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    Symptoms and treatment of ventricular bigeminy

    "Bigeminia - what is it?" - often asked by many. You can calm down, this is not a pathology of the heart.

    The condition only indicates the presence of problems in the work of the heart and occurs as an additional contraction of the cavities of the muscular organ, which occurs after the systole of the ventricles.

    Ventricular bigeminia is a special form of arrhythmia, in which extrasystoles (myocardial excitations that occur prematurely) are noted in the heart, manifesting immediately after ventricular systole.

    Why bigeminy occurs

    The processes of heart contractions are affected by both the central and the autonomic nervous system. As a rule, bigeminia is diagnosed when extrasystole appears on the ECG. Then the doctor makes a diagnosis of extrasystole of the ventricular or supraventricular type.

    This pathology of the heart rhythm is typical for people with VVD, osteochondrosis and neuroses.

    Psychosomatic disorders play an important role in the processes of heart contractions. Any psychological problems cause pathological processes in the body with the same frequency as physiological disorders.

    Of the organic disorders, bigeminy is caused mainly by:

    • heart attack;
    • cardiosclerosis;
    • ischemic disease of the heart muscle;
    • various pathologies in the functioning of the heart.

    Toxic factors also contribute to heart rhythm disturbance. Since intoxication of the body occurs for various reasons, it is worth knowing about them at least in general terms.

    This group of pathologies includes:

    • poisoning (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, the use of low-quality food products containing a large amount of chemicals);
    • abuse of tea and coffee;
    • consequences of taking certain medications;
    • thyrotoxicosis;
    • fever.

    An overdose of cardiac glycosides (in particular, digitalis preparations) provokes severe disturbances in the rhythm and sequence of heartbeats. Intense physical activity affects the ratio of ions that balance the work of the wire system of the heart. With electrical stimulation of the heart, bigeminy develops only in a small percentage of cases.

    If during the examination of the heart no pathologies of an organic nature were found, then the patient is sent for an appointment with a neuropathologist.

    This is due to the fact that the autonomic nervous system regulates the process of myocardial contraction, respectively, vegetative-vascular dystonia can cause heart rhythm disturbances, for example, bigeminia.

    Symptoms of pathology

    The manifestations of bigeminy vary widely. In many ways, they depend on the individual sensitivity of the body and the severity of the development of pathology.

    Patients most often report the following symptoms:

    • feeling of strong filling in the cervical region;
    • sensation of tremors in the chest;
    • short cardiac arrest;
    • angina pain.

    The general symptoms of bigeminia are conditionally divided into two groups:

    1. Neurotic.
    2. Brain.

    Signs of autonomic symptoms:

    • slight excitation of the nervous system;
    • feeling short of breath;
    • increased sweating;
    • pallor of the skin;
    • feeling of fear and anxiety;
    • nausea.

    Brain symptoms are manifested mainly by dizziness and fainting. During an attack, a person feels discomfort, pain, a strong knock and throbbing in the chest.

    Although the manifestation of bigeminia is quite blurry, with any discomfort in the heart area, it is necessary to seek medical help and undergo a full examination. This will avoid many problems and speed up the healing process.

    How to eliminate bigeminia

    Since bigeminia is not an independent disease at all, but only a consequence of organic or autonomic disorders, specific treatment is not required to eliminate it.

    First of all, the treatment is directed to the root causes, as a result of which the cardiac cycle is disturbed, and then the rhythm and frequency of myocardial contractions are normalized.

    It is important to eliminate all psycho-emotional causes, which also in most cases cause bigeminy and other pathologies characterized by a violation of the rhythm of heart contractions. Treatment of psychological disorders is best carried out at the initial stage in order to prevent the aggravation of diseases and the deterioration of the general health of the patient.

    If a person does not have cardiovascular and neurological pathologies, then to normalize the process of heart contractions, it is enough:

    1. Arrange proper sleep, rest and nutrition.
    2. Minimize stress and overexertion - both physical and psycho-emotional.

    Treatment of physiological pathologies is carried out with the use of medicines. In each individual case, the doctor must select an active and auxiliary group of drugs to eliminate cardiovascular diseases in a particular patient. Such treatment will allow in the shortest possible time to normalize the work of the heart and improve the condition of the whole organism.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Symptoms and treatment of ventricular bigeminy