Causes of a sinking heart
If a person begins to worry too much about his heart, then sooner or later his suspicions will be justified: he will feel how his “motor” seems to stop for a moment, and then there are two quick beats, as if compensating for this sinking heart.
The most interesting thing is that the feeling of heart failure occurs in almost all people. But this does not mean that everyone has heart disease.
Anyone who has never felt this, simply was not too attentive to his body.
Are experiences of heart failure grounded?
Often, those whose relatives have some kind of heart disease are subject to worries about the state of their hearts. But worrying is the worst thing you can do for your “motor”, because it is stressful situations that wear out the heart most quickly and lead to disturbances in its work. A person after some time seriously begins to believe that he needs treatment.
Fading for a short time (a second or two) is one of the most common complaints of people who are faced with extrasystoles. Sometimes this feeling can be accompanied by a heart attack and oxygen starvation.
Extrasystoles are understood as extraordinary contractions of the heart:
- If such sensations occur rarely, then most often they do not pose any danger to health.
- If the heart "freezes" often, the person's plans should be regular visits to a cardiology specialist.
Often people do not notice these out-of-rhythm contractions, they may not cause discomfort.
They rarely develop into a serious pathology, and they are usually found only on an electrocardiogram.
What causes heart failure
VSD is often accompanied by interruptions in the heart rhythm. At such moments, it seems to a person that his heart stops for a short period of time. This leads to anxiety, fear for your life. Often these are the only symptoms of dystonia that do not always require medical intervention. But if heart tremors occur frequently, especially if they do not disappear, even when a person is in a calm state or asleep, you should immediately contact a medical institution.
The biggest enemy of heart rate is caffeine. Therefore, to maintain heart health, it is necessary to limit all caffeinated products.
This applies to:
- coffee;
- tea (moreover, green is more harmful in this regard, since it contains more caffeine);
- coca-cola;
- dark chocolate.
If it turned out that a person consumed coffee more than the established norm (one cup a day), you should try to drink more ordinary clean water.
An unpleasant feeling can be caused by a decrease in blood glucose. If carbohydrate metabolism is normal, you should try to eat at the same time in small portions (meals should be at least five times). Breakfast is essential.
And you should give preference to "slow" carbohydrates - these are cereals:
- oatmeal;
- lentil;
- buckwheat.
Breakfast should be dense (the weight of dry porridge should be at least one hundred grams). If the cause of the symptoms is glucose, after the normalization of the daily regimen, irregular contractions should become much less.
Missed beats can also be observed during stress. Quite often, fading is caused by a lack of potassium. Unfortunately, with a deficiency of this microelement with food, it cannot be completely replenished. Therefore, it is better to take preparations containing potassium.
But extrasystoles should not be taken too carelessly, as they can cause serious disorders of the heart. If a person has changed his lifestyle, does not drink coffee and other caffeinated products, takes complexes containing potassium, and the symptoms of heart failure do not stop, you should definitely consult a cardiologist. You may need to monitor the ECG. So, you can identify a rare pathology associated with bradycardia or slow heartbeat.
Often a person unconsciously hides behind a heart disease in order to avoid too demanding environment. A competent psychotherapist helps people get rid of their fears. The doctor usually prescribes mild sedation. Not bad helps the treatment of the patient's nervous system with folk remedies. After that, usually cardiac fading does not require treatment, becomes rarer or disappears altogether.
Preventive actions
There are no special measures aimed at avoiding this problem.
But if the patient suffers from frequent extrasystoles with an established VVD, he needs:
- avoid psycho-emotional stress;
- do not overstrain physically;
- lead a healthy lifestyle;
- eliminate bad habits.
Proper nutrition plays an important role in this matter. Food should be light, low-fat and unsalted, it is also desirable to exclude too spicy. It is necessary to give preference to vegetables and fruits.
Even if it is established that extrasystoles are a health hazard, this is not a reason to lead a sedentary lifestyle.
Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on the heart rate, cardio training is useful.
If active physical activity causes interruptions in the rhythm, then it is better to consult a doctor about their need. Most likely, he will advise you to stop at long-term physical activity of low intensity (for example, walking or swimming).
Do I need to treat rhythm interruptions
If the symptoms of short cardiac arrest are rare, do not bother a person and do not cause him to panic, then there is no need to prescribe any therapy. With VVD, treatment is prescribed to make the signs of the disease less pronounced.
Drugs that improve heart function are prescribed for more serious heart rhythm disturbances. If the pathology causes concern among doctors, the patient is hospitalized, an in-depth examination is carried out, and only after that the necessary treatment is prescribed.
The most popular medicinal plants are:
- spring adonis;
- tricolor violet;
- acid;
- asparagus.
There is no need to panic even if a fade treatment is prescribed, because this is not a complete stop, but only a small "suspension" because the heart is tired and needs to rest for a short period of time. You need to be attentive to your health and not go to the other extreme, when frequent interruptions in the work of the main human “motor” are taken too lightly. At the slightest doubt about your "heart" health, you should immediately contact a specialist.