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    List of the most effective pills for high blood pressure

    Which pills for high blood pressure are effective, and which ones are the most popular? This question is often asked by people who have been diagnosed with hypertension.

    To stabilize high blood pressure, drugs of various therapeutic effects are used. The medicine for hypertension must first of all meet the individual characteristics of a particular patient, taking into account the severity of the disease and the presence of concomitant diseases.

    Principles of action of drugs aimed at lowering blood pressure

    Almost everyone knows that normal blood pressure is considered to be 120/80 mm Hg. Art. In the event that a person has a frequent and persistent excess of permissible norms, then doctors diagnose hypertension.

    Depending on the severity of the disease, medical professionals prescribe a medicine that can effectively and gently lower blood pressure to the patient.

    Pharmaceutical companies have been releasing such drugs for decades, and every year dosage forms of drugs for hypertension become more effective. The appointment of drugs for high blood pressure should be correlated with the individual characteristics of the patient. However, different tablets in combination with a beneficial effect have a considerable list of contraindications. Therefore, the attending physician should select an effective, and, most importantly, safe treatment to reduce high blood pressure, and amateur performance in such cases can result in serious complications.

    Once again, it should be noted that the choice of medicines these days is not easy, it is huge. Which tablets are better and which are less effective can only be decided after a certain course of use. The most important thing is that the medicines chosen should bring significant relief to the patient and have a lasting effect.

    Statistical data in the field of medicine inexorably testify to the huge prevalence of various pathologies associated with the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the lion's share of heart disease is caused precisely by arterial hypertension, from which almost half of the adult population of the country suffers today.

    The worst thing is that 50% of the total number of hypertensive patients die, unfortunately, from a stroke, the cause of which, as you know, is hypertension in the vast majority of cases.

    Today, medicine in its arsenal has five main types or so-called groups of drugs that are successfully used to treat hypertension.

    When it is necessary to provide a patient with quick emergency care, inhibitors are prescribed. This group of drugs actively acts mainly on the vessels - it prevents the narrowing of the arteries, reduces the amount of blood flowing to the heart, and also minimizes the risk of thickening of the heart muscle. Basically, these drugs are prescribed to patients who, in addition to hypertension, have a history of concomitant diseases such as ischemic disease, diabetes mellitus, and some forms of chronic disease of the bronchopulmonary system.

    A group of drugs called "sartans" works effectively in cases where you need to quickly relieve vasospasm. These drugs are fast acting, highly effective and have virtually no side effects. The list includes: "Presartan", "Losartan", "Lozarel", "Lorista", "Diovan", "Vazotenz", "Teveten", "Micardis" and others.

    Patients with arterial hypertension, as well as those with diseases of the cardiovascular system, are recommended to take beta-blockers.

    This group of drugs includes:

    • "Labetalol";
    • "Nebivalol";
    • "Atenolol";
    • "Bisoporol";
    • "Anaprilin";
    • "Levatol".

    However, the best remedy in the fight against increased and also persistent pressure is a medicine that has a diuretic effect. Tablets of this action are able to remove excess fluid from the human body, due to which the swelling of the vessel walls is noticeably reduced. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the clearance increases. The result is that high blood pressure drops. A list of diuretics will be presented in the article below.

    Fast acting medicines

    Strong fast-acting drugs are usually used in medicine if it is necessary to stop an attack of hypertension or prevent a hypertensive crisis. Such pills, in general, reduce blood pressure almost instantly, and also normalize the heart rate.

    Each tool has its own spectrum of action and affects the body in different ways, but one thing unites them. All of them ultimately lower blood pressure. Among other things, in therapy aimed at treating severe forms of the disease, doctors usually use not one drug, but several at once.

    Medical practice confirms that patients respond differently to treatment with drugs of the same type of action. What works for one patient may not work for another at all. Which means are better, and which drugs give good results, can be determined, unfortunately, not immediately, but only after the therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

    Next, drugs that actively reduce high blood pressure indicators, which are most often prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, as well as auxiliary drugs, will be presented in list order:

    1. "Andipal". The composition includes: metamizole sodium - the main component. Each ingredient contained in the preparation has a certain effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. These pills are the most effective and are most often taken for headaches, because the remedy is able to relieve spasms. "Andipal" is used in combination with drugs for the treatment of persistent arterial hypertension. The course of treatment is up to 7 days. Dosage - 1-2 tablets per day, if the doctor considers it necessary to increase the dosage, he will inform the patient about this.  
      Note: when using Andipal, it is undesirable to use Dibazol and Papaverine, since these drugs can aggravate the patient's condition.
    2. "Raunatin". Ingredients: a component of plant origin, produced from the root part of a plant called Rauwolfia. The drug is indicated for high blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. The result is stored for a long time. Application: "Raunatin" is prescribed to be taken within 30 days. Dosage: first dose - 1 tablet. Doctors believe that it is better to take the medicine before bedtime. Starting from the second day, the amount is increased, adjusted to 5 tablets per day. Contraindications: allergic reactions to the plant component, individual intolerance.
    3. "Reserpine".  Ingredients: active substance - reserpine. Indications: The drug is prescribed to patients who have a persistent form of hypertension. This tool is included in the list of important drugs that are most effective for the treatment of hypertension, with varying degrees of severity. The maximum dosage is 0.5 mg. When blood pressure returns to normal, the dosage of the drug is gradually reduced and adjusted to 0.1 mg per day.
    4. "Captopril". Composition: active ingredient - captopril. "Captopril" is prescribed to people diagnosed with hypertension, in violation of the functioning of the parts of the heart muscle, mainly malfunctions of the left ventricle. The drug is used as part of complex therapy for diseases of the cardiovascular system. The initial daily dosage is 50 mg, which is divided into two doses - 25 mg in the morning and the same amount in the evening. If necessary, the doctor may increase the dosage. Then the doctor should monitor the patient's condition. In case of a positive effect, the patient should take the drug for a month.
    5. "Losartan" Composition: the basis of the drug is losartan potassium and various excipients. The tool effectively reduces high blood pressure. Among other things, the drug helps prevent the development of many heart diseases. The therapeutic effect of this remedy extends to the kidneys, it works especially well for type 2 diabetes. Tablets are prescribed as a prevention of stroke, myocardial infarction. In hypertension, the daily dosage is not more than 50 mg. The maximum result is usually achieved after drug therapy, using the indicated agent, a month or more after the first dose.
    6. "Capoten".  Composition: active substance - captopril. The medicine is indicated for people with a stable form of hypertension, as well as for a disease called diabetic nephropathy. Among other things, the dosage form of the drug is prescribed during the rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction. Tablets are part of the complex treatment of diseases associated with heart failure. The dosage in each case is selected by the therapist.
    7. "Methyldopa". The action of this drug, produced in the form of tablets, is aimed at maintaining the blood supply to the internal organs that play an important role in the body, such as the heart, kidneys, as well as reducing vascular tone. This medicine has almost no contraindications, it can be used even during the period of bearing a child. However, it is undesirable to use tablets during lactation, because there is a possibility of accumulation of the active substance in breast milk.
    8. Enalapril. Better than all the remedies described above, it copes with vasodilation, but it does not affect the increase in heart rate at all. With a long course of use, the development of dilation is inhibited - a pathological condition accompanied by an increase in the volume of chambers located in the heart, and the development of all forms of heart failure is also suspended. To reduce high blood pressure, the doctor initially prescribes 5 mg per day. If the desired effect is not achieved, then after a week, sometimes after 14 days, the doctor increases the daily dosage to 10 mg.
    9. "Verapamil".  The composition as the main substance includes verapamil hydrochloride and a large list of ingredients of an auxiliary nature. The drug is prescribed as a prophylactic drug in the treatment of arrhythmia, angina, tachycardia, as well as to reduce high blood pressure. Action - expands narrowed arteries, activates blood circulation. The course, dosage and regimen of therapy is prescribed by the attending doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient, including the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. Basically, the dosage does not exceed 80 mg per day. The number of receptions - 4 times.
    10. "Nifedipine". The basis of the drug is the active ingredient - nifedipine. Indications for use: used in case of elevated levels of "lower" blood pressure. Action: activates blood supply, saturates tissues with oxygen, weakens vasospasm and expands them. A maximum of 40 mg can be taken per day. The total amount must be divided into two or three doses, the last dose of the drug is preferably taken before bedtime.
    Which tablets are fast acting? What drugs that reduce blood pressure will not harm hypertension? What can the patient, or the person next to him, do before the arrival of the ambulance if the blood pressure has risen a lot?

    Such questions are very often asked to the attending physician by patients and relatives of patients with hypertension.

    Experts recommend to urgently take the following measures before the arrival of the ambulance team:

    1. Release the patient from restrictive clothing.
    2. Take 30 mg of Captopril or 10 mg of Nifediptin.
    3. If the patient has pain in the region of the heart, then immediately one tablet of Nitroglycerin should be placed under the patient's tongue.
    4. Try to calm down, don't worry.
    5. Place the patient in a well-ventilated area.

    You should also be aware that outdated blood pressure lowering drugs can often be purchased at the pharmacy, although in fairness it should be noted that many of them are still popular. For example, the well-known "Validol" refers specifically to such medications, but to this day it is used for pain in the area of ​​​​the heart muscle. Doctors do not recommend using it. The list of obsolete drugs also includes Clonidine, Moxinodin.

    The article has already mentioned that diuretics are often used in the treatment of hypertension. Which of them are the most effective? Perhaps these are the drugs that doctors most often prescribe for hypertension.

    These include:

    • "Furosemide";
    • "Furon";
    • "Lasix";
    • "Hydrochlorothiazide";
    • "Hypothiazid";
    • "Hydrochlorothiazide";
    • "Indapamide";
    • "Ravel";
    • "Indap";
    • "Arifon".
    An increase in blood pressure in each case, first of all, adversely affects the vessels. It affects the heart, kidneys, brain, retina.

    Therefore, it is impossible to ignore hypertension in any case, because it can lead to serious complications - myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney failure, and in the worst case, to death - death of a person. Timely diagnosis, well-chosen treatment, preventive measures will help to avoid various kinds of troubles and make life easier for a patient with hypertension.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    List of the most effective pills for high blood pressure
    4.7 (93.33%) 3 vote(s)

    • Olga

      I drank atenolol 7 years ago, then I had captopril, I have been taking Moxonidine-SZ for 5 months. The last one is the most satisfying.

    • Bark

      In addition to diuretics, all the pressure medications that the doctors prescribed helped me. But before that it was not so, Adelfan could not be found anywhere. And now there is better and it is absolutely easy to get. And when compared, it often comes out cheaper. Moxonidine is a northern star, which Olga noted is sometimes cheaper than 100 rubles.

    • Gregory

      Effective does not mean fast, it can make things worse. Well, if there is a crisis, then you can quickly lower it. As for atenolol and captopril, they are good drugs, as for Moxonidine-SZ, they are a successful remedy, only the mechanism of action is completely different, so it can be considered universal.

    • Gallium

      Moxonidine sz gently lowers blood pressure, slowly but surely, this does not weaken from drops in blood pressure.

    • Arnold

      When I started taking moxonidine-ss, as before, there was some dryness in my mouth, but after 2-3 weeks I don’t feel it anymore, Hell doesn’t rise, I endure it normally.

    • LukiyanchenkoD396

      grandfather has a bad heart, and the pressure is constantly jumping, the pharmacy advised this drug http://otzyvov.net/otzyv-tovary/recardio-kapsuly-ot-gipertonii.html , after a month or two, the pressure returned to normal and now everything is fine. I did not expect such a good result, but, really, the medicine helped a lot))