What to do with bradycardia - first aid
What to do with bradycardia at home? The disease is a type of arrhythmia with a reduced heart rate, which is about 60 beats per minute. It is worth noting that this indicator is the norm for professional athletes, but most often the pathological process accompanies disorders associated with changes in the functional characteristics of the heart muscle.
On the importance of alternative treatment for bradycardia
What is bradycardia and what to do when it occurs, the cardiologist will say. He will prescribe medication, which can be supplemented with alternative therapy.
Among the signs of the disease, symptoms such as:
- weakness;
- short-term loss of consciousness;
- increased sweating;
- the occurrence of pain in the region of the heart;
- appearance of dizziness.
If this diagnosis is made, what to do in a similar situation and how to increase the pulse with bradycardia - many people have such questions. Treat the disease without fail, and the sooner the better. It would be useful to have an idea of how to get rid of the main symptoms at home.
If the heart rhythm disturbances are temporary, there is no cause for concern.
If the pathologies tend to recur, then the best way out is to visit specialists such as a neuropathologist and an endocrinologist, who will make the appropriate appointments.
It is worth noting that insufficient sinus rhythm is dangerous not only by the occurrence of fainting conditions, but also by sudden cardiac arrest. In this scenario, a lethal outcome is not ruled out. As for treatment, it is possible to get rid of bradycardia not only through conservative methods, but also using traditional medicine recipes. First aid for bradycardia also involves performing some manipulations at home.
Several effective prescriptions for the treatment of bradycardia
In order to have a clear idea of what means to treat bradycardia at home, it is advisable to consider a number of recipes in more detail:
- Medicine based on walnuts. For cooking, you should prepare and pre-grind the walnut kernels in the amount of 500 gr., Take 4 lemons. Fruits should be divided into several parts, pouring them with boiling water. Next, you need to take a capacious container, where to add the following ingredients: sesame oil, granulated sugar in the amount of 250 gr., Lemons and nuts. Mix all ingredients. The tool is ready for use. It is recommended to take the medicine in a tablespoon three times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment can be continued until complete recovery. You can cope with the manifestations of bradycardia with the help of flower pollen, royal jelly. Fish oil, flax oil, algae are also suitable.
- Treatment of bradycardia with yarrow. Bradycardia leads to a decrease in heart rate. When the pulse rate is less than 40, then human health is in serious danger. In this case, yarrow can help. You can buy the herb at any specialized pharmacy. To prepare a decoction, take 25 gr. dry yarrow and pour a glass of raw water, then put the broth on a slow fire and boil for 15 minutes. The broth should be defended for at least an hour, then strain and take a tablespoon three times throughout the day. This tool helps to improve cardiac activity.
- Treatment of bradycardia with wine. Red wine helps a lot. To prepare the product, it is necessary to boil it in an enamel saucepan over low heat. It will be enough to take half a liter. Next, you need to pour dill seeds in the same amount in the amount of 50 gr. and continue to boil the mixture for the next 10 minutes, after which the medicine should be allowed to stand until it cools and pour it into a glass jar. It is not recommended to filter the wine, it is better to store the drink in the refrigerator, drink a tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is about 4 weeks with a ten-day break.
- Garlic with lemon in the treatment of bradycardia. For cooking, you need to take lemons in the amount of 10 pieces and bee honey - 1 liter. Lemons should be poured with boiling water. Citrus fruits should lie for about one minute, after which the juice should be squeezed out of them. Then you need to take garlic in the amount of 10 heads and pass through a meat grinder. All components are mixed and put into a three-liter jar, after which it is recommended to put the composition in a cold dark place. The medicine is infused for about 15 days, periodically mixed. It is recommended to drink the remedy 2 tablespoons at a time half an hour before meals. In this case, it is recommended to dissolve the medicine for at least a minute. The duration of the course of treatment for bradycardia is 90 days.
- Valerian root tincture. Valerian root has an excellent calming effect. To prepare a decoction, take 4 tablespoons and pour boiled water in an amount of 250 ml. A decoction that increases the pulse should be insisted during the night, and strained in the morning. It is recommended to take the medicine 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.
- Tincture from pine branches. The tool has a pronounced sedative effect, which helps to normalize the heart rhythm. For its preparation, 100 gr. pine tops, which should be carefully crushed, then pour vodka in an amount of 300 ml. It is recommended to insist it for at least 10 days in a dark place. Take the medicine should be 10 drops 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Although the drug is considered absolutely harmless, its long-term use can lead to headaches and increased blood pressure. Then the number of receptions is recommended to be reduced to once a day.
Additional measures for bradycardia
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and some physiotherapy activities also contribute to the normalization of the pulse.
So, massage is highlighted, its purpose is to restore sleep. It is advisable to use olive oil for this. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes. It represents the stroking of the area starting from the coccyx to the neck.
One has only to note that nutrition should be complete and rational. The daily menu of the patient should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, trace elements, protein compounds and carbohydrates.
In the presence of this disease, it is strongly not recommended:
- abuse fatty, fried, spicy foods;
- overeat.
Excess weight interferes in some cases with the restoration of the heart rhythm. If you carry out high-quality treatment and combine it with proper nutrition, then recovery will come much faster.
You should also try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle (good sleep, moderate exercise, etc.).