development and can cause a miscarriage. In a pregnant woman, this is reflected in dizziness and severe weakness.

    An increase in arterial parameters for a woman in position is also unacceptable.

    This may threaten:

    • detachment of the placenta,
    • premature birth,
    • in some cases, the loss of the baby is possible.

    Therefore, pregnant women should especially monitor their pressure and, in case of any deviations from the norm, immediately consult a doctor.

    With regards to the elderly, for those who have crossed the 50-year mark, the optimal blood pressure should be 140/90 millimeters of mercury. With a long deviation of the values ​​​​upward, the physician states arterial hypertension.

    In the case of a significant excess of these numbers, there is a risk of stroke, heart attack. In such cases, immediate therapy is carried out.

    Table of normal blood pressure indicators depending on age

    Age From birth to 1 year From 1 year to 10 years From 10 years to 20 years From 20 years old to 40 years old From 40 years old to 65 years old Over 65 years old
    Systolic pressure


    75-95 90-100 100-120 120-130 Up to 140 150
    diastolic pressure


    50-65 65-70 70-75 70-80 Up to 90 90

    The figures in the table above are averages. These figures do not take into account the personal characteristics of the human body and external influencing factors.

    Determination of normal individual pressure and the reasons for its deviation

    You can find out what the normal pressure is for each person on your own.

    doctor measures blood pressure

    There is a Volynsky formula, according to which you can calculate the optimal blood pressure for any person, starting from the age of seventeen. These calculations are based on weight and age.

    To determine which systolic number, you need to multiply the age by 0.5, and the weight by 0.1. Add both results and add 109. To find out what the normal diastolic values ​​are, you need to multiply age by 0.1 and weight by 0.15, add the results and add 63.

    For example, you are 50 years old and your weight is 70 kilograms. The systolic indicator will be as follows: 109 + (50 x 0.5) + (70 x 0.1) = 141 mm Hg. Art.; and the diastolic is 63 + (50 x 0.1) + (70 x 0.15) = 78.5 millimeters of mercury.

    If the tonometer readings deviate from the individual norm, you should consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of cardiovascular pathology.

    Consistently high blood pressure numbers can indicate:

    Heart disease

    • essential hypertension;
    • symptomatic hypertension (investigative factor);
    • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • the presence of renal pathologies (high DBP);
    • diseases of the thyroid gland, heart, anemia (high SBP).

    Stably low blood pressure may occur against the background of:

    • heart attack;
    • myocardiopathy;
    • anemia;
    • prolonged fasting;
    • too low body weight;
    • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
    • pathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
    • hypothyroidism.
    Analyzing the values ​​of the tonometer, the doctor always pays attention to the age of the patient. The same fact must be taken into account in home measurements, since only with individually optimal blood pressure indicators can the body function normally.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Blood pressure norm in the table by age
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