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    What is an intraventricular conduction disorder?

    Heart diseases transferred by a person cause a very dangerous disease - a violation of the intraventricular conduction of the heart.

    What it is, you should know in order to detect the disease in time and start treatment at an early stage of the development of the pathology.

    Violation of intraventricular conduction is a pathological process in which a nerve impulse passes very slowly through the heart muscle. can occur as a consequence of serious heart disease, a person's heart attack, or infective endocarditis. This deviation is clearly visible on the ECG.

    Causes and symptoms of conduction failures inside the ventricles


    This disease causes heart block.

    They are divided into several types:

    1. Full. The impulse does not pass through the heart muscle. This condition can lead to death as the heart stops working completely.
    2. Incomplete. A slow pulse is observed. This problem leads to a deterioration in the functions of certain areas of the heart. Local violation does not pose a danger to human life.

    The most common nonspecific conduction disorder. Because of this, the heart cannot function normally. There are also focal disorders.

    Violation of intraventricular conduction of the heart can occur for the following reasons:Medicines

    • Due to the use of certain medications that negatively affect the heart rate.
    • With heart disease.
    • As a complication after heart surgery.
    • In connection with the pathologies of the entire conduction system.

    Intraventricular conduction disorders usually have the following symptoms:Dizziness

    • Discomfort in the region of the heart.
    • Vertigo. They occur very often. This is due to poor blood circulation in the brain.
    • Sudden mood swings.
    • Discharge of cold sweat.
    • Rapid fatigue, constant feeling of weakness and impotence.
    • Slow heartbeat. The pulse may even be less than 50 beats per minute.
    • Shortness of breath even with little effort.

    In the early stages of the development of pathology, symptoms may not appear in any way.

    Disease classification

    Conduction disturbances lead to heart blockade. They are divided into several types.

    HeartacheUsually there is a blockade of the legs of the bundle of His. This pathological process occurs as a result of any cardiac pathology. The bundle of His is called the accumulation of cells of the cardiac conduction system. It is divided into right and left legs. These legs are an important part of the whole heart, as they are responsible for conducting electrical impulses through the ventricles of the heart. There may be a blockade of the left leg, right or both at the same time.

    In these states, the following phenomena are observed:Leg block

    1. If the blockade occurs in the right leg, then the electrical impulse passes much more slowly than in the normal state of the heart.
    2. If problems arise with the left leg, the electrical impulse is conducted only in the posterior sections of the left stomach.
    3. If there is a two-beam blockade, then pathological changes in the heart muscle begin.

    Depending on the duration, there are such violations:

    • permanent or chronic;
    • unstable or sharp.

    Bundle blockade is a very life-threatening condition.

    In severe cases, it may be necessary to wear a pacemaker.

    In children, blockade of the right branch most often occurs. Such disorders occur due to pathologies of the heart. In rare cases, children have a blockade of the left branch. This is a consequence of surgical intervention on the heart.

    Examination of the childQuite often at children it is possible to find out also congenital blockade. Symptoms of this pathology often do not appear, for a long time you can not suspect its presence.

    Atrial conduction disturbances may also develop. This condition is not life threatening. But gradually, the pathology can develop into atrial fibrillation, which can cause serious diseases. With violations of intra-atrial conduction, there are no symptoms.

    There are many blockades, so it is not easy to make a diagnosis.

    How is the diagnosis made?

    The most important method for studying this pathological condition is the ECG. On the electrocardiogram, it is always clearly visible which areas are damaged.

    To make a diagnosis, not a standard ECG is prescribed, but an ECG of individual parts of the heart. In some cases, an ultrasound examination of the heart may also be necessary.

    With different types of blockades, signs of ECG disturbances can be barely noticeable or significant.

    An ECG can be done to diagnose heart disease in adults and children.

    In addition to the standard ECG, for diagnosis, they can prescribe:ECG

    1. Holter ECG monitoring. During the day, the patient must wear a device that captures the work of the heart at different times of the day and under different loads.
    2. EchoCG. Gives accurate information about the state of the cardiovascular system.
    3. Exercise tests.
    4. An MRI is ordered if echocardiography fails.

    To date, there are many diagnostic procedures, so such a deviation as conduction disturbance is not difficult to identify.

    Treatment of pathology

    After receiving the results of the ECG and other studies, the cardiologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

    You may also need to consult an arrhythmologist and a surgeon.

    After that, treatment is prescribed.

    Treatment depends on the cause of the pathology:Medicines

    1. If the conduction disturbance has arisen as a result of coronary heart disease, then the underlying disease is eliminated, while not affecting the ventricular patency in any way.
    2. If such a disease was caused by myocarditis, treatment consists of antibacterial and glucocorticosteroid drugs. They stop the progression of intraventricular conduction.
    3. In case of conduction disorders caused by the use of certain medications, they must be immediately canceled, as this can be dangerous to health.
    4. Treatment of a slight decrease in conductivity, if it does not cause any abnormalities in the work of the heart, is not prescribed.
    5. If the disease is accompanied by multiple arrhythmias, then it may be necessary to install a pacemaker, since antiarrhythmic drugs often do not work.

    In addition, the treatment of conduction disorders can be carried out with the help of such drugs:Medications

    • calcium channel blockers;
    • anti-ischemic agents;
    • beta-blockers;
    • vitamins and minerals, mainly potassium and magnesium;
    • anticoagulants;
    • thrombolytics.

    If a complete blockade suddenly develops, then temporary electrical stimulation is necessary. It allows you to quickly restore normal heart function. In this case, almost always, the treatment is to install a pacemaker.

    Treatment of children, as in the case of adults, is prescribed depending on the causes of the problem. In the initial stages, this is a dynamic observation without treatment. The second stage of the disease requires the use of maintenance drugs. In some cases, children may recover without treatment. This happens as the child grows.

    Violation of intraventricular conduction of the heart may not always have an unfavorable prognosis. Such a disease is not dangerous if the violations are partial. If there is a complete blockade of a certain part of the heart, then the consequences can be very serious: from a stroke to a complete cardiac arrest. Therefore, consultation with a cardiologist and observation is necessary in any case.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    What is an intraventricular conduction disorder?
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