How to urgently raise the pressure at home with medicines and folk methods
For unknown reasons, many patients underestimate the dangers of hypotension. Doctors warn that such a violation often leads to serious complications, up to the separation of a blood clot, and can also cause a heart attack and stroke. To maintain health and prevent the development of such undesirable consequences, you need to know how to quickly raise the pressure at home in different ways.
The main causes of hypotension
This term in international medicine means a condition in which the patient's systolic blood pressure falls below 100 units, and the diastolic does not exceed 60. It is important to understand that such indicators are a deviation from the norm for 90% of the population, but for some people such pressure is considered normal , which is due to the individual characteristics of the organism.
Low blood pressure is very often diagnosed in the fair sex of different ages, and in this physiological state, many young ladies do not experience any discomfort. Doctors assure that if blood pressure is physiologically low, there is no need to increase it, since actions can lead to a violation in the general condition, and with “normal” rates of 120/70, a person will feel all the symptoms of hypertension.
If the patient periodically encounters a pathological decrease in pressure, he is diagnosed with hypotension.
More often, the disease occurs against the background of certain diseases or with the negative impact of external factors, the role of the primary source can be:- problems with the functioning of the heart muscle;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- too low sugar levels;
- prolonged stress and emotional instability;
- the presence of chronic diseases;
- slow heartbeat;
- genetic predisposition;
- bearing a child;
- adherence to a strict diet and fasting;
- dehydration, intoxication or exposure to high temperatures;
- excessive physical activity during professional sports;
- long-term use of drugs of certain pharmaceutical categories;
- prolonged exposure to moist air.
Doctors say that the most common cause of low blood pressure is an unhealthy lifestyle. If a person sits at home all day long, moves little and eats improperly, the likelihood of hypotension increases several times.
If the pressure indicators fall below the usual, a person may experience such deviations:
- general weakness and feeling of "brokenness";
- lethargy and apathy;
- discomfort and slight pain in the back of the head;
- feeling of lack of oxygen;
- nausea and vomiting;
- increased sweating;
- dizziness.
In rare cases, loss of consciousness may occur. If such symptoms appear quite often, it is strongly recommended to make an appointment with a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.
Use of drugs
How to increase blood pressure at home? Doctors assure that the most effective and efficient method is the use of modern medicines. If blood pressure drops very rarely (no more than once every 3 months), you can use pills to eliminate the disease, because if taken rarely, they will not harm health and will not cause side effects. But if hypotension occurs with a certain frequency or a person has a genetic tendency to violate, it is recommended to use folk remedies.
It is important to remember that drugs designed to reduce pressure have a complex effect, and if used incorrectly, they can cause serious complications. That is why it is recommended to select them together with the attending physician, who will prescribe the remedy taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.
More often, hypotensive patients are prescribed drugs of the following pharmaceutical categories:- Alpha-agonists. The drugs of this group contribute to the narrowing of capillaries and stimulate adenoreceptors. As a result of this effect, the stagnation of venous blood is eliminated, and the volume of circulating blood and pressure remain normal. The most famous means of this pharmaceutical category are Midodrina, Norepinephrine and Mefentermine.
- Analeptics. Tablets increase cardiac output, but do not increase the number of contractions of the heart muscle. The following drugs have the greatest number of positive reviews: Nicetamide, Effortil, Symptola;
- Anticholinergics. Such drugs are very active, help to urgently increase pressure. They can only be used after a full examination and medical prescription. The most famous means of this pharmaceutical category is Bellataminal.
Also in pharmacies you can buy drugs to reduce pressure, which are available without a prescription.
At home, without harm to health, you can take the following remedies:- Caffeine tablets. There are no contraindications for these tablets, but if abused, they can cause arrhythmia.
- Ginseng (in the form of tincture). It is a tonic and immunomodulatory agent. Due to the fact that the medicine can lead to sleep disturbance. It is not recommended to drink it in the evening.
- Eleutherococcus. The medicine will help not only increase blood pressure, but also improves mental activity.
- Lemongrass tincture. The tool normalizes blood pressure and increases physical endurance.
- Citramon. Helps to increase a slight decrease in pressure.
Using folk methods
You can also normalize blood pressure with the help of folk remedies, but you need to understand that most of these methods are rather slow. If the pressure level is too low, it is recommended not to take risks and use medications.
In the event that the pressure has dropped slightly, you can use the following means:- tansy. A tablespoon of chopped tansy must be poured with 250 ml of boiling water and let the liquid brew for 3 hours (under the lid). After the time has elapsed, the solution must be filtered, the agent is consumed 15 ml three times a day (before meals). The maximum duration of treatment is 30 days;
- thistle. The medicine is prepared in the same proportions, but it needs to be infused for 7 hours. The drug is taken 3 times a day, 50 ml each. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to drink the medicine half an hour before meals;
- aloe juice. You need to pick the lower leaves from the plant, peel them and drink the juice. It is recommended to use a teaspoon 2 times a day. Aloe will not only help get rid of hypotension, but also regulate the activity of the heart;
- juniper. It is required to eat 4-7 berries of the plant per day. To get rid of the pathology, the dose can be gradually increased. The maximum allowable amount is 15 berries;
- lavrushka. The pressure dropped sharply, and there were no pills at hand, you need to take a couple of leaves of parsley, finely chop them and put under the tongue. The plant is absorbed within 3-5 minutes, after which the leaves can be spit out;
- Birch juice. If you drink a glass of birch sap a day, after a few months the problem of hypotension will disappear. The undoubted advantage of this method is that it saturates the body with the rarest vitamins and microelements;
- beet. You need to prepare juice from a fresh vegetable, and drink 250 ml per day. The remedy can be consumed regardless of the meal;
- strong coffee. A cup of strong black coffee will also help to improve the condition and stabilize the pressure. You can use it both without sugar and with it;
- immortelle pharmacy. This plant has a tonic effect and perfectly fights pressure. The medicine is prepared very simply: 10 gr. the plant must be poured with 250 ml of boiling water, and left to infuse for 8 hours. After this, the medicine must be filtered and kept in the refrigerator. Means take 30 drops in the morning and evening before meals. The duration of treatment is 7 days.
Additional Recommendations
It is much wiser not to resort to the help of modern medicines and folk remedies, but simply try to prevent the problem from occurring.
To ensure that the pressure is always normal, doctors recommend their patients to follow the following recommendations:- You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. If the body does not fully rest, the patient may experience not only hypotension, but also more serious disorders;
- you need to eat well and properly. It is desirable that the basis of the diet is fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products. But the use of foods containing carcinogens, as well as fast food, must be immediately abandoned, since such food negatively affects the condition of the veins. Hypotension patients are advised to drink strong coffee or tea with sugar daily;
- to prevent a drop in pressure, it is recommended to drink a cup of green tea in the morning;
- after waking up, it is recommended to do gymnastics. Even a 5-minute warm-up will start the body and fill it with energy for the whole day. Twice a week you also need to take long walks in the fresh air;
- the diet should include as many freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, nuts and quail eggs as possible;
- it is necessary to abandon the consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking, since these bad habits lead to problems with blood circulation and worsen the condition of blood vessels;
- avoid stress and emotional overstrain.
There are many ways to quickly raise blood pressure. But it is important to remember that each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages and, if used incorrectly, can cause side effects. That is why the best solution is to consult a doctor who will tell you which remedy is more suitable in a particular case.