Names of pills that can be taken for angina attacks
Heart disease causes death. Due to a sedentary life device, stressful situations and bad habits, the heart muscle wears out. Angina pectoris is a heart disease that leads to a heart attack. The disease requires the control of a cardiologist and therapy. Treatment of angina - drugs and doses are prescribed based on the stage of the disease.
Angina pectoris is a common heart disease. It used to be called "angina pectoris". With an unexpected pain in the chest, they turn to a cardiologist. He will prescribe the right treatment. The dose is assigned to each patient separately.
Groups of drugs
Dietary nutrition, abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, maintaining a dynamic lifestyle are preventive measures. Only treatment is effective.
The doctor prescribes medications based on the severity of the disease.
To cure angina pectoris, 3 groups of drugs are prescribed:- Antianginal drugs. Designed to combat myocardial anemia. With their help, the need of the heart muscle for oxygen decreases, the content in the blood increases. This group includes nitrates - they stop and prevent attacks of the disease, expand the vascular walls and increase the supply of oxygen to the heart. They do not have a therapeutic effect, but soften the attacks. Also included in this group are beta-blockers, which reduce the pressure and pulse rate in the patient, and calcium antagonists, which reduce myocardial contractility. They reduce blood pressure, regulate heart rate, relieve spasms.
- Means for the fight against blood clots.
- Medicamentous preparations of anti-atherosclerotic action. An increased amount of cholesterol in the blood is the cause of the progressive development of atherosclerosis, leading to angina pectoris.
Drugs that lower blood cholesterol levels are called statins. They are used for a long period, so that the effect becomes noticeable.
With the constant use of these drugs, a person becomes addicted to them. Therefore, during treatment, take breaks.
The required dose for the treatment of angina pectoris is prescribed by the doctor. It will differ for the prevention of the disease, its treatment or complications.
Antianginal drugs
These drugs have a myotropic effect. They are prescribed for angina pectoris at the initial stage or for young patients - drugs do not greatly affect the activity of the coronary vessel.
The list of effective medicines includes:- Nitroglycerine. They release it as tablets under the tongue, aerosol, patch, capsule, ointment and film. It also has other names - Deposit, Nitradisk. The tablet is placed in the mouth under the tongue. It dissolves within a few minutes, after which the effect occurs. It lasts up to 30 minutes. The spray is applied to the oral cavity - the attack passes instantly. The plate or film is attached to the cheek or gum. The effect of them is longer - up to 4 hours. Capsules are taken before an attack - several times a day on an empty stomach. The ointment is applied to paper and applied to the place on the body where there is no hair.
- Isosorbite dinitrate. Available as tablets, capsules and aerosols. Take orally after talking with a doctor. The dosage is 20 mg three times a day 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after. If the therapeutic effect is imperceptible, the dose is increased to 120 mg per day.
- Isosorbite mononitrate. It is a long-acting tablet and capsule. Tablets are taken twice a day, capsules - 1 time. Over time, the dose increases. During the treatment period, they refuse activities that require the speed of reactions, since the drug affects the reaction rate.
- Calcium antagonists include Verapamil, Nifedipine and others. Use them 1 or 2 times a day.
- Beta blockers - Concor, Coriol and others. To avoid side effects, take with food. The dosage is selected by the doctor.
Taking medication, monitor the frequency of heart contractions. The pulse should not exceed 60 beats per minute. These drugs are both domestic and imported. In the second case, you will have to pay more.
Without the recommendations of a cardiologist, you should not buy medicine, even if it costs a penny. This threatens with unforeseen consequences.
Drugs that prevent blood clots
A popular representative of this group is Aspirin. This and other drugs dissolve blood clots in the circulatory system. They are prescribed for complications. Medicines are taken in stationary conditions under the supervision of a doctor.
It is not allowed to use funds for such diseases:- stroke;
- damage to internal organs;
- increased arterial and blood pressure;
- bleeding.
Antiaggregants against the appearance of blood clots destroy existing clots, restore blood circulation, and normalize blood clotting. They are made in the form of gels, tablets and injections.
Heparin is isolated from ointments. It has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, relieves puffiness, normalizes blood circulation. The course of treatment lasts 1 week - the ointment is applied 3 times a day.
Among the tablets, Aspirin and Cardiomagnyl are common. They thin the blood and protect the mucous membrane. Take 1 or 2 tablets before meals or after meals. The duration of the course is six months.
If a person has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, these medicines should be taken with caution.
Anti-atherosclerotic drugs
With long-term use of statins, the development of plaques stops, their size decreases. They do not cause addiction - the treatment is carried out continuously. If a person independently decides to stop using, after a month the cholesterol level will be the same.
Take statins before bed. There are also those that are consumed regardless of the time of day. Should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. When taking the drug, pain in the muscles is possible. This is reported to the doctor immediately to avoid complications.
This group includes:- Atorvastatin;
- Rosuvastatin;
- fluvastatin.
Appointed after blood donation. They are the basis for the treatment of angina pectoris. The dose is controlled by a doctor - you should not reduce or increase it yourself. You can not replace the drug with similar means (at your own request).
The initial dose of Atorvastatin is 10 mg, then it is increased to 80 mg. Rosuvastatin and fluvastatin take 10 mg to 40 mg.
Tablets for angina pectoris are taken orally, do not chew or crush. The dose is set individually, depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. Taken after dinner.
What should be the lifestyle
Angina pectoris is a dangerous disease. Cardiologists say that therapy with expensive drugs will not work if you do not follow the right lifestyle. Treatment lasts from 3 to 30 years, so you should not rely on one pill.
At the same time as taking medications for angina pectoris, it is recommended to do the following:- eat fully - give up flour, spicy, fried and canned food;
- do not drink alcohol and do not smoke;
- control blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
- do not give up physical activity, but do not overload yourself too much.
The effectiveness of therapy depends on the patient and how he will adhere to the rules and recommendations of the attending physician. Pressure control should be regular.
With thoughtless self-administration of drugs and doses, treatment will lead to unpredictable disastrous consequences. Do not neglect this.
Treatment with inhibitors
If angina pectoris is accompanied by high blood pressure, it will be useful to use inhibitors. They have a long lasting effect. Regular use reduces the risk of a heart attack. During the period of treatment with drugs, the use of alcoholic beverages is not allowed.
Inhibitors are drugs that block chemicals that cause vasoconstriction and high blood pressure.
Patients with angina are prescribed:- Khinalapril - tablets dosage for adults - 5-20 mg per day;
- Pyramil - 1.25-2.5 mg twice a day;
- Prestarium - 2.5 mg per day, the tablet is not swallowed, but kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.
Inhibitors have the ability to slow down the development of atherosclerosis, treat stable angina pectoris. The remedy has a positive effect on the course of the disease.
The preparations are well tolerated and have a prolonged action. They are easy to use and have a minimum of contraindications.
The drugs of the group under consideration have practically no side effects, if they are, they rarely appear. The reason is an excess of the dose prescribed by the doctor or a violation of the medication.
Beta blockers
In the absence of contraindications, patients are prescribed this group of drugs, since they are intended for those who have had a heart attack. Thanks to them, the force of contractions of the heart, the need for oxygen decreases, and ischemia is relieved.
- Metoprolol - 50 to 200 mg twice a day;
- Bisoprolol - up to 10 mg per day;
- Carvedilol - 25 to 50 mg per day;
- Nebivolol - 2.5 - 10 mg per day.
They are used in the morning, the effect of the medicine lasts a day.
It is unacceptable to take patients with severe bradycardia, with heart failure. Beta-blockers reduce blood viscosity, participate in its coagulation.
In the treatment of mild forms of angina pectoris, beta-blockers justify their effect. They have an anti-ischemic effect, slow down the development of atherosclerosis.
Inhibitors are prescribed to patients with concomitant chronic heart failure, diabetes mellitus.
Other drugs for the treatment of angina pectoris
There are many names of pills for an attack of angina pectoris. Patients prefer outdated drugs to modern medicines. Some of them are rarely prescribed by doctors, despite their effectiveness.
Have a therapeutic effect:- Anaprilin. The first days appoint a minimum dose - 20 mg 3 times a day, then it is increased to 240 mg. If there are liver diseases, the dose is adjusted. If an allergy to the drug, dizziness or sleep disturbances occurs, it is replaced with a similar one.
- Betaxolol. Take 1 time per day, 10 ml. After 2 weeks, the dose is doubled if the effect is not enough. If a person has kidney failure, diabetes mellitus or blood disease, take it carefully. An overdose provokes convulsions.
- Atenolol. It is prescribed at the time of an attack of angina pectoris. Taken in the morning. The first 2 weeks, 50 mg, then 100 mg. If the attacks do not stop, further use of the drug is not advisable. Pregnant women and hypertensive patients should not use.
- Diltiazem. The dose is selected individually, the minimum is 180 mg per day.
Most drugs reduce blood pressure, this should not be forgotten. If the attack of the disease is repeated, and it is much stronger, the dose is increased. But after consultation with the doctor.
Some drugs are taken in combination with others. They will help replenish the body with the required vitamins and minerals.
The attack lasts no more than 5 minutes. It starts instantly, usually after stress or exercise. At this point, the activity of the heart is disturbed - the drug must be selected accurately and quickly so that there are no complications. In the absence of proper treatment, a heart attack or death will occur.
How medicines are prescribed
There is no universal cure for angina pectoris. Each patient undergoes an individual examination, which allows choosing the right therapy. When choosing a drug, the person's age, state of health, risk factors for possible complications are taken into account.
Take into account the symptoms, complaints of the patient and the results of the tests. If the remedy was prescribed to one patient, then it should not be taken to another patient without the consent of the doctor, even if he has the same symptoms.
When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the following:- Features of the pathology and clinical manifestations of the disease. If the form of the disease is mild, 1 type of medication is prescribed. In severe cases - drugs of different mechanical action.
- The pharmacological efficacy of a drug in relation to a particular patient. An examination is carried out to determine how much the active substance is absorbed by the human body.
Doctors use a bicycle ergometer. If the heart, after exercising on the simulator, works as usual, then they talk about the sufficient effectiveness of the prescribed medication.
When choosing a drug, individual intolerance to the substance that is part of it is taken into account. To find out about a possible allergy, they take tests.
To determine the effective remedy, the patient is advised to keep a diary, recording what medications were taken and whether there was an attack. This will allow you to establish a diagnosis and prescribe the correct therapy.
It takes a lot of time to select a therapy. It takes 1 month to develop the effect of the prescribed drug. Its effectiveness is determined by load testing. If there is no improvement from the remedy, another medicine is prescribed. If the drug is chosen correctly, it is taken until the end of life or until the condition improves.