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    Can Mildronate be taken with tachycardia and other types of arrhythmias

    Arrhythmia is a cardiac pathology characterized by a violation of the heart rhythm. Persons suffering from the disease are prone to heart attacks, strokes, as a malfunction of the heart contributes to the formation of blood clots. The drug "Mildronate" for arrhythmias, reviews of which are varied, is used to normalize metabolic processes.

    Characteristics of the disease


    Arrhythmia refers to a number of different rhythm and conduction disorders of the heart. In the presence of pathology, the frequency of contractions of the myocardium (heart muscle) changes. There is a decrease, increase or irregularity of the heart rhythm.

    Allocate types of the disease:
    1. Atrial fibrillation (atrial flutter). In many cases, it develops as a result of ischemia of the heart muscle, thyroid disease. Characteristic manifestations are myocardial contractions of varying degrees of intensity, rhythm, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, weakness, fainting.
    2. Ventricular flutter and fibrillation. It is characterized by a violation of the flow of impulses from the ventricles, which provokes a hemodynamic failure. The condition is life-threatening. The occurrence of an attack requires immediate medical attention. The symptomatology of this form is due to the cessation of blood flow. There is a loss of consciousness, breathing, pulse stop, the skin acquires a bluish tint.
    3. Extrasystole. The impulse flow begins in the ventricles, atria. In the normal state, impulses are generated in the sinus node. With the development of this type of pathology, fainting, anxiety, lack of air, cardiac fading, shortness of breath are observed.
    4. Myocardial block. The form is characterized by stopping or slowing down the passage of impulses through the conductive cardiac structures; it develops as a result of a heart attack, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, and myocardial malformations.
    5. Bradycardia. The excitability of the sinus node decreases, the heart rate decreases to less than 60 beats per minute. Violated blood circulation, the functioning of internal organs. If the rhythm frequency is reduced to less than 40 beats per minute, then there is a risk of cardiac arrest. The causes of bradycardia can be infections of a different nature, thyroid dysfunction, intracranial hypertension.
    6. Tachycardia. The frequency of contractions increases, is more than 90 beats per minute at rest. Such a rhythm is considered normal with increased physical exertion, high body temperature. With hyperactivity (hyperthyroidism) of the thyroid gland, anemia, hypertension, myocardial insufficiency, the condition is a manifestation of pathology.

    Thus, the causes of the appearance of various forms of arrhythmic disorders can be congenital, acquired defects, diseases associated with a malfunction in the impulse flow system, endocrine diseases, metabolic problems, alcohol abuse, strong coffee, smoking, lack of sleep, exposure to constant stress, experiences.

    The principle of the drug

    Individuals with manifestations of arrhythmia need to undergo a series of diagnostic procedures in order to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment is prescribed after determining the form of pathology, the causes of its development. As the main therapy, antiarrhythmic drugs are used to reduce, eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and prevent relapse.

    "Mildronate" is a synthetic drug based on meldonium, which is an analogue of a vitamin-like element called gamma-butyrobetaine.

    The drug helps to stimulate metabolic processes, relax the vascular walls, improve blood circulation, physical, mental activity, and activate cellular immune defenses.

    Mildronate "Mildronate" is used as an integral part of the complex treatment of pathologies:

    • heart failure, often combined with atrial fibrillation;
    • heart attack, angina pectoris (reduces the frequency of attacks);
    • in case of failures in metabolic processes;
    • with impaired blood circulation of the brain;
    • reduced performance;
    • during rehabilitation after a stroke.

    Also, the medicine is used during the refusal to drink alcohol with alcohol dependence. During intense physical exertion, it restores the balance between the supply of oxygen to cells and the need for it. "Mildronate" has antioxidant properties, as it counteracts free radicals.

    The drug is available in capsules, tablets, syrup, ampoules for injection.

    The method, duration of application is determined by the type, severity of the pathology.

    Advantages, disadvantages of using the drug for arrhythmias

    If a person is diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia, then taking the drug "Mildronate" will improve metabolic processes and redistribute blood flow in favor of damaged myocardial tissues, but there is no effect on the normalization of the rhythm.

    In the presence of an arrhythmia, metabolic agents are not among the main drugs for the treatment of the disease, but as an additional therapy, they have a positive effect on general health.

    Man has heart palpitations One possible side effect of the drug is heart palpitations. Is it possible to take "Mildronate" with tachycardia? This question is usually asked by people suffering from this form of arrhythmic disorder.

    In the presence of a rapid heartbeat, it is recommended to take the drug together with beta-blockers, sedatives, sodium blockers. In this case, "Mildronate" reduces the frequency of the rhythm, eliminates pain, tingling in the region of the heart. It is important to note that the drug should be taken in strictly prescribed doses by the doctor.

    If side effects occur when taking the medicine, how long will the tachycardia last after the abolition of Mildronate? The half-life of the drug is from 3 to 6 hours. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the dose taken.


    There are a number of cases when the use of the drug is prohibited.
    These include:

    • malignant neoplasms of the brain;
    • increased blood pressure, intracranial pressure;
    • high sensitivity to the active substance of the drug;
    • bearing, breastfeeding a child;
    • under the age of eighteen.

    It should be noted that "Mildronate" is considered low-toxic. Side effects after taking are rare.

    Woman has a headache Possible consequences, in addition to tachycardia, may be:

    • drops in blood pressure;
    • the appearance of allergic reactions;
    • headache, fainting state;
    • puffiness;
    • dyspepsia.

    The presence of side effects may be due to the way the medication is taken. For example, with the introduction of injections by intramuscular route, pain, allergic reactions are noted.

    There are analogues of the drug for the active substance:
    1. Midolat.
    2. "Medatern".
    3. "Idrinol".
    4. Melfor.
    5. "Cardio".
    6. "Meldonium - Escom".
    7. "Mildrocard".

    Angiosil, Antisten, Precard, Ethoxydal, and Firazir solution have a similar effect.


    "Mildronate", which was originally developed for the military, is becoming more common among doctors and patients. Therapists, cardiologists, neuropathologists prescribe the drug for therapeutic, prophylactic purposes.

    According to reviews, the tool is effective:
    • in the treatment of hemodynamic disorders, the consequences of a stroke;
    • with atrial fibrillation;
    • when you feel worse when the weather changes;
    • with ischemic pathologies of the heart; there is a significant improvement in well-being, reduced fatigue, a surge of strength;
    • with a decrease in performance; there is a surge of energy, memory improves, the ability to process large amounts of information;
    • with sudden pressure surges, rapid fatigue;
    • with hypotension;
    • in the presence of vegetovascular dystonia; helps to get rid of weakness, dizziness;
    • in need of recovery of an organism after intensive physical activities.
    Intravenous administration of the drug in conjunction with taking capsules is considered the most effective method of application.

    Pressure Some consumers note the disadvantages of the drug:

    • increase in pressure;
    • headache;
    • high price;
    • the appearance of insomnia, feelings of anxiety;
    • temporary effect: eliminates symptoms, but does not cure the disease; after cancellation, the manifestations return.

    Thus, "Mildronate" has an effect on the entire body, improving blood circulation, stimulating metabolism, brain activity. The drug has no direct indications for use in the presence of arrhythmic disorders, it is used as part of complex therapy to normalize metabolic processes, the state of health in general. The drug redistributes blood flow in the area of ​​damaged myocardial tissues, thereby nourishing them. In acute forms of ischemic diseases, the drug slows down the formation of a necrotic focus, reduces the rehabilitation period.

    Article Author: V83asol
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    Can Mildronate be taken with tachycardia and other types of arrhythmias