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    Treatment of hypertension complicated by gout

    In medical practice, cases of a combination of hypertension and gout are not uncommon. This can be explained by the age range of diseases, as well as the high prevalence of these ailments. With simultaneous treatment, you need to consider the compatibility of drugs and be careful. Pressure tablets should not adversely affect the course of gout. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited, all activities must be agreed with the attending physician.

    What is hypertension?

    doctor and patient

    Hypertension is a prolonged and persistent increase in blood pressure (BP). In healthy people, the pressure is usually in the range of 120/80 mm Hg. Art., above 140/90 is considered elevated.

    Hypertension is caused by disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

    The main symptoms can be called a feeling:
    • pain or discomfort in the heart area;
    • rapid heartbeat;
    • headache;
    • tinnitus;
    • dizziness;
    • clouding in the eyes.
    There are three degrees of hypertension:
    1. Light. BP is within 140/90-159/99. At the same time, the internal organs and systems do not undergo changes, and the increase in pressure is episodic and returns to normal without the help of drugs.
    2. Moderate. Cases of increased blood pressure are becoming more frequent, while it is 160/100-179/109 mm. rt. Art., is reduced only with the help of tablets.
    3. Heavy. Systematically, the pressure rises to 180/110 mm. rt. Art. and higher. In addition, pathological changes in the organs and systems of the body are recorded. In the future, this can lead to myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney disease.

    The decrease in blood pressure should be gradual. This should be done very carefully at the 2nd and 3rd stages of the development of hypertension. Doctors recommend reducing blood pressure for several months by 10-15% of the initial one and not in one approach, otherwise it threatens with a heart attack or stroke. If the patient feels better, he should still take medication.

    Based on world statistics, hypertension in the initial stage is often asymptomatic. Therefore, everyone who has crossed the line of middle age should regularly measure pressure for prevention purposes, even in the absence of complaints.

    Signs of gout

    Gout is caused by improper metabolism, namely the accumulation of uric acid salts that are not excreted from the body. Uric acid produces crystals that are deposited in joints, organs and entire systems.

    This disease is characterized by inflammation of the joint, first one, then several. An attack of gouty arthritis overtakes a person during sleep or early in the morning. It is accompanied by sharp pain in a particular joint, which may swell, become red, and have a temperature higher than the rest of the body. The period of continuation of the attack - from several days to a week, in some cases even longer.

    Gout is also defined when peculiar growths appear on the hands or feet due to a strong increase in uric acid. In places of formation of growths, a person feels constant obsessive pain, which does not allow him to maintain an active lifestyle.

    Gout Gout is a chronic disease that cannot be completely cured. In the body, a protective reaction occurs to formations from uric acid, which causes the affected areas to turn into so-called tophi. This is an accumulation of leukocytes around the focus of uric acid derivatives.

    To avoid possible complications, you need to start treating gout on time. After the diagnosis is made, the attending physician must prescribe medications that will keep the disease under control and remove pain attacks. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the level of uric acid in the body. Prescribed drugs should help to reduce the concentration of acid and its rapid removal from the patient's body.

    People who are diagnosed with arterial hypertension, kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the digestive system are more susceptible to gout. Also, excess weight, bad habits, heredity are negative factors that lead to illness.

    Combination of hypertension and gout

    Concomitant hypertension is the main cause of the high mortality rate among gout patients. In addition, if a patient is overweight, has impaired metabolism, diabetes, this gives complications to the underlying disease.

    A common cause of gout and hypertension is too high a content of uric acid in the blood, as it has a pathological effect on the walls of blood vessels. An attack of gout can lead to a sharp increase in blood pressure and aggravate the patient's condition with hypertension. And diuretics, which are usually prescribed to reduce pressure, are categorically contraindicated in gout, as they can provoke a gouty attack.

    Pressure Therefore, all patients diagnosed with gout should regularly measure their blood pressure. Due to excessive salt deposits, blood pressure rises and the general condition of the body worsens.

    The important point is to find a reasonable and safe treatment that will provide adequate reduction and control of blood pressure throughout the day. It is necessary to take into account the complex metabolic processes that occur in the body with gout, so as not to provoke the progression of the disease.

    Reducing pressure in gout with pharmaceutical preparations

    Patients with hypertension, which is complicated by gouty arthritis, are allowed to take Losartan blood pressure lowering tablets.

    This remedy reduces the overall resistance of blood vessels and helps to lower blood pressure. "Losartan" helps to reduce the risk of ailments of the cardiovascular system, which are unacceptable for gout.

    It also very effectively reduces pressure and does not worsen the course of gouty arthritis, the medical drug "Valsartan", which solves several problems at once: normalizes blood pressure and improves metabolic processes, which is very necessary for patients with gout.

    But these pills are contraindicated in such conditions:
    • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
    • kidney ailments;
    • insufficient amount of blood in the body;
    • pathology of the liver and biliary tract.

    Cardiomagnyl To avoid crystallization of uric acid in the blood, it is necessary to exclude such drugs for hypertensive patients as Cardiomagnyl, Aspirin, thiazide diuretics.

    When combining hypertension with gout, it is important to observe the following measures:
    • lose weight;
    • get rid of bad habits;
    • lead an active lifestyle, engage in physical activity;
    • balance the diet, namely, reduce the amount of salt, fatty and fried foods consumed and increase the proportion of fruits, vegetables, dairy products in the daily menu.

    It is nutrition that should be given special attention, since gouty arthritis occurs due to improper metabolism. And it is important for hypertensive patients to consume a large amount of plant foods rich in useful trace elements and vitamins.

    Food with a symbiosis of these diseases should not be too plentiful, but you should not starve. It is better to eat black bread, and several times a week - with bran.

    Treatment of hypertension with gout folk remedies

    With many prohibited medicines for the treatment of hypertension and gout, you can try traditional medicine.

    To lower blood pressure and improve the condition of the body with gout, the following recipes are used:
    • take 20 g of sweet clover grass, horsetail grass, woolly astragalus and 15 g of marsh cudweed grass. From this mixture you need to make an infusion and take it in a tablespoon 2-3 times a day;
    • take 15 g of walnut leaves and motherwort herb and pour 250 ml of boiled cooled water. Insist in a sealed container for about 12 hours. Take ¼ cup 3-4 times a day one hour before meals;
    • Chop fresh celery leaves thoroughly, squeeze out the juice, add a little honey. Putting on a slow fire, stir, not bringing to a boil. Take three times a day after each meal;
    • Pour 3-4 g of crushed valerian root with 250 ml of boiling water, insist for 2 hours (do not boil). Take 2/3 cup three times a day. The last dose should be done before going to bed in a hot form with honey.
    Thus, hypertension in combination with gout is quite dangerous and requires the patient to be very attentive to his condition.

    It is necessary to constantly monitor the level of blood pressure, especially during exacerbation of gouty arthritis. You should also remember that you can only take those drugs that have been agreed with a rheumatologist and a cardiologist.

    Article Author: V83asol
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    Treatment of hypertension complicated by gout