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    Heart failure

    Sometimes there is a failure of the heart rhythm, and the reasons for this condition may be different. If this was not caused by emotional manifestations, the use of strong drinks, you should consult a doctor.

    Our heart performs about a hundred thousand contractions per day. If the electrical impulses are steady, we pay absolutely no attention to the heartbeat. When the system fails, the pounding in the chest intensifies, the rhythm increases, or, conversely, there is a feeling of “fading” of the heart, this causes anxiety. A single manifestation of such a symptom may be the result of stress or overwork. If this happens repeatedly, this may indicate the presence of a serious pathology.

    Causes of Rhythm Failure

    Heart rhythm failure

    The heart consists of two ventricles and the same number of atria. In the right atrium there is a sinus node, in which an electrical impulse is formed. Spreading through the atrioventricular node, bundle of His, Purkinje fibers, it initiates contraction of the organ. The norm assumes the frequency of such passages ranging from 60 to 90 times per minute. With the right rhythm, the frequency of heartbeats is the same. If a violation occurs in any region of the conducting system, the normal passage of the impulse is disrupted. Accordingly, there is a failure of the heart rhythm.

    But this phenomenon is not always pathological.

    For example, a natural heart rhythm disorder in the form of moderate bradycardia (a slight slowdown in the contractility of the organ) occurs in humans at night. This is due to the predominance of vagal effects on the heart. In addition, during the rest period, sinus arrhythmia, extrasystole, impaired atrioventricular conduction of the 1st degree can be observed.

    stress in men

    With stress, strong emotional stress, significant physical exertion, tachycardia can also be observed. This is due to disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and the flow of adrenaline into the blood, which leads to an increase in heart rate. A similar symptom can cause a considerable amount of drunk coffee, alcoholic beverages, nicotine. Significant consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to the formation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia.

    In addition, changes in heart rate can be the result of changes in the electrolyte balance of the blood, in the viscosity of the biological fluid.

    Such atypical transformations can lead to:

    • inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
    • overheating or hypothermia;
    • big loss of blood;
    • collapse;
    • intoxication;
    • clinical and hematological syndrome;
    • dehydration.

    man holding his heart

    All of the above reasons are temporary. They do not require treatment and disappear after the elimination of the factors that led to the arrhythmia.

    But heart rhythm disturbances can also cause complex diseases. Moreover, a malfunction in the work of an organ can provoke pathological processes that occur not only in the heart, but also in other organs.

    So, such ailments can lead to arrhythmias:

    1. Cardiovascular diseases - defects, heart attack, cardiomyopathy, hypertension, endocarditis, cardiosclerosis, myocarditis, heart failure, pericarditis, rheumatic heart disease.
    2. Diseases of the nervous system - protracted psychogenic disorders, VVD, stroke, brain injury, oncological processes.
    3. Pathologies of the endocrine system - absolute or relative insufficiency of the hormone insulin, increased or decreased activity of thyroid hormones, pheochromocytoma, menopause.
    4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal system - hiatal hernia, inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreas.

    Most often, as a result of such factors, sinus tachycardia, bradycardia, atrial extrasystole, ventricular extrasystole, supraventricular tachycardia, atrioventricular and His bundle blockade occur.

    Types of heart rhythm failure

    In a healthy person, the heart rhythm is sinus, correct. This means that each impulse originates in the sinus node and proceeds further with the same frequency. In the event of any failure in the passage of the heart rate, it can decrease or increase. Such dysfunctions can be of several types.

    Violation of the appearance of an impulse

    With such a pathology, an impulse is created either very often or too rarely. In the first case, sinus tachycardia is diagnosed (the heart beats at a frequency of more than 90 beats per minute).


    In the second variant, sinus bradycardia is stated (the organ contracts less than 60 times per minute).

    When an impulse is formed on other regions of the conduction system, an ectopic focus of excitation occurs. It can be in the atrial regions, atrioventricular node, ventricles. As a result, slow, slipping, rapid ectopic rhythms, untimely depolarization and contraction of the organ or its individual chambers, paroxysmal tachycardia, and flutter appear.


    Such disturbances in the conduction of an impulse through an organ can occur in any area of ​​the system. Therefore, blockades can be sinoatrial, intraatrial, atrioventricular, bundle of His.

    Combined views

    This category includes dysfunctions in which another ectopic pacemaker works simultaneously with the sinus pacemaker, but the deviations are separated by a blockade. In such a case, the ventricles contract at one rate, and the atria at another.

    First aid

    Call an ambulance

    Unpleasant sensations in the chest necessarily require an ambulance call. And before her arrival, you need to help the patient.

    General actions are reduced to the following points:

    1. The person should be reassured and forced to take a horizontal position.
    2. If the pulse is frequent, a pillow should be placed under the head; with rare heartbeats, it is placed under the knees.
    3. It is necessary to unfasten the collar on the patient's clothes, open the window.
    4. Blood pressure should be measured.
    5. When a heart rhythm failure has caused stress or excitement, a person should be given a few drops of Corvalol, tincture of valerian root, or other sedatives.
    6. If the failure of the heart rhythm is accompanied by pain in the chest area, it is necessary to put Nitroglycerin under the tongue.
    7. With an increase in heart rate, you can apply a vagal test: strain during a deep breath, close your eyes and press on your eyelids, induce vomiting or cough.
    If, before the arrival of the ambulance, it was possible to stop unpleasant manifestations, restore a normal heart rhythm, the patient feels well, he can be left at home under the supervision of a physician. Such ailments as tachycardia, extrasystole, incomplete blockade, are allowed to be treated in the clinic. To do this, you will need to visit a medical facility.


    After contacting the clinic with complaints of cardiac activity, the doctor will prescribe an ECG. Such an examination will make it possible to make a diagnosis, to find out the characteristics of the development of the pathology and its type. When rhythm disturbances are irregular, and disturb the patient only occasionally, the doctor may prescribe daily Holter ECG monitoring. If a pathology is detected, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

    Failure of the heart rhythm can occur for various reasons. If such violations occur regularly, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    The sooner this is done, the more likely it is to prevent the development of complex pathologies. And in no case should you self-medicate. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe the drug.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Heart failure
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