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    Is it possible to put mustard plasters for angina pectoris and what to consider

    Angina pectoris (the popular name is angina pectoris) is a form of ischemic heart disease that occurs quite often. The disease is characterized by pressing, burning pain in the sternum that occurs suddenly. Mustard plasters for angina pectoris are considered an effective tool for reducing pain during an attack. However, their use has a number of contraindications. To stop the pain, the obvious causes of the onset of an attack are also eliminated, vasodilator tablets, drops, aerosols are used.

     Causes and stages of the disease

    Pathology manifests itself as a consequence of the development of atherosclerosis of the vessels that provide blood supply to the heart muscle.

    Factors contributing to the onset of the disease include:

    • hypodynamia;
    • diabetes;
    • emotional overstrain;
    • excess weight;
    • smoking, drinking alcohol;
    • malnutrition (excessive consumption of products containing animal fats, overeating);
    • heredity;
    • thyroid disease.

    The causes of seizures are insufficient supply of blood to the heart muscle, which is due to the narrowing of the coronary artery as a result of atherosclerotic pathology, vasospasm.

    There are two stages of pathology:
    1. Pain appears during physical exertion (intense walking, running, hiking in the mountains), sudden temperature changes, emotional stress, drinking alcohol, smoking.
    2. With the further development of the disease, attacks occur in a calm state, when a person is completely relaxed. It usually happens while sleeping at night.

    The progression of the disease occurs gradually: attacks become more frequent, pain increases. When the pain becomes more frequent, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Symptoms of pathology can be varied.

    The manifestations of the disease are characterized by:
    • pressing pains, burning in the retrosternal region;
    • a feeling of compression, heaviness behind the sternum;
    • difficulty breathing, feeling short of breath.

    Pain can be given to parts of the left side of the body: arm, shoulder blade, neck.

    Intense pain causes weakness, dizziness. A person often experiences anxiety and fear.

    Severe pain in the sternum, shortness of breath do not necessarily indicate the presence of angina pectoris. Pathologies of the cervicothoracic spine, intercostal neuralgia, heart disease, myalgia (muscle pain) have similar symptoms. A correct diagnosis can be made by contacting a doctor, followed by a medical examination.

    Giving help

    In order to relieve a sudden attack, it is important to eliminate the obvious factors that contributed to the onset of pain. It is necessary to stop physical activity, to prevent nervous strain.

    For quick relief of pain, Nitroglycerin is often used in the form of tablets, capsules, drops, spray. The drug has a pronounced vasodilating effect, increases blood flow to the heart muscle.

    There are analogues of the famous drug:
    • Nitradisk;
    • Nitrakor;
    • Nitrosorbide;
    • Nitrangin.

    Means belong to the group of antianginal drugs, help to eliminate the acute symptoms of the disease, have a preventive effect.

    Drugs such as Valocordin, Corvalol do not dilate blood vessels. They can be used as aids to relieve nervous tension, anxiety, and normalize sleep.

    Treatment with mustard plasters

    Mustard plasters have proven to be an effective remedy for pathology, especially in cases where there is no access to antianginal drugs. Applications are applied in the region of the heart. In the treatment of angina pectoris, mustard plasters are allowed to be placed on the back: it is possible in the interscapular zone, the projection of the heart.

    What is the mechanism of action of mustard? The plant substance contains essential oils that cause irritation of nerve endings.

    If you apply a mustard plaster on the heart with angina pectoris, this will expand the vessels, increase the flow of blood and improve the blood supply to the heart muscle. With the help of applications, vasoconstriction is eliminated at the site of application of mustard plasters and in organs located nearby.

    How to put

    In order to get the maximum effect from the use of mustard applications, it is important to follow the rules:

    1. It is necessary to heat the water to 40-45 degrees, if necessary, pour it into a separate container, lower the bags with mustard powder for 20 seconds. One procedure usually requires 5-8 packets.
    2. Remove the bags from the water, apply to bare skin, wrap with a bandage for a tighter fit.
    3. Put a warm blanket on top to create a warming effect.
    4. After a few minutes, there is a slight heat and burning sensation. With the appearance of a strong burning sensation, you need to remove the applications. The duration of the procedure is 10 -15 minutes.
    5. Wipe irritated skin with a towel soaked in warm water. This will remove the powder particles.
    6. For people with sensitive skin, after the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the application area with baby cream or petroleum jelly.
    7. Children should not apply the product to bare skin. You can put applications on gauze, thin film.
    8. Cover yourself with a warm blanket again to maintain the warming effect.
    Following the rules allows you to correctly carry out the procedure, obtain the necessary therapeutic effect, reduce the risk of negative side reactions.

    When application is contraindicated

    Mustard, like other medicines, is important to use carefully. Before use, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications.

    Cases in which the use of plant matter is restricted:
    • allergic reactions to mustard essential oils;
    • skin diseases of a fungal, bacterial nature;
    • severe inflammation of the skin;
    • asthmatic bronchitis;
    • varicose pathology;
    • tuberculosis of the respiratory organs;
    • heat;
    • various innovations.

    Mustard applications should be used as an additional treatment. If acute symptoms occur, the herbal substance should be used if antianginal drugs are not available or do not have the desired effect. Nitroglycerin relieves an attack within 1-3 minutes. The effect of mustard comes in 5 minutes.

    Storage conditions

    It is important to store mustard plasters in a dry place, preferably in a dark place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. It is advisable to use airtight packaging for storage. If moisture enters, the substance may lose its healing properties. The product suitable for use has a strong specific smell, evenly adheres to the package.

    Thus, mustard plasters have a therapeutic effect, help relieve acute symptoms during attacks. However, the tool should be used in complex treatment, given the contraindications.

    Article author: galchonok_-07
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    Is it possible to put mustard plasters for angina pectoris and what to consider