4 recipes for a decoction based on oats for hypertension
Hypertension, which is also called hypertension, and the main symptom of which is a sharp increase in blood pressure, is the main "culprit" of such serious diseases as myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. They give a high percentage of disability, and in terms of the number of deaths they even outpace cancer. Considering that this vascular pathology is widespread and covers more than 50% of the adult population of developed countries, and in the age group of 40 years and older this figure reaches 85-90%, the issue of treating hypertension and preventing hypertensive crises is very important.
Causes of arterial hypertension
Blood pressure (BP), like most other indicators of a person's health, depends on the individual characteristics of his body, but average data are considered the norm. Two levels are taken into account: the blood pressure during contraction of the heart muscle is systolic, or upper, and the pressure during its relaxation is diastolic, or lower. In medicine, blood pressure is called normal, having indicators from 100/60 to 120/80, but in children under 14 years old it is lower than in adults, and in people over 60 years old it can rise to the level of 150/90 - this is considered the upper limit of the norm. When there is a significant and stable excess of these figures, a person is diagnosed with hypertension. And if earlier it was the “prerogative” of those over 50, now thirty-year-olds sometimes suffer from high blood pressure, which experts believe is the reason for the intense pace of modern life.
Pathology develops for several reasons, including:- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Renal failure.
- Endocrine pathologies - dysfunction of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.
- Sleep disorder - insomnia.
- Chronic stress and overwork.
- Bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse.
- Overweight.
Symptoms of hypertension include headache, weakness, dizziness, nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the head and a rush of blood to it, tinnitus. Leaving these signs of illness unattended is extremely dangerous - failure to take action can lead to very serious consequences, up to a stroke or heart attack.
Timely seeking medical help and the transition to a healthy lifestyle (observance of the regime of work and rest, avoiding stressful situations and the ability to regulate one's emotions, rational nutrition, giving up tobacco and alcohol, moderate physical activity) helps to normalize the situation. By doing this, it is possible to restrain the progression of the disease and prevent the development of hypertensive crises - this is how professional doctors call a pathological condition caused by a sharp increase in blood pressure.
But in "experienced" hypertensive patients, the pressure can "jump" for no apparent reason, since with age the state of the vessels undergoes pathological changes. They lose their elasticity, becoming covered from the inside with cholesterol plaques, and are no longer able to respond normally even to minor changes. Such people should always have a tonometer “at hand” - a device for measuring blood pressure, which should be measured at least twice a day (morning and evening) even if they feel normal. It is useful to keep a diary, writing down indicators in it - it is easier to follow the trend in the development of the disease.
For many years and even centuries, folk medicine has accumulated a lot of experience in the use of herbal medicine against various ailments, including hypertension. People have painfully felt changes in blood pressure at all times, and long before the advent of official pharmacology, healers and herbalists helped them cope with this scourge with the help of herbs and cereals, the medicinal properties of which were discovered empirically. And today, chronic patients suffering from vascular spasms, along with pharmaceutical preparations, systematically use the means of the "green pharmacy".
Tablets or plants - which is better?
The answer to the question of what to give preference to for the correction of blood pressure in hypertension depends on the "experience" and the form of the disease.
Experts distinguish three characteristic stages in the process of disease progression:- Hypertension of the first degree is a mild form. The pressure is unstable, with physical or nervous stress, as well as with changes in the weather and atmospheric pressure drops, it rises in the range from 150/95 to 170/100. At rest and with improving weather conditions, it can return to normal without taking antihypertensive drugs.
- Hypertension of the second degree - the average form. The upward trend in blood pressure takes on a stable character: even at rest, it does not fall below 180/100, sometimes rising to the level of 200/110. Begins to develop coronary heart disease. During this period, the patient needs to be monitored by a therapist and a cardiologist, constant monitoring of blood pressure and taking antihypertensive pills.
- Hypertension of the third degree is a severe form. The pressure begins to steadily “go off scale”, “breaking through” the level of 220/115. Hypertensive crises are becoming commonplace. The situation is fraught with the development of heart attacks and strokes, the patient needs systematic therapy with the appointment of courses of antihypertensive drugs in the form of injections and droppers.
At an early stage in the development of pathology, there is no need to use strong hypotonic drugs: they reduce vascular tone too sharply, often causing deterioration. But hope that the pressure will decrease by itself is also not worth it. Phytotherapy helps to normalize and stably reduce blood pressure at the initial stage of hypertension.
There are many ways to combat hypertension with the help of various medicinal plants, the use of which gives a stable positive effect.
The use of decoctions and tinctures based on them for this purpose has many advantages:
- herbal remedies do not have too strong an effect on the body - blood pressure decreases smoothly, without sudden changes;
- unlike pharmaceuticals, most of them have no contraindications and no side effects;
- when using them, there is no risk of accidental overdose, since the concentration of active substances in them is not as high as in tablet and injection forms.
Collecting medicinal herbs in a forest or a meadow on your own is risky: for this you need to have a lot of experience and be well versed in botany, otherwise there is a danger of confusing similar plants, often with opposite properties, and instead of doing good, harm yourself. Of great importance is the time of collection, since the healing qualities of various parts of herbs and flowers reach their maximum in different seasonal periods. In addition, they must be environmentally friendly, so they cannot be collected near roads, residential areas and industrial enterprises. You can avoid all these problems by buying herbal preparations in a pharmacy, but even in this case there is no guarantee of their high quality, and their prices are only slightly inferior to those of pills and injections.
Benefits of oats for hypertension
Not only herbs have healing properties, but also many cereals, which people used to consider only familiar foodstuffs. Among the "edible doctors" are ordinary oatmeal. It should be emphasized that we are talking about whole grains - cereals, widely sold in supermarkets, do not bring such benefits.
The use of oats for hypertension is advised by both traditional healers and professional doctors. A decoction of its grains is able to regulate the heart rate and normalize blood pressure. Oats lower blood pressure by removing excess fluid from the body and lowering cholesterol levels, which helps to expand the vascular lumen and normalize the tone of the vascular walls.
There are many recipes for preparing such decoctions:- Pour one full glass of unpeeled oat grains with one liter of water and boil until half the moisture has evaporated. Strain the remaining liquid and drink half a glass a day after meals, distributing the volume into three doses.
- Rinse the unpeeled oat grains well, then completely dry and grind with a coffee grinder. Brew one teaspoon of powder in a glass of boiling water and drink like tea, with a break between doses of 2-3 hours. Last appointment no later than 8 pm.
- Take 30 g of unpeeled oat grains, 70 g of crushed elecampane root (sold in a pharmacy) and 30 g of natural bee honey. Rinse the grains well, pour half a liter of water and bring to a boil. Insist 3-4 hours. Then drain the water from the oats, pour it over the roots of elecampane and boil. Again insist 2 hours. Drain the resulting liquid and mix with honey. Take 3 times a day for a third of a glass. The course of treatment is two weeks. Store the decoction in a thermos.
- Mix half a glass of cereal grains with rose hips and strawberries (fresh or dried), chop everything. Pour the mixture with a liter of water and boil until half of the liquid boils away. Decoction to drink during the day, taking 10 minutes before meals.