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    Do they take the army with sinus arrhythmia of the heart

    When a representative of the strong half of humanity reaches adulthood, he receives a summons to the army. And everyone has a different attitude towards it. But before passing a medical commission, the question often arises - is sinus arrhythmia of the heart taken into the army and is it a contraindication for military service? The answer to this question is not as clear cut as some people think. It all depends on what kind of character is inherent in the pathology and how it affects the person.

    Categories by which service suitability is determined

    People are interested in a specific result - whether a person will be sent to the service or not. Everything is not as simple as it seems at first. We are talking about intermediate categories, implying contract service. Assign one of five categories.

    1. Category "A". Assigned to a healthy person or in the presence of deviations that do not affect the performance of all exercises and activities. The performance of military duty for young people assigned to this group is mandatory. Postponement or refusal of service is considered a criminal offense. A man is drafted into the army both in peacetime and during hostilities in the country and abroad.
    2. Category "B". It is represented by deviations that impose restrictions on the service. A person is fit to be drafted, but he is sent only to certain parts. The level of stress is significantly reduced in accordance with the norms determined by the attending physician. A ban is imposed on service in the field.
    3. Category "B". Assigned to a man, subject to the presence of serious deviations. The service takes place only in peacetime. During hostilities, an employee with this category is sent to the rear.
    4. Category "G". It implies the provision of a deferment from service for several months. This is done for a person who needs to undergo treatment or therapy. This group is intended for people who need urgent treatment with radical methods. In the future, they still serve, regardless of the degree of suitability.
    5. Category "D". It is given to people who have been declared officially unfit for military service. This is indicated in the military ticket. A person is completely removed from conscription not only for the time of peace, but also for the period of war. This type of ticket is sometimes called white.

    Putting a certain category is the right of an exclusively medical organization. To get the results, you need to undergo a full examination. The selected commission in accordance with all known types of regulations will make a constructive decision. It can be appealed, but for this you will have to repeat the tests.

    Diagnosis and passing a standard testing complex is a universal method for testing a potential recruit. Arrhythmia is treated by doctors in different ways. Some types impose only certain restrictions, but there are also forms of sinus arrhythmia in which a person will be denied service.

    Forms of cardiac arrhythmias and their impact on fitness determination

    Heartbeat is an indicator that directly affects the well-being of a person, his physical and mental abilities. In the context of conscription, such a deviation from the norm is not seen as a pathology, but as a symptom that affects the entire system. If there are significant indicators that prevent the implementation of a set of exercises or life in an isolated environment, then the conscript is released from service.

    A man is classified as category "D" almost immediately if he has the following contraindications:
    • disease named after Sokolsky-Buyo. In another way, it is called rheumatic fever. A person who has this disorder combined with an acute form of heart failure is released without a medical examination. It is enough to show a certificate and documents confirming the presence of pathology. Such a deviation is characterized by inflammation of muscle tissues and disturbances in blood flow, that is, disruptions in hemodynamics;
    • myocardial and other forms of acute heart failure. For this case, a pronounced sinus arrhythmia is characteristic, in which there is no question whether they are taken into the army. Such an individual is assigned the category "D";
    • a popular cause is a violation of the function of the conductor in the cardiac system. This occurs due to a violation of the heart rhythm or contribute to the appearance of such a phenomenon;
    • partial isolation or closure of a mitral valve;
    • congenital or acquired types of heart defects;
    • manifestations of cardiosclerosis. This means replacing muscle-type tissues with connective fibers;
    • hypertension disease, which is at the last, third, stage of development;
    • vascular damage. This is considered if any syndromes or hemodynamics are likely to occur;
    • Atrial fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation is one of the most common forms of atrial fibrillation. In accordance with Article 42, in the presence of this diagnosis, it is possible to obtain a category "D";
    • ischemia, left unattended for a long time.

    Each of these diseases occurs as a cause of sinus-type arrhythmia, and as its consequence. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the heart rate, and in case of deviations, try to correct the condition or neutralize the consequences.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system are a serious reason for delaying or rejecting a draft.

    How diseases are diagnosed during the examination

    The medical commission scares young people. And there can be various reasons for this. You should not worry, as in this case it is likely that the heart rate will increase. As a result, this will lead to violations of the rhythm of the heartbeat.

    During the diagnosis and initial examination, the following doctors pass:
    • ophthalmologist;
    • surgeon
    • therapist;
    • dentist
    • otolaryngologist;
    • psychiatrist;
    • neurologist.

    Each of them prescribes a set of procedures. If deviations are found, a person is sent for a detailed consultation with a doctor specializing in this system. In case of deviations from the normal heart rhythm, they are referred to a cardiologist and a cardiac surgeon.

    If a person has been registered since birth, then he must provide all the studies and documents.

    First, there is a consultation. A potential recruit is asked leading questions that require a short or detailed answer. The goal is to find out the causes of possible diseases and methods for their elimination. It is important to have a card containing all medical studies.

    Nearly ninety percent of arrhythmias or sinus arrhythmias are due to anxiety. Check for abnormalities by electrocardiography, or ECG.

    If a person has a mild form of tachycardia, then you should not expect a full delay. Maximum - will give category "B" or "C". But this does not exempt from service.

    Causes of deviations from the normal rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle

    The appearance of arrhythmia is also characteristic of completely healthy people. Especially after prolonged physical exertion, prolonged stress and depression. In this case, it passes when all the causes of its formation are neutralized.

    If sinus arrhythmia has a protracted character, then the following factors contribute to its occurrence:
    • for the qualitative work of the heart muscle, the presence of both macroelements and microelements is necessary. Failures in the rhythm may be due to a lack of ions or metals of potassium, sodium and calcium, magnesium;
    • partial or complete processes of intoxication occur in the body;
    • the presence of bad habits - the use of drugs, drinking alcohol or constant smoking;
    • long-term use of drugs with a strong effect;
    • lack of oxygen in the body, oxygen starvation;
    • diseases associated with deviations in other systems. Most often, the cause is a violation of the activity of the endocrine glands.
    Sinus arrhythmia is now common and is not considered as a potential reason for exemption from military service.

    It occurs not only in fully developed men, but also in women, children and adolescents. For its prevention and treatment, doctors recommend monitoring the work of the heart, blood vessels and nervous system. If necessary and according to the prescriptions, you can drink a course of medicinal preparations every few months.

    Article author: galchonok_-07
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    Do they take the army with sinus arrhythmia of the heart