Atrial flutter - what is it?
Atrial flutter is a heart disease that is associated with an excessively fast heart rate. And also there is such a phenomenon when a person can alternate, replacing each other, normal flutter and fast: then atrial fibrillation occurs. This disease can lead to the death of a person, so it is necessary to treat heart rhythm disturbances in a timely manner.
Causes and symptoms of atrial flutter
Such a pathology of the heart can be caused by some factors, which are mainly diseases of the heart, internal organs and an unhealthy lifestyle:
- ischemia of the heart;
- frequent formation of blood clots;
- atherosclerosis (the presence of cholesterol plaques in the vessels);
- the use of alcohol, certain pharmacological drugs;
- operable intervention;
- pathological change in the chambers of the heart (increase, decrease);
- thyroid disease;
- disruption of the respiratory system (pulmonary embolism, emphysema, and others);
- myocardial infarction, heart disease;
- chronic diseases;
- pathology of the cardiovascular system during fetal development;
- frequent anxiety and nervous tension.
A greater influence on the appearance of the disease is exerted by violations of the functions of the cardiovascular system (these are all pathologies of the heart), as well as non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle and the presence of excess body weight.
Atrial flutter has symptoms that may indicate a dysfunction of the heart and its pathology. But often they are not quite noticeable, so the disease proceeds without any signs.
Some symptoms may still occur in patients, these are:
- frequent heartbeat;
- shortness of breath, shortness of breath during physical exertion;
- experience, anxiety;
- fainting;
- angina;
- dizziness;
- malaise, fatigue, lethargy;
- pronounced arrhythmia;
- heart failure;
- syncope;
- decreased physical activity, performance;
- pain in the chest area.
In some people, the presence of symptoms can only be seen during a diagnosis or a routine medical examination of the heart.
Diagnosis of the disease
Often, to identify such a disease, an electrocardiogram is used, which shows a change in heart rate and various deviations from the norm. Atrial flutter on the ECG is clearly visible to the cardiologist: according to the study, he can make a diagnosis.
The examination can be performed once or last for a whole day - this will help to collect more information about the state of the heart and analyze its work.
In addition, for diagnostic measures, they also use:
- echography to see the moment of dysfunction of the heartbeat;
- ultrasound, which helps to assess the condition of the heart, its valves, analyze the rhythm and contractions.
It is also important to donate blood for research, which will show deviations and indicate the problem, as well as the patients' own complaints and the occurrence of various symptoms.
All methods are completely safe and necessary for making an accurate diagnosis, drawing up a competent treatment of the disease.
Medical treatment of the disease
This pathology is quite dangerous and can cause some complications, so the treatment of atrial flutter should be quick. Therapeutic actions are carried out by a cardiologist, he also makes a diagnosis and prescribes the necessary procedures.
Therefore, the therapy of this disease is divided into the following types:
- drug treatment;
- instrumental impact;
- operable intervention;
- treatment at home.
These methods are quite effective and can contribute to recovery in the case of the initial development of pathology and compliance with medical recommendations.
To suppress the symptoms of the disease and restore a normal heart rhythm, the patient is prescribed special drugs that have these properties and contribute to the normalization of health.
Several groups of drugs can be prescribed as medicines:
- Antiarrhythmic drugs ensure the proper functioning of the heart, stabilize flutter, normalize the heart rhythm, and also help to suppress the symptoms of the disease and reduce the frequency of their manifestation, thereby normalizing the general state of health. These drugs have many varieties and all sorts of analogues, so taking medicines should be at a strictly defined time, on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision.
- Anticoagulants are necessary in order to protect the patient from the occurrence of a dangerous disease - a stroke. Therefore, they are prescribed for this pathology, since a stroke is one of the complications that can appear at any time. Anticoagulant drugs help normalize heart function, thin the blood to prevent blood clots, and improve heart rate. They should also be taken at the direction of the attending physician in compliance with all his recommendations and under supervision.
In addition, medicines with magnesium and potassium are prescribed - these are one of the elements that the heart needs for its proper functioning and functioning. Medicines provide normalization of contractions and improve heart rate. They must also be prescribed by a cardiologist.
Instrumental and surgical impact
This method of treatment is caused by the use of electric current, with which patients with a disease such as atrial flutter are treated.
For the procedure to be successful, a special medical device is used - a defibrillator. The treatment takes place under general anesthesia, but in some emergencies anesthesia is not performed.
Such an effect produces a good therapeutic effect, in most cases there is an improvement in the well-being of patients and stabilization of heart rhythms. But it also happens when electric current treatment does not give positive results, and the violation of rhythm returns again after a while.
In addition, this procedure can carry the risk of developing a stroke, so doctors, if possible, conduct the necessary medical research in advance and prescribe medications, subcutaneous and intravenous injections to thin the blood.
Atrial flutter and treatment involves one that, in rare cases, can be carried out with the help of surgical exposure. This method is prescribed for severe forms of the disease or for the manifestation of any complications.
The operation is carried out in order to:
- suppress the focus of pathology;
- improve the patient's condition;
- stabilize heart rate and contraction rate.
The procedure is done under medium anesthesia.
First, the doctor determines the cause of the disease, finding the focal area, then a catheter is inserted, which allows you to normalize blood flow and evenly distribute electrical impulses.
This procedure in large cases has a high therapeutic effect and contributes to the recovery of the patient, but there are situations when this treatment does not bring any result.
A condition such as atrial flutter must be accompanied by constant supervision by the attending physician, and treatment at home is carried out only after the approval of the cardiologist. Such therapy is a simple manipulation, which consists in following the exact recommendations of the doctor, taking certain medications prescribed by a cardiologist.
It is also necessary to regularly, at regular intervals, undergo a medical examination.
Complications of the disease
With untimely treatment, as well as in the case of the rapid development of this pathology, complications may appear that have a detrimental effect on the patient's health.
The main complications of atrial flutter are:
- the occurrence of a stroke - manifests itself in a violation of hematopoiesis, when due to such a cardiac disease blood stagnation occurs and a blood clot can develop, getting into the heart, it breaks up into small particles and spreads throughout the body with the blood stream, including the brain;
- heart failure - manifested due to improper functioning of the heart, as a result of insufficient pumping of blood, when the rhythm is weakened and contractions decrease;
- kidney infarction;
- acute occlusion of mesenteric vessels;
- ventricular fibrillation;
- thrombus development.
Disease prevention
To prevent the development of atrial flutter and protect yourself from the occurrence of various complications, there are a number of simple preventive measures that are aimed at improving overall health and reducing the symptoms of the disease.
Prevention of pathology includes the following rules:
- timely treat cardiac diseases;
- undergo regular medical examinations;
- take the necessary medications prescribed by the doctor;
- lead a healthy lifestyle;
- prevent the development of anxiety and anxiety;
- exclude caffeine from the diet;
- you can not take additional medicines not prescribed by your doctor;
- surgical treatment should be carried out by experienced, highly qualified medical specialists.
It is undesirable to take any traditional medicine and other extraneous drugs that are not prescribed by a doctor, as this can lead to serious consequences and death of the patient.