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    Changes in the myocardium - what is it

    Quite often, doctors diagnose myocardial changes on an electrocardiogram or during other heart studies using special equipment. It sounds scary, but such a diagnosis does not promise problems for a person, but only reflects the influence of several factors on the body. Their role can be played by various diseases and inflammations, old age, addictions. But such changes are also diagnosed in children, in this case, the process of development of diseases of the cardiovascular system has an impact. What is it and why do these changes occur?

    Indicators of the norm and changes in the myocardium

    An ECG (electrocardiogram) is a screening method for determining heart disease. In medicine, it is quite common. The conclusion on the ECG may look different, but quite often patients are diagnosed with “pronounced changes in the myocardium” or “minor changes in the myocardium”. In a healthy person, the electrical activity of myocardial zones should have a uniform structure.

    This picture shows that:

    • the process of biochemical metabolism inside the cells runs smoothly;
    • the heart muscle generates the mechanical energy necessary for normal contractions.

    If any pathologies occur inside the body, then the ECG will show:

    • focal changes;
    • diffuse changes.

    Such conditions in some cases do not need treatment, but sometimes pathologies require immediate medical attention. Therefore, specialist advice is required. In some cases, such changes are diagnosed with myocarditis.

    Among the reasons for its occurrence are:

    • previously transferred infectious and viral diseases;
    • rheumatoid arthritis.
    Among the causes of changes in tissues, cardiodystrophy is also distinguished. What does this mean? The fact that the metabolic failure occurs in the cells without affecting the coronary arteries.

    Various reasons can provoke cardiodystrophy, among which:

    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • dehydration;
    • avitaminosis;
    • body intoxication.

    If changes in the myocardium occur in a patient over the age of 50, the cause should be sought in the aging of the body.

    Provoking factors and symptoms

    Diffuse changes may indicate muscle remodeling at the cellular level.

    Among the main reasons for this modification are:

    1. Unbalanced nutrition.
    2. Failures of biochemical processes.
    3. Long-term use of drugs.
    In order to choose the right treatment, it is extremely important to establish the cause of the manifestation of such changes.

    Among the main causes of heart failure, malnutrition is singled out, and today this problem is most acute. A modern person is constantly in a hurry, eats food from fast foods every day, this leads to the fact that the body ceases to receive the necessary vitamin complex, proteins, fats and carbohydrates from the products entering it. Because of this, cells in the body are injured, and the process of their recovery is quite long and requires constant monitoring.

    Atherosclerosis is a common cause of narrowing of the lumen in the coronary vessels, and it is because of this that blood flows to the heart more slowly, the cells suffer from oxygen starvation and soon die.

    Absorption of nutrients can be impaired due to intestinal inflammation.

    Diffuse changes in the myocardium may occur due to such endocrine pathologies as diabetes mellitus and hyperfunction of the adrenal glands. They often occur due to failures in the biochemical processes of protein oxidation, because they are controlled by hormones.

    Uncontrolled intake of drugs can also provoke cicatricial changes. A scar on the heart is a healing scar. Substances tablets affect the processes occurring in cells. Cardiac muscle cells can die due to forced myocardial hyperfunction, because in this case there is no time to recover. Such deviations occur in patients who often experience nervous stress and turmoil, as well as lack of sleep.

    Abuse of physical activity in adulthood is rarely beneficial. How do such changes manifest themselves?

    Changes in the myocardium can be suspected if the following symptoms are present:

    • swelling of the upper and lower extremities;
    • weakness in the arms and legs;
    • frequent shortness of breath;
    • increased heart rate (heart rate);
    • accumulation of fluid in the lungs.

    Diffuse lesions may appear on the ECG or in the case of acute heart failure.

    Are such formations in the myocardium dangerous?

    To a small extent, pronounced changes in rare cases make themselves felt, they can occur in every person, but they are considered safe. They do not disturb the patient, and they are often detected during a preventive examination.

    If a person is not worried about chest pain and other unpleasant symptoms, then there is no danger.

    However, when heart problems appear, it is better to be examined and, if necessary, begin treatment.

    Reasons for concern include:

    1. The occurrence of shortness of breath at the time of physical exertion. If previously such work did not cause difficulties, this may indicate the beginning of a process of change.
    2. Pain in the region of the heart (squeezing sensation).
    3. Interruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle.
    4. Heart rhythm disturbances.
    Such deviations should force the patient to visit a specialist, because heart disease should be treated immediately.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Changes in the myocardium - what is it