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    Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias at home

    You can think about how to treat heart arrhythmia at home only after consulting a doctor.

    Treatment of arrhythmia at home is reduced to the removal of the symptoms of the pathology and the elimination of the causes that led to the abnormal heartbeat. Folk methods can be a good addition to therapy.

    Pathology is characterized by a violation of the frequency, regularity, sequence of heartbeats. Such dysfunction can affect the normal contractile function of the organ, which can provoke a number of very serious ailments.

    Types of arrhythmias and their causes

    The conduction system of the heart is a node, bundle, fiber, consisting of cardiac conductive muscle tissue. They ensure the normal functioning of the body, coordinating the work of its departments.

    An arrhythmia occurs when a malfunction occurs in the work of any formation.

    The most common causes of abnormal heartbeat are:

    • ailments of the cardiovascular system;
    • alcohol and smoking;
    • menopausal changes in the body;
    • hypertonic disease;
    • physical or psychological overload;
    • thyroid diseases;
    • pharmacological preparations;
    • pathology of the adrenal glands;
    • traumatic brain injury;
    • constant stress;
    • toxic substances.

    Often, arrhythmia occurs with a strong emotional manifestation (for example, during a quarrel), after strong physical exertion or several cups of strong coffee. Everyone is familiar with such reasons and everyone knows how to eliminate them. It is much worse when an abnormal heart rhythm occurs, so to speak, "out of the blue."

    In this case, before treating arrhythmia at home, it is necessary to find out the factors that led to such a manifestation.

    And only an experienced cardiologist can do this.

    There are several types of arrhythmias:

    1. Sinus tachycardia. With this pathology, the heart contracts at a rate of more than 90 beats per minute. Such a manifestation can occur as a result of high thermometer readings, mental stress, strong physical exertion, and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    2. sinus bradycardia. This pathology is characterized by a decrease in the number of contractions of the heart muscles up to 50 beats in 60 seconds. May occur against the background of cardiovascular diseases (in particular, if hypotension is not treated), thyroid dysfunction. Accompanied by general weakness, discomfort in the chest.
    3. sinus arrhythmia. With such a deviation, an incorrect sequence of heartbeats occurs. On exhalation, the number of strokes decreases, on inhalation, it increases. Most often observed in childhood and puberty. You can determine that this is sinus arrhythmia by simply holding your breath. As a result, the processes of the heartbeat become normal.
    4. Extrasystole. Incorrect heartbeat in this case can give rise to bad habits, diseases. It is characterized by "fading" or strong tremors of the heart.
    5. Paroxysmal tachycardia. The frequency of strokes with such a pathology can reach 240 strokes in 60 seconds. A distinctive feature is that the arrhythmia both arises and disappears suddenly. In parallel, there is general weakness, high sweating.
    6. Atrial fibrillation. With this type, the functioning of individual muscle fibers occurs in a chaotic manner, the atrium does not fully work, the activity of the ventricles is irregular, it can reach 150 beats per minute, with flutter, the indicator can reach up to 300 units per minute. Such manifestations occur with complex heart ailments, electrical injuries, overdose of pharmacological drugs. In the case of flickering, fluttering of the ventricles, a sudden stop of a hollow organ, loss of consciousness, lack of a pulse, and hoarse breathing are possible. With this option, you must immediately provide first aid: indirect heart massage, artificial respiration.
    7. Heart block. This type of pathology is characterized by a slowdown or complete cessation of the passage of impulses through the myocardial muscle. With this type of deviation, the pulse periodically disappears. In the case of a complete blockade, the frequency of organ strokes is significantly reduced. If there is a complete transverse blockade, heart failure, unforeseen death is possible.

    The most common cardiac arrhythmias are tachycardia and bradycardia.

    You can also find out the type of pathology yourself by counting your own pulse. In the first case, it will be greatly increased, in the second, it will be significantly slowed down. For an accurate diagnosis of extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, you will need to do an ECG.

    Treatment for irregular heartbeat at home

    People who have repeatedly encountered an abnormal heartbeat know how to relieve an arrhythmia attack.

    Otherwise, you should immediately call a doctor and provide first aid to the patient.

    With arrhythmia, you need:

    • provide emotional and physical peace;
    • lie down on a flat surface or sit comfortably;
    • open a window, provide fresh air;
    • take a sedative.

    You can relieve an attack of abnormal heartbeat by performing a breathing exercise: a deep breath is taken, air is retained in the lungs, eyes are closed, fingers are pressed on the eyelids (3 times for fifteen seconds).

    In case of loss of consciousness and a low pulse rate, it is necessary to tilt the person's head back, unbutton the collar of the clothes. If the heart rate has not returned to normal, chest compressions and artificial respiration should be performed.

    Only a doctor can determine the cause of an abnormal heartbeat and prescribe the correct treatment.

    Folk remedies will only temporarily improve the condition.

    It is possible to use phytocompositions in combination with pharmacological preparations, but it is recommended to do this only after consulting a doctor.

    You can treat arrhythmia with folk remedies using infusions and decoctions of both individual plants and herbal teas:

    1. Yarrow. An infusion of this plant helps to relieve arrhythmia with bradycardia. Take 20 grams of such a dry plant, pour 300 grams of water. Boil for 15 minutes, cover and leave to infuse for an hour. Strain, drink 30 grams three times a day.
    2. Lemon. With bradycardia, a mixture of sour citrus has proven itself well (you need to squeeze out 2 tablespoons of juice and dilute in 200 grams of water), walnuts, sesame oil, honey. To relieve arrhythmia, these products must be combined in the following proportion: take 300 grams of chopped nuts, 100 grams of sesame oil and the same amount of honey in a glass of lemon water. Mix everything well, insist 8 hours in the refrigerator, use one spoonful three times a day, half an hour before meals.
    3. Valerian. An infusion from the root of this plant helps to relieve arrhythmia with tachycardia. It will take 2 tbsp. l. crushed rhizome pour hot water, cover and leave for 8 hours. Strain, consume 30 grams four times a day.
    4. Turnip. A decoction of such a root crop is also treated for tachycardia. Turnips are cut into small pieces, poured with water, boiled for 15 minutes (500 grams of water per 200 grams of chopped root). Strain, take 100 grams four times a day.
    5. Calendula. A tablespoon of flowers should be poured with half a liter of boiling water and allowed to stand for a couple of hours. Eat one hundred grams three times a day.

    Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias should be accompanied by lifestyle changes. Only in this case it is possible to achieve good results. You should give up bad habits, devote more time to walking in the fresh air, sports, doing exercises, dosing physical and psychological stress, and eating right.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias at home