What is cardiac tamponade
Cardiac tamponade is an acute human health condition caused by a serious disruption of the heart due to compression of the pericardium, which leads to a stop in muscle contractility. Pathology can lead to serious consequences and even death of a person. This disease is considered common and occurs in almost the same number in both women and men.
Forms and causes of cardiac tamponade
The heart itself, as well as large arteries and vessels, are located in a special place called the pericardial sac or sac. In addition to the necessary components, there is also a liquid that plays a role in lubrication and better contraction of the heart muscles. The norm of fluid content is from 20 to 30 ml.
But the heart sac is very resistant to stress and withstands various pressures. Therefore, it is able to carry up to 1 liter of various additional liquids. In the event that it arrives rapidly, complications may arise, which are accompanied by an increase in internal pressure and compression of the pericardium. This is due to a violation of the contraction of the heart muscles and the pericardium itself. Therefore, an acute or chronic form of cardiac tamponade can form, characterized by severe disruptions in blood circulation and heart function.
- The chronic form is caused by the gradual accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac, the disease proceeds slowly and can often indicate other heart diseases, but the distinguishing feature is the absence of swelling of the lower extremities.
- The acute form develops very quickly, can be manifested by fainting and shock, often leads to serious consequences and can cause cardiac arrest. Due to compression of the pericardium, it may appear due to surgery, heart disease and other causes.
The following factors influence the appearance of such a pathology:
- heart disease (heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis);
- the use of anticoagulant therapy;
- malignant neoplasms in the lungs and heart;
- tuberculous, purulent pericarditis;
- chronic form of renal failure;
- internal hemorrhage in case of medical intervention;
- dissection of the artery - aorta;
- problems with blood pressure.
These reasons have a great influence on the development of this pathology, and they can also affect the exacerbation of the disease and the occurrence of its consequences. In this case, an acute and chronic form of cardiac tamponade is formed.
Significantly, the manifestation of the disease is affected by existing problems with the heart and excretory organs, since the pathology is associated with the accumulation of excess fluid in the cavity of the pericardial sac, therefore, impaired renal function has a strong impact on the development of the disease.
Tamponade symptoms
Symptoms will help to identify this disease, so you need to be attentive to your health and pay attention to the slightest changes in well-being, slight tingling in the chest area and other manifestations. Cardiac tamponade is characterized by rapid manifestations of symptoms and deterioration of well-being.
The main symptoms are:
- shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
- weakness and malaise;
- chest discomfort;
- cold sweat;
- blue extremities and skin;
- disturbed pulse;
- irregular and muffled heart rhythm;
- psychological and other strong stresses;
- pain radiating to the chest area.
In complex conditions, fainting, dizziness and hemorrhagic collapse are possible.
As well as symptoms of this pathology, the following manifestations related to the chronic form can be:
- poor appetite;
- shortness of breath and shortness of breath during physical exertion;
- an increase in the size of the liver;
- pain in the region of the heart and under the rib on the right side;
- swelling of the veins;
- accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity;
- weakness, malaise;
- dizziness.
Chronic and acute forms of pathology can cause the development of serious illnesses, fainting, shock conditions.
Diagnosis of tamponade
Diagnosis for any disease is very important: it allows you to detect the pathology in a timely manner and start the right treatment.
In this case, diagnostic measures involve various methods that help identify the disease at an early stage of development:
- Electrocardiography as a diagnostic is used in rare cases, but it can be used to track the heart rhythm.
- Echocardiography can detect the presence of foreign fluid in the pericardial sac. This method of research helps in the detection of pathology, as well as in tracking the result of treatment after surgery.
- Radiography is widely used to detect such diseases, it allows you to detect cardiac tamponade by the presence of an x-ray image, on which you can easily trace the extra contours and outlines of the heart, which indicates the development of this pathology.
- Tomography is the most effective diagnostic method for any diseases, it is good because it is able to detect cardiac tamponade at the initial stage of its development.
In addition to the above methods, it is also necessary to conduct additional medical studies, which include testing and a separate examination of all internal organs, which makes it possible to identify the cause of the disease.
Medical therapy
The treatment of such a disease should be handled by a doctor of a certain specialization, namely, a cardiologist. To identify the disease, diagnostic methods are used, the necessary tests are given.
Cardiac tamponade involves the following methods of treatment:
- drug therapy;
- operable intervention.
It is not worth delaying the therapy of this disease, since it is developing very rapidly: the accumulation of various fluids in the heart area can reach large volumes - 1 liter or more.
Drug therapy is used to stabilize the serious condition of the patient, drugs should be used on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision. Since the disease is dangerous, treatment should take place in a hospital under the supervision of medical specialists.
After the problem with the symptoms of the disease has been resolved, they begin to treat the initial pathology, which caused the development of cardiac tamponade. Often, patients are prescribed glucocorticosteroids as drugs, and the duration of the course of use is a week, regardless of the degree of development and stage of pathology. These medications provide resorption of the accumulated fluid in the cavity of the heart.
In addition to glucocorticosteroids, metabolic drugs are also prescribed, which positively affect the work of the myocardium and contribute to its functioning and better contraction. These drugs are also often used for punctures during surgical therapy for cardiac tamponade.
Operable intervention
Surgical treatment is vital, so it is used for any manifestations of cardiac tamponade and in case of its complications.
Such treatment consists in puncture pericardiocentesis, that is, fluid is sucked out of the pericardial sac:
- Such an operation is controlled by the necessary medical devices. Here it is important to correctly insert the needle so as not to touch important organs and not damage the heart itself.
- When suctioning even 20-30 ml of excess fluid, a visible improvement occurs.
- Puncture treatment can also be carried out without a special electrode that shows the direction of the needle when the patient develops a severe complication of the pathology, which leads to cardiac arrest.
- With an operable intervention, it is necessary to monitor the pulse rate, blood pressure, heart rate and other important indicators of the patient.
- At the end of the operation, the patient is injected with antibacterial, sclerosing or hormonal drugs to reduce the occurrence of complications.
Complications and prevention of the disease
In addition, the vivid manifestations of symptoms also indicate a severe pathology, therefore, with a rapid accumulation of fluid up to 1 liter or more, an acute or chronic form of the disease may occur.
Cardiac tamponade has a significant impact on the functioning of the heart, so untimely and illiterate treatment can affect the occurrence of frequent fainting, shock and cardiac arrest.
Preventive methods include the following rules:
- early detection of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- carry out operable treatment only with proven medical specialists in a certain field;
- regularly undergo examinations in the presence of serious pathologies;
- treat all diseases in time;
- not be subjected to strong mental stress.
Cardiac tamponade involves the implementation of preventive measures that are aimed at preventing the development of the disease, maintaining the health of the heart and the whole body.
Therefore, it is extremely important to follow all the rules that help prevent cardiac tamponade.