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    What is systolic and diastolic pressure?

    Upper and lower blood pressure, as well as a large difference between systolic and diastolic pressure, are informative for doctors about the state of the cardiovascular system. In the domestic sphere, each of us often uses the concept of "pressure", as well as its systolic and diastolic definitions. It is practically the main reflection of the state of human health, until the doctor examined the patient and prescribed other diagnostic methods. Lower and upper blood pressure are not simple indicators, but values ​​that reflect the functionality of the cardiovascular system.

    Definition of concepts

    Pressure measurement

    In medical practice, pressure is measured according to clear instructions collected in the Korotkov method. This means that a person should sit, not cross their legs, not previously smoke, and not experience physical and emotional stress. The cuff of the blood pressure monitor should be placed over the upper arm parallel to the location of the heart. So, systolic pressure will most accurately reflect the pressure in the aorta during the contraction of the heart - its systole. The relaxation of the myocardium, which comes in return for systole, is called diastole, and the pressure from vascular resistance at this moment is called diastolic.

    Knowledge of the mechanisms of blood pressure formation allows one to form some ideas about the work of the heart and the state of large and peripheral vessels.

    Systolic and diastolic pressure

    Upper pressure is informative for the heart muscle.

    Its score reflects:

    1. The state of the myocardium, the possibility of its compression.
    2. The force of pushing blood out of the heart, and, therefore, the condition of the aorta.

    Lower pressure forms the concept of the vascular state:

    1. The condition of the walls of blood vessels, their elasticity and strength.
    2. The amount of blood on each hit.
    3. About the heart rate.

    A high difference in systolic and diastolic pressure gives doctors a reason to examine the patient in detail for the functionality of the heart.

    The gap between these indicators in medicine is called pulse pressure.

    High pulse pressure

    The generally accepted norm of this parameter is 40 mm Hg. Art. It is calculated based on the fact that the pulse pressure should be at least 60% of the diastolic indicator. High upper pressure and low lower usually bring pulse pressure to numbers greater than 40 mm Hg. Art.

    It causes accelerated aging of many organs and systems, which does not correspond to age. The brain and kidneys suffer the most from this, giving an extensive clinical picture of the pathological processes in them. Such a high value of pulse pressure is also dangerous for the heart, as the inevitable risk of fibrillation and heart rhythm failures.

    The gap between blood pressure in the direction of decrease reduces the impact force of the heart. A small difference between the upper and lower indicators means: myocardial insufficiency or a small volume of circulating blood - hypovolemia. Any such uncompensated condition over time provokes high resistance from the vessels.

    Ideal values ​​and their deviations

    For a manual tonometer, the norm of blood pressure is 120 and 80 with the upper and lower values, respectively. Only minor deviations for each indicator are considered acceptable due to the variety of fields of activity. However, the figures for optimal pressure remain at the same level at any age of a person. Whether it's an old man or a little girl, both should be at 120/80.

    Most often in medical practice they encounter high blood pressure. Its sharp increase is fraught with very serious consequences in the form of hemorrhages in the brain or heart muscle.

    Strokes and heart attacks are mainly associated with a rise in systolic pressure, and high pressure during diastole affects the state of the vascular wall and the renal excretory system.

    High pressure

    High blood pressure on the vessels significantly weakens their wall. Vessels lose strength due to the thinning of the muscle layer, which causes their inevitable rupture. Hemorrhage can also occur in the complex excretory system of vascular glomeruli, which will disable the entire kidney. The myocardium cannot resist high blood pressure for a long time: it becomes thinner and wears out, causing serious heart failure. The vessels of the brain can also not only burst with hemorrhage in the worst case, but also lose elasticity and the ability to change resistance. This inevitably leads to a hypoxic state of the organ and a lot of complications from this.

    Low blood pressure is less common and not as dangerous. Nevertheless, the state of hypotension adversely affects the quality of life: such patients are lethargic and apathetic, it is difficult for them to concentrate and work for a long time, mental activity is difficult for them, and sometimes beyond their strength. The brain is the first to suffer from a sharp drop in pressure due to the lack of vital oxygen: a person loses consciousness, may be stunned or immobilized, fall into a coma.

    The recognized norm allows fluctuations in pressure in a healthy person at different times of the day. This is due to different hormonal levels throughout the day.

    Measurement of pressure with a tonometer

    So, in the morning the pressure is lowered, as is the activity of the adrenal cortex. By lunchtime, the level of adrenaline rises, as does the pressure. The peak of pressure occurs in the evening, a few figures to which general fatigue adds. However, this is not a cause for concern, but only a call to measure pressure at the same time.

    Treatment without drugs

    When high blood pressure begins to make itself felt, a person begins to think about how to correct it without drug therapy. But this is possible when hypertension is in the early stages of development and has not yet developed into a severe somatic disease with complications.

    The norm of life for people with a tendency to high blood pressure is to eliminate any bad habits. And this does not mean only the rejection of cigarettes and alcohol, but also concerns food preferences. The food of a potential hypertensive patient should not contain for the most part only saturated fats and sugar. It is also recommended to reduce body weight by switching to an active lifestyle with a predominance of sports and travel. Naturally, if the pressure cannot be corrected through lifestyle changes, it is necessary to consult a doctor for prescribing drug therapy.


    Patients with low blood pressure can also be helped by sports activity. A whole area of ​​physiotherapy exercises has been developed for them, gradually activating neurosensory mechanisms. In this case, caffeinated drinks are not contraindicated, the rate of which per day should not exceed three cups.

    Isolated hypertension is more common in the elderly, as a concomitant pathology of more severe background diseases - diabetes mellitus, heart or kidney failure. First of all, in such cases, the primary disease should be eliminated, and then resort to symptomatic therapy.

    Blood pressure is an important indicator of a person's state of health, elementary knowledge of which will help to recognize the most serious pathologies in a timely manner.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    What is systolic and diastolic pressure?