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    Cardiac arrhythmia - a fairly common diagnosis, the essence of which is the failure of rhythms and heart rate, often appears with organic heart damage, such as myocardial infarction , heart disease. It is also not uncommon for this pathology to disrupt the electrical conductivity of the main engine of our body. Sometimes there are cases of arrhythmias for no apparent reason, if a person does not suffer from any heart ailments, attacks of this pathology may appear briefly and rarely, in such cases this does not carry any particular danger, and you should not panic, but for prevention purposes, you need to discuss the data specialist cases.


    This pathology is divided into several subspecies, the main types are described below:
    Tachycardia , which in turn is also divided into many branches.
    Bradycardia , the essence of which is to slow down the rhythm of the heartbeat.
    Extrasystole is the premature contraction of the heart and its parts.
    Atrial fibrillation, which leads to impaired blood circulation in the heart by chaotic contraction of its parts.

    You will learn more about this disease, its types, its causes and methods of treatment and prevention of arrhythmia in this section.

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