VSD is a whole complex of various symptoms, which, unfortunately, the majority of the adult population of our planet has, and there is hardly a person who has never heard of this disease. According to statistics, VSD affects about 80% of the adult population of the earth.
Symptoms and Causes
This disease is deciphered as Vegeto Vascular Dystonia. From the name you can understand that one of the main symptoms of the disease is a violation of the tone of the nervous system - Dystonia. More specifically, we are talking about the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the nervous system. The above symptom is combined with a dysfunction of the autonomic system.
As a rule, the main cause of the onset of VVD is various emotional stresses, it can be either a sharp emotional shock or depressing stress for a long time.
The diagnosis of this disease often occurs in childhood or adolescence. And the peak falls on the main working age, from twenty to forty years. As a result, the quality of life, working capacity, etc. are deteriorating.
Often there are cases of the course of the disease in conjunction with other heart diseases . For example, such as hypertension and arrhythmia .
You will learn more about this disease in this section.
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