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    Relationship between blood pressure and high cholesterol

    In the body of each person there is cholesterol, which is so necessary for our metabolism. This fat-soluble substance is found in almost all tissues of the human body. The liver independently produces the proportion of cholesterol necessary for the body, but a person receives its excess with food, and such cholesterol does not always benefit the body. But the most dangerous condition is considered to be high cholesterol with frequent bouts of hypertension.

    cholesterol and high blood pressure


    Both high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure are already quite dangerous deviations in themselves, since they primarily affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Both pathologies can cause the development of cardiac ischemia. But how does cholesterol affect blood pressure?

    One of the reasons for the development of hypertension in a person of any age is an increased level of cholesterol in the blood. High cholesterol makes the blood vessels sensitive, which makes them more responsive to even the slightest changes in blood pressure. Cholesterol plaques become an obstacle to blood flow inside the vessels. Weakened blood vessels are the cause of high blood pressure.

    Healthy foodsTo all this, it is worth adding that cholesterol plaques can break away from the walls of blood vessels and can become blood clots for the main cardiac blood flow, which will certainly lead to the progression of a heart attack.

    In recent years, both deviations are most common in the world's population of any age group.

    The reasons for this are:
    1. Exceeding the daily intake of sodium. Such a chemical element as sodium is gaining immense popularity among food manufacturers. This is due to the fact that the chemical significantly increases the shelf life of food. When sodium is consumed in excess of the prescribed norm per day, an increase in blood pressure levels occurs.
    2. Heavy animal fats. Increasingly, a person eats fast food, which is prepared on heavy animal fats. These fats are a direct supplier of heavy cholesterol to the human body, which does not break down, but settles on the inner surface of blood vessels.
    3. Negligent attitude towards one's own health. More and more people neglect physical activity, do not monitor the quality of their diet, prefer to be treated on their own, refusing the services of qualified specialists. Tobacco and alcohol gained immense popularity. All this leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to the effects of external stimuli, which a person accepts with such pleasure.

    Most often, high cholesterol and high blood pressure occurs in the population of developed countries, where the accelerated rhythm of life and the habits of others leave an imprint on the health of each person.

    Hypertensive crises and blood cholesterol levels do not have to be treated with medications. To control cholesterol and pressure surges, you must follow a specialized diet and follow the doctor's recommendations.

    Basics of dietary nutrition

    Olive oilAdhering to a healthy diet for many people will not be a big problem, since her diet is quite diverse.

    At the moment, there are a large number of medical diets, but among all of them there are a number of general principles that must be followed:
    • you need to eat in small portions, but not less than five to six times a day;
    • count the calories eaten, but do not consume more than the required norm, which is calculated depending on the gender and age of the patient;
    • remove semi-finished and finished meat products from the diet;
    • animal and vegetable fats in the diet should be replaced with oils of vegetable origin - olive, linseed, corn, sesame;
    • choose dairy products with a low percentage of fat content;
    • more often there are fish dishes, both from river fish and sea fish;
    • reduce meat consumption, and replace pork with less fatty beef or lamb;
    • the ideal meat product for such a diet would be chicken breast, in which there is a minimum set of fats, but a sufficient amount of proteins;
    • make it a habit to have breakfast with cereals, since cereals are able to remove excess cholesterol from the body;
    • increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables;
    • give up coffee and alcoholic drinks;
    • drink more clean water per day;
    • It is necessary to salt foods immediately before use, but not during cooking.

    Compliance with all these tips will help not only reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body, but also lose weight, cleanse the body and improve metabolism.

    Among the foods consumed by humans, there are a number of those that are strictly prohibited at a critical level of cholesterol. Among them stands out: chocolate and its substitutes, creamy ice cream and fruit ice, strong coffee and tea drinks, smoked meat and fish, pickled vegetables, any flour and pasta, fast food and any fast food, as well as various marinades and sauces, in including mayonnaise and ketchup. Even the foods we are used to should be used with caution. Dairy products only with high fat content, bananas, liver and bread must be completely removed from the diet.

    It is also recommended to refrain from Asian cuisine, which is based on various types of rice and spicy sauces.

    CoffeeMost of these products have a negative effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, burden the digestive tract and bring bad cholesterol into the body. Therefore, pampering yourself once can aggravate the situation again. After a certain time after the start of the diet, it is possible to diversify your diet with one of these products, but this can only be done with the permission of the doctor and based on the latest test results.

    According to the norms of therapeutic medical diets, the diet of a person suffering from high cholesterol and pressure should include a large amount of vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries, which make up approximately fifty percent of the patient's total daily diet. The remaining percentages may include nuts and dried fruits, any kind of honey, lean meat and fish, chicken eggs. It is recommended to drink green tea or herbal teas, mineral water.

    At the heart of all cholesterol diets is the need to reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

    But at the same time, do not forget about the sources of healthy cholesterol necessary for the body:
    • half an avocado daily helps increase levels of the healthy compound;
    • olives, whole grains, oatmeal, soybeans and beans help remove excess bad cholesterol from the body;
    • forest berries (lingonberries, cranberries, mountain ash, raspberries), pomegranate, strawberries and garlic will increase the production of good cholesterol in the body.

    Any greens, flaxseed, as well as bee pollen and perga (bee products) allow you to establish metabolic processes in the body, which will be an excellent apprentice in the fight against excess cholesterol.

    Diet for high cholesterol

    Brown riceAny diet for high blood pressure and cholesterol, whichever you choose, should be based on the principles of nutrition that were given above.

    Nutritionists and gastroenterologists offer many diets, including a similar daily diet:
    1. Breakfast. It is recommended to eat cereal or oatmeal without any additives and sweeteners, drink unsweetened tea. You can also include a small handful of nuts, bread or cottage cheese in breakfast.
    2. Dinner. Lunch should be hearty. You can eat any side dish (brown rice, buckwheat, any allowed cereals) with a piece of lean boiled meat or fish, vegetable broth soup, fresh vegetables. Meat and fish products can not be boiled, but baked in the oven or steamed. You can make a salad out of vegetables. In rare cases, you can eat bread, but only whole grains.
    3. Dinner. For dinner, it is recommended to limit yourself to light foods. It can be steamed vegetables, a side dish with fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir.
    4. Snacks during the day. For a snack, you can enter unsweetened cookies, any allowed fruits and vegetables (you can in the form of a salad seasoned with vegetable oil), natural juices and unsweetened tea with honey or jam.

    All dishes during the day can be changed according to the time of reception, but the main thing should be the main thing - nothing from the list of prohibited foods!

    You can take the Mediterranean diet as the basis of your diet, which is widely used by the inhabitants of Greece and Italy. Among the population of these countries, diseases of the cardiovascular system are less common. Greeks and Italians prefer whole grain bread, they practically do not eat red meat, successfully replacing it with dietary white meat and fish.

    Semi-finished products, both ready-made and frozen, canned vegetables, fish and meat, ready-made meat products (sausages) are used by Italians very rarely and, as a rule, in hopeless situations. They replace red meat with homemade bean dishes, canned vegetables with fresh vegetable salads.

    The biggest secret of the Mediterranean diet is that half of the daily diet consists of fruits and vegetables, and all dishes are prepared exclusively with vegetable oils. Instead of sweets and pastries, a variety of nuts and fruits are more often used.

    It is considered a good habit in these countries to drink a glass of dry red wine with dinner. According to the locals, it promotes good sleep, improves digestion and prevents blood from “stagnating”.

    Reviews of many patients prove that it is possible to lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure without taking specialized medications. To do this, it is enough to follow simple tips on compiling a personal diet, do not eat fast food and give up bad habits.

    Article author: galchonok_-07
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    Relationship between blood pressure and high cholesterol