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    Jumps in blood pressure in the elderly

    The older a person is, the more often he talks about high blood pressure. The reason for this is quite simple: usually in old age, changes occur in the vessels (they are no longer so elastic, often their lumen is narrowed due to various deposits), so pressure surges are a frequent occurrence. Therefore, in the house of every person of age there is a tonometer that helps to determine the deviation from the norm.

    Older people who are in the age range of 65 and older should know more about the characteristics of their body.

    What does "normal pressure" mean?

    people aged

    The concept of the norm in this matter does not have clear boundaries, but it ranges from 120/80 to 150-160/80-90. Each person is an individual being, living conditions, genetics, lifestyle, psychological climate, health status at a certain age play an important role in determining these indicators.

    What doctors call "arterial hypertension" or "hypertension" for the common man means "high blood pressure." It is usually measured on the arm in the region of the brachial artery and is recorded with two numbers indicating systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower) pressure.

    ElderlyIn the age category of 65-75 years with hypertension, both figures increase, and in older people (75-90 years) these figures diverge, while the systolic increases, and the diastolic remains the same or slightly decreases. Typically, the norm in the elderly and the elderly (90 years and older) is considered to be 160/95.

    Causes of hypertensive crises

    A sudden change in pressure is called a surge. They are single or multiple. There are several reasons for this phenomenon.

    Elderly people can feel such jumps in such cases:

    • after getting out of bed quickly
    • after another sudden movement (especially with the head),
    • as a result of various experiences,
    • in the presence and exacerbation of certain chronic diseases.

    Hypertension "aged" - a common disease or a sign of old age

    Psychological loadArterial hypertension is of two types: essential hypertension and symptomatic hypertension (only a symptom of the disease). The first type is caused by psychological and emotional stress, genetics (manifested at any age) or pathology developing in the body. Such a disease in the elderly and senile age has a benign character. Sharp jumps in pressure in old people 80-90 years old are much less common than in 50-65 years old.

    The causes of symptomatic hypertension in the elderly are existing diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis. People in their 90s tend to have low blood pressure. Therefore, any jumps, even minor ones, may be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and headache.

    Most doctors agree that hypertension even at the age of 90 is not a sign of old age, but a common disease. But some experts argue that sclerotic systolic hypertension is evidence that the body is aging. With age, the walls of the aorta and large arteries sclerotate and become more rigid. The condensed walls of the vessels grow, and the elastic ones decrease. This increases only the upper pressure. Therefore, it is tolerated by older people more easily than hypertension, in which both pressure indicators deviate from the norm.

    Actions of a 90-year-old patient with hypertension

    Elderly womanIn elderly people 80-90 years old, tonometer readings of 150/80 are considered normal. They may increase slightly during a doctor's blood pressure measurement (white coat effect). The pulse in 90-year-old people in the normal state is 65 beats per minute, and if a person has hypertension, it rises to 120.

    Arterial hypertension in the elderly requires constant monitoring by a specialist.

    1. Patients are shown moderate (habitual) physical activity that does not strain the body.
    2. The diet should be adjusted.
    3. For older people, a diet with reduced amounts of salt and fat, avoiding strong tea and coffee, and increasing the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables are necessary.

    At the age of 90, it is very dangerous to use drugs that quickly reduce pressure (the so-called "ambulance"). This is due to the fact that there is a rapid outflow of blood from the brain, which becomes a great test for worn-out vessels. As a result, there is a risk of collapse, which can lead to death.

    PillsArterial hypertension in the elderly is also explained by the fact that in old age, almost every person has a “set” of diseases that reduce the quality of life and lead to irreversible consequences. And if for some reason the organs cease to be well supplied with blood, then the development of hypertension is a response to this process. Only an attentive attitude to one's health at any age, and especially in old age, will allow one to enjoy life and feel its fullness.

    Article author: roman
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    Jumps in blood pressure in the elderly
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