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    heart attack


    It is unlikely that there is a person who has never heard of such a terrible disease as a heart attack. It is quite common in our time, but fortunately, medicine does not stand still, and therefore the percentage of deaths from a heart attack is decreasing.

    Myocardial infarction is one type of ischemia, characterized primarily by a significant lack of blood supply to the myocardium or its complete absence, it is caused by thrombosis of the coronary artery. As a result, necrosis of this region of the heart begins.

    There is a huge risk of death in the first two hours of this emergency. But the patient is put in order as soon as he gets into intensive care, and this risk is significantly reduced.


    As a rule, a heart attack manifests itself in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and if they have severe emotional stress. But nevertheless, it can overtake physically active people, even there are cases of heart attack in young people.

    The main reasons for this condition are:

    • An unbalanced diet, and an excess of unhealthy fats in it.
    • Nicotine and alcohol.
    • Hypertension.

    You will learn more about this state in this section.



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