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    What is atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

    Atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart causes heart disease. It leads to a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels and impaired blood circulation, and this, in turn, threatens with a heart attack. Violation of the structure of the aorta of the heart and compaction of its root is a serious disease. Consider how the pathological process develops and how to treat the patient.

    Why does atherosclerosis and thickening of the aorta appear?

    The first to be affected in atherosclerosis are large arteries that pump a lot of blood. As a result of the progression of the disease, cholesterol is deposited on the inner membranes of the vessels, and this leads to a narrowing of the lumen and impaired blood circulation.

    Compaction of the aorta of the heart is a fairly common pathology, especially among the elderly population. Let's consider in more detail what it is.

    Thickening of the aorta occurs with atherosclerosis. This diagnosis is made when the vessel walls thicken, plaques and fibrous growths appear.

    Why do the walls of blood vessels thicken? With atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart, if left untreated, inflammation occurs. In this case, only low-density lipoproteins enter the aorta with blood. It is these substances that affect the condition of the walls of the aorta. Atherosclerotic plaques form, which narrow the lumen of the vessels.

    It is inflammation that is the main factor in the thickening of the walls of the aorta of the heart, because cholesterol accumulates intensively in them.

    But there are other reasons as well, namely:

    • hypertension, with an increase in blood pressure, the risk of indentation of cholesterol into the walls of blood vessels increases. In addition, the vessels lose their elasticity, become thick;
    • diseases of an infectious or non-infectious nature in a chronic form, thickening of the walls and the appearance of plaques is a side effect;
    • malnutrition, eating cholesterol food;
    • bad habits;
    • diabetes.

    Quite often, thickening of the walls of the aorta and the cusps of the aortic valve can also be observed in old age, because along with all organs, the vessels also age. They deform, become less elastic and durable.

    In young people, this disease occurs due to heredity. With a genetic predisposition, you need to control the level of cholesterol and fat cells in the blood.

    Atherosclerosis is more often diagnosed in patients over the age of 50 years. In such patients, lipid metabolism is disturbed, which affects the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques. If a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle, then vascular damage can be diagnosed at an earlier age.

    It is worth noting that if the aortic root is compacted, then this entails compaction of the mouths of other small vessels. As a result, the blood circulation of other organs is disturbed.

    Signs of atherosclerosis of the aorta

    Symptoms of atherosclerosis depend on the lesion of the department - thoracic or abdominal. The first section supplies blood to the upper body and limbs. The abdominal region is responsible for the blood supply to the lower body.

    When the walls of the abdominal aorta are thickened, the following symptoms occur:

    • pulling or paroxysmal pain in the abdomen;
    • digestive disorders;

    • weight loss, and indicators can reach critical minimum values;
    • lameness;
    • pulling pain in the legs and cramps.

    Thickening of the leaflets of the aortic valve can lead to circulatory disorders and the formation of blood clots. With a strong inflammatory process, peritonitis may develop.

    With the sealing of the walls of the thoracic aorta of the heart, the following symptoms are observed:

    • frequent headache and dizziness;
    • noise in ears;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • burning pain in the region of the heart;
    • pressure increase

    Often such a violation is accompanied by atherosclerosis of the arteries of the brain.

    Consequences of atherosclerosis

    Severe consequences can be observed only in the absence of timely treatment. It is especially dangerous when the aortic thickening is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms, in which case you can skip the mild stage of the disease.

    The compacted aorta loses its elasticity every day, especially with hypertension. The aorta expands and increases in volume, if this process is not stopped, it will burst - and it will no longer be possible to save a person.

    Other complications of atherosclerosis of the cardiac aorta can be:

    • angina;
    • ischemia;
    • heart attack;
    • cardiosclerosis;
    • vascular aneurysms.

    Sometimes atherosclerosis leads to loss of working capacity, disability and even death.

    The danger of atherosclerosis is as follows: the disease may not make itself felt for several years, and then manifest itself with sudden symptoms.

    Because the heart's aorta is connected to the brain and supplies oxygen, blockage can cause neurological problems.

    With vascular aneurysm, which can appear with arterial hypertension, the patient's life is at risk.

    This type of disease is treated only by surgery, and the operation is not always successful. Compaction of the root at the aorta of the heart increases the likelihood of death.

    One of the complications of compaction of the abdominal aorta is thrombosis of the visceral arteries. This violation can be fatal. With thrombosis of the intestinal arteries, the tissues of the organ die off, peritonitis develops.

    Treatment of atherosclerosis

    The effectiveness of treatment depends on the timeliness of treatment in the hospital.

    Therapy is aimed at reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood in order to prevent the deterioration of the patient's condition, as well as to stimulate the excretion of cholesterol from the body.

    For the treatment of the disease, the following groups of medicines are used:

    • Statins such as Pravahol or Zocor. They lower blood cholesterol levels.
    • Preparations of nicotinic acid. Promote the removal of bad cholesterol from the body and the development of useful.

    • Fibrates - Miskleron or Gevilan. Drugs reduce the synthesis of fats.
    • If hypertension has become the cause of wall compaction, then drugs that reduce pressure are prescribed.

    All drugs for the treatment of atherosclerosis of the cardiac aorta have a lot of contraindications, so they should not be drunk without a doctor's prescription.

    Together with drug treatment, the patient is prescribed diet therapy, which excludes the consumption of any products containing cholesterol. Doctors often prescribe vitamin complexes such as Omacor.

    Sometimes conservative treatment is ineffective, then resort to surgical intervention. Such cases are myocardial infarction or other severe complication of atherosclerosis of the cardiac aorta.

    Atherosclerosis can be cured by traditional medicine only at an early stage.

    Be sure to start treatment with folk remedies after consulting a doctor.

    Means for the treatment of the disease:

    1. Olive oil. If you drink 3 tbsp. l. on the day of olive oil, then you can clear the vessels of cholesterol deposits.
    2. A mixture of vegetable oil with honey. Mix the components in equal proportions and take in the morning on an empty stomach. You can add lemon juice.
    3. Potato juice. This remedy will also help with atherosclerosis if used regularly for several months.
    4. Garlic. This tool has long been used for atherosclerosis of blood vessels. A tincture is made from it. To do this, you need a head of garlic and a lemon, they are grated and poured with 0.5 liters of water. Insist 4 days and drink 2 tbsp. l. twice a day.

    Medicinal plants will also help to cope with the symptoms of atherosclerosis of the aorta:

    1. Melissa helps with dizziness and tinnitus. A decoction is prepared from it, and a dry or fresh plant is used. For 200 ml of boiling water take 1 tbsp. l. herbs.
    2. If atherosclerosis is accompanied by headaches, then dill seeds will help get rid of an unpleasant symptom. On a glass of boiling water take 1 tbsp. l. seeds. Drink 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

    If atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart is diagnosed, then the treatment that is properly selected by the doctor and compliance with all prescriptions is the key to a successful fight against the disease.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    What is atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart
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