Extrasystole or arrhythmia before menstruation
Extrasystole before menstruation can significantly worsen the state of women's health. Every third woman at least once in her life has experienced an unpleasant feeling of a sinking heart for a few seconds, or vice versa - excessive activity of this organ. Often this problem makes itself felt during critical days. The feeling of discomfort can visit only once or become a serious problem for the fair sex.
Extrasystole is called one of the most common types of arrhythmia. It is characterized by extraordinary contractions of the heart. Heterotopic excitation of the myocardium is the cause of a violation of a number of functions of the heart. As a result, a number of unpleasant symptoms appear, which are easy to deal with if you do not start the disease.
Extrasystoles are usually called contractions of the heart out of turn. An impulse arises in the chest, which knocks down the usual pace of the cardiovascular system. One of the strikes will take place earlier than necessary, and the next - in the period set for this. There is a pause between blows, which entails discomfort in well-being.
Most often, extrasystoles are encountered:- representatives of mature age (over 50);
- people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- women before and during menstruation.
About 90% of the elderly, 45% of people with heart problems and 40% of women suffer from "cosmetic arrhythmia" (the problem worsens during menstruation).
Often, signs of extrasystole are observed in athletes. With frequent enhanced training, the heart receives a large load, which it is not always able to cope with. But many are accustomed to thinking that if such a pathology is also found among representatives of the sports world, then it cannot be a serious disease. However, this is not always the case. The causes of arrhythmia can be very diverse.
Main symptoms
Visible signs of extrasystole do not appear immediately. As a rule, symptoms appear alternately, but sometimes some features can be expressed simultaneously.
- There is a strong blow in the chest.
- Feels a kind of heart "somersault".
- For a few seconds, my heart stops.
- The body tenses up, the skin becomes pale.
- Interruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, shortness of breath, and respiratory disorders are observed.
- There may be slight dizziness and / or a feeling of impending fainting, weakness, slight nausea.
- Sweating increases from time to time.
- The whole process is accompanied by anxiety, a sense of fear and loss, panic attacks.
Most often, tremors (can be both strong and weak) in the chest area begin to appear in the evening, especially before bedtime.
There are cases when the above symptoms practically do not appear, but at the same time, a feeling of discomfort in the heart area is still present. Women often experience this problem during PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Such situations can be isolated (the body itself can cope with the pathology that has arisen) or periodically repeated.
Do not neglect an unscheduled trip to the doctor if the symptoms of extrasystole appeared several times or the condition of the body only worsened over time.
"Cosmetic arrhythmia" is usually divided into two types. Each has its own characteristics. They are important to take into account in treatment.
- functional;
- organic.
Functional extrasystole mostly appears due to a person experiencing depression or dystonia (vegetovascular). Neurosis in young people is a common phenomenon in the modern world. They can cause heart failure.
The main symptoms begin to be traced before sleep / rest or after full awakening. Long-term reading or constant work with the computer is also a standard prerequisite for this problem. But physical exercises do not affect the functional type of extrasystole.
The main reasons include:- mental strain and nervous breakdowns;
- strong emotional experiences;
- bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and / or drugs;
- excessive indulgence in drinks that contain caffeine.
During the critical days in women, it is the functional arrhythmia that is observed. Improvement in a person's condition occurs immediately after a change in the emotional background. Once the source of harm is eliminated, the body can fully recover.
Functional extrasystole can be both a one-time occurrence and a recurring one, especially if you do not follow your usual rhythm of life.
If the functional type is characteristic of the young, then the organic type of pathology affects the health of mature and elderly people (over 50 years). Often the cause of arrhythmia is physical activity, and therefore, in a calm state, there are no threats. Some patients may not always notice even the main symptoms, as they think of the usual overwork from engaging in vigorous activity.
Possible causes of arrhythmia before menstruation
Premenstrual syndrome implies the presence of disturbances in the balance of sex hormones. As a result of this, unpleasant painful symptoms appear in the body of a female representative, among which there may be extrasystole before and during menstruation.
The main changes for female doctors include:- excess estrogen;
- lack of progesterone.
Critical days are accompanied by the accumulation of additional fluid in the body. The load on the heart is doubled. The heart muscle is forced to work more actively, which is why women periodically observe disruptions in the menstrual cycles and in the work of the cardiovascular system.
Most often, the main symptoms of arrhythmia are found among representatives of the asthenic physique. As a rule, it is for them that hypochondriacal changes in the emotional background are characteristic. Constant mood swings accompany critical days.
Women are much more sensitive than men, because they feel the symptoms of arrhythmia in full. Girls predict possible heart rhythm disorders in advance, since they are more vegetatively dependent. Such intuitive assumptions are always accompanied by panic attacks, disturbing thoughts and a gradual / sharp deterioration in the general condition of the body.
Additional discomfort for women can be created by weather or climate changes, sports, serious mental stress, overeating or life stressful situations.
Violations in the work of the female heart are also noted during the onset of menopause, as well as after its full development. In this case, sex hormones perform their protective function. They prevent atherosclerotic changes in the vessels and heart, perform the preventive task of normalizing the conduction of impulses in the body. If the necessary sex hormones are in short supply, various types of disorders occur, including extrasystole.
Extrasystoles do not need to be treated. Active therapy is carried out only in case of serious disorders in the work of the heart. It is important to consider age. People of mature age should immediately contact medical institutions to avoid complications.
Treatment is not necessary when:- failures in the rhythm of the heart are rare and at the same time there are no other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- the problem arose after the use of alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances in large quantities, as well as due to stressful situations, experiencing unstable emotional states;
- the cause of arrhythmias are critical days (for women), but only if the symptoms do not lead to complications in the work of body systems.
During menstruation, the fair sex should avoid any kind of stress, as well as pay attention to a favorable emotional atmosphere and proper nutrition.
It is worth contacting specialists in the following cases:- the presence of heart disease (even non-serious);
- constant repetition of "fading" of the heart;
- the occurrence of complications, severe pain, discomfort, and so on.
Self-medication is not recommended! All medications are used, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.
There are cases when the presence of arrhythmia is a symptom of another serious disease. Before treatment, it is imperative to determine the causes of extrasystole, and only then proceed to therapy. Therefore, doctors do not advise to deal with the problem on their own.
Prevention of extrasystole
Any preventive work seeks to eliminate possible dangers to human health in the future. First of all, therapeutic actions are aimed at preventing diseases such as myocardial dystrophy, cardiomyopathy and myocarditis. It is they who contribute to the appearance of extrasystole.
To keep the body in good condition, it is important to follow a few recommendations from experts.
- Lead a healthy lifestyle (keep a balanced diet, do not forget about morning exercises, give up bad habits).
- Go in for sports (make an optimal training schedule, do not overwork yourself with physical exercises).
- Pay enough attention to sleep (a short daytime nap will never be superfluous).
- Minimize the use of alcohol, drinks containing caffeine, and tobacco products.
- Completely give up various drugs.
- Rationally dispose of medicines and chemicals that can cause intoxication of the body.
In addition to the above tips, women are also not recommended to exercise themselves during critical days. An additional load can adversely affect the work of the heart. As a result - extrasystole and other pathological reactions.