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    Symptoms and treatment of myocardial heart disease

    The myocardium is the middle layer of the heart wall. This muscle group accounts for most of the heart. This is where the life-sustaining processes of the body take place. From the outside, the muscle layer is surrounded by a film of the epicardium, from the inside - by the endocardium. Violations of the central layer are recorded in medical practice more and more often. They lead to severe diseases with a high mortality rate.



    The structure of the myocardium is based on mononuclear cells - cardiomyocytes. They are connected by insert discs. A narrow-loop network is formed. This form makes the muscle fibers as strong as possible. This distinguishes them from smooth muscle and skeletal tissues.

    The myocardium of the atria and ventricles are separated by fibrous rings, have a different structure and thickness.
    1. The atrial myocardium is formed by two layers. The left and right atrium are united by a superficial layer. The fibers are arranged transversely. The deep layer consists of longitudinal and circular muscle bundles. The former originate from the fibrous ring and form the pectinate muscles, the latter form loops around the mouth of the veins.
    2. The myocardium of the ventricles contains the same layers as the atria, but there is also a deep layer. The muscles of the surface layer are located transversely. They begin at the fibrous rings, form a curl of the heart. Longitudinal fibers of the inner layer are formed from them. These two layers are common to both ventricles. The middle layer is separated by the formation of the myocardium, endocardium and fibrous plate.
    The difference in thickness is explained by the complexity of the operations performed by the organs:
    • the atrium is supplied with passive blood flow - the layer is the thinnest;
    • the right ventricle pumps blood in large volumes into the lungs - the thickness increases;
    • The left ventricle supplies the aorta, provides the entire circulatory system, and therefore has the thickest layer.

    Cardiomyocytes occupy 75% of the mass of the myocardium, which is 35% of the cells. 65% are cells of the conducting system and blood vessels, macrophages, endotheliocytes, fibroblasts. Contains collagen fibers.

    Work is provided by atypical muscle fibers - the conduction system of the heart. It is the same for the atria and ventricles.

    Features of the heart

    The features of cardiac activity include independence and strength.

    This provides:
    • uninterrupted work of the heart muscle throughout life;
    • uniform load distribution;
    • the possibility of reduction, regardless of the desire of the person, the work of the brain.

    The cytoplasm of cardiomyocytes contains certain components - myofibrils. They contribute to the implementation of autonomous contractility - the main feature of the heart muscle. Thanks to myofibrils, the atria and ventricles contract independently of each other.

    The myocardium contains myosin and actin, which provide the function of contraction. Proteins react and form actomyosin. The combination of substances contributes to potassium.


    Myocardium In addition to contraction, the myocardium has the following properties:

    • conduction - impulses propagate throughout all parts of the heart;
    • excitability - the ability to almost instantly (in 0.4 seconds) to excite all the heart muscles, to ensure a full blood flow;
    • automatism - the processing of the source of impulses occurs as well as excitation, without the intervention of external factors.

    In the event of a malfunction, various degrees of violation of these functions are recorded. There are pathologies of all kinds of severity.

    Studies show that the work of the heart after a complete stop can be restored with blood-substituting solutions with a temperature of 370C. This possibility is provided by the automatism function.

    Types of defeat

    Damage to the middle layer is divided into 2 groups:

    • pathologies with damage to the patency of the coronary vessels;
    • pathologies with inflammation, dystrophy of muscle tissues.

    Toxins, viruses, microbes affect cardiomyocytes, destroying them. The properties of organs are violated. As a result, muscle tissue swells, hypoxia increases, and blood vessels suffer.

    Ignoring infectious diseases leads to myocarditis. Viruses act through the immune system.

    Metabolic disorders

    Metabolic disorders in the myocardium are not a disease. But they are accompanied by ischemic disease, myocarditis.


    Metabolism involved:
    • vitamins;
    • lipoproteins;
    • carbohydrates;
    • proteins;
    • enzymes;
    • electrolytes.
    The key point in the normal metabolic process is the balance of magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium.
    Along with the imbalance, there are:
    • heart disease;
    • myocardial dystrophy;
    • hypertonic disease;
    • cardiomyopathy;
    • angina.

    Imbalance is observed with various overloads of the body. It can be a consequence of emotional or physical overstrain. Metabolic disorders occur due to diseases of the kidneys and liver, intoxication, overheating (hypothermia).

    Changes in the middle layer do not always provoke serious diseases. But the body needs time to recover. The heart returns to normal, the symptoms disappear.


    This is a group of diseases that have a different nature, symptoms, nature and degree of damage, conditions for the course, and the success of treatment. They are united by an inflammatory process that begins in the heart tissue. As a result, the pump loses its ability to function normally.

    The classification of myocarditis is a large list indicating a number of symptoms and conditions for the course of diseases.

    Myocarditis Can be divided into 4 groups.

    1. Transient - characterized by an extreme degree of left ventricular failure, the formation of foci of inflammation, the destruction of heart muscle cells. With timely treatment, full recovery is possible.
    2. Acute - develops heart failure. The heart is partially restored with the help of antibiotics and antihistamines.
    3. Active chronic - combines the manifestations of the previous two forms, cardiomyopathy develops. Relapses often occur after treatment.
    4. Persistent chronic - characterized by the absence of symptoms at the initial stage. In the left ventricle, dysfunctions are not detected until the transition to the active stage of the disease. Heart failure develops, which persists after the relief of foci of inflammation.

    Pathology is caused by infections, allergies. The disorder develops in children and adults, women and men. The frequency of its occurrence is approximately 11% of the total number of cardiovascular diseases.

    In the early stages of myocardial disease are poorly expressed, so it is difficult to determine them. The threat of death is 1-7%, but deaths are more common among young people (20-30%).

    Complaints, symptoms and signs

    Initially, the manifestations of myocarditis are diverse, they can talk about other diseases.

    Patients complain of the following symptoms:
    • temperature 38-38.90C is accompanied by acute fever;
    • loss of strength, mood;
    • severe sweating;
    • tachycardia;
    • dyspnea;
    • chest pain.

    Dyspnea Myocardial diseases can occur without disruption of the left ventricle. There are complaints of discomfort in the region of the heart, fatigue, slight shortness of breath.

    After the appearance of these symptoms, shortness of breath occurs, accompanied by pain in the heart. Pathology has nothing to do with stress (physical or emotional).


    Various methods are used to make a diagnosis:

    • cardiovisor - allows you to take a kind of photograph of the heart; use the device at home;
    • electrocardiogram - reveals a change in the volume of the muscle, violations of its work;
    • echocardiography is prescribed for a severe course of the disease - it fixes the work of the left ventricle, chest, intracardiac thrombi;
    • laboratory methods - they analyze the blood, the immune system, in severe cases, an intracardiac biopsy is prescribed.

    Often, myocardial disease has the status of "suspected". To calculate the true clinical picture is obtained only by one of these methods or by grouping them.

    In special cases, radioisotope examinations are carried out. They allow you to identify the movement of leukocytes, areas of damage and necrosis of the heart muscle.


    For any violations in the middle layer of the heart, treatment is carried out in 4 directions:

    1. Etiological therapy is aimed at sanitation of viral and bacterial lesions. Of particular danger are influenza, tonsillitis, sinusitis.
    2. Pathogenetic treatment involves the restoration of the immune system, the removal of inflammation, allergies.
    3. Symptomatic therapy is to eliminate specific manifestations. Rheumatism disorders are often recorded.
    4. Restoration of metabolic processes is a series of medical and non-medical activities. It consists in stabilizing the balance.

    The duration of treatment depends on the degree of the disease and comorbidities. On average, recovery takes at least 6 months. The initial manifestations of myocarditis are treated at home with medication. In the presence of an acute form, the patient is hospitalized.

    The patient is prescribed bed rest, reduction of physical activity. For the normalization of metabolism, food enriched with vitamins and proteins is necessary. The amount of liquid is reduced.

    The myocardium performs the function of blood supply. Improper nutrition, lifestyle, strong emotional and physical stress lead to its gradual destruction. Despite the high mortality rate, in some cases, it is possible to fully restore muscle work. The main thing is to monitor the state of health and respond to the signals of the body about the presence of diseases.

    Article Author: V83asol
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    Symptoms and treatment of myocardial heart disease