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    In the field of cardiovascular diseases, as in everything else and in any other medical field, various kinds of research are constantly being conducted, new diseases are being discovered. New diagnostic methods also do not stand still, drugs are being improved, various medical equipment is being modernized. The list could go on for a very long time.

    Of course, research in the field of heart disease carries a different meaning, but in any case, this is a very important area of ​​​​science, because 40% of deaths worldwide are due to diseases of the cardiovascular system. And not only groups of people over 40 years old, for example, but young people and the elderly are susceptible to these diseases. The risk group for this kind of disease has borders literally from finding the fetus in the womb of the mother, to a person in advanced old age.


    At the moment, there are quite a few types of diagnostics of these diseases, below is a list of some of them:

    • ECG
    • echocardiography
    • Tomography
    • Myocardial scintigraphy
    • Angiography

    This is not a complete list of diagnostic types, and every day there is continuous work to improve each of them, as well as to discover new ones.

    You will learn more about various things and phenomena in the field of cardiovascular diseases from this section.

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