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    Basic Treatments for High Lower Blood Pressure

    In modern realities, high lower pressure, as well as low, in principle, is quite common for most people. Almost everyone has experienced this problem at least once in their life. This phenomenon affects not only the elderly, but also young girls and boys, so people of any age should be on their guard. In search of an answer to the question of how to reduce low blood pressure, you first need to determine the reasons for this behavior of the body, and there are enough reasons for high blood pressure.

    Causes of high blood pressure

    If, when measuring with a tonometer, an increased heart pressure is detected, then the procedure is repeated under other conditions and at another time. In cases where an increased lower pressure is accompanied by a normal upper pressure, and this result is observed in several measurements, a visit to a doctor becomes necessary.

    To avoid long-term treatment, the problem should be noticed at the initial stage, until hypertension provokes the appearance of more serious diseases. Having timely identified the cause of high blood pressure, a person will not let a minor sore turn into a dangerous pathology.

    Among the main causes are such problems of the body:

    1. Kidney diseases. Some diseases cause problems in the blood circulation of the kidneys, which causes high blood pressure.
    2. Difficulties in the work of the thyroid gland. Such problems sometimes provoke an increase in the amount of hormones produced by the gland. An unstable hormonal background affects the work of the ANS (vegetative nervous system), and this, in turn, tones the veins.
    3. Active smoking. Frequent use of nicotine leads to involuntary contractions of the arteries.
    4. Abuse of alcoholic beverages. Due to alcohol, the walls of the veins lose their elasticity and age too quickly, which is one of the causes of high blood pressure.
    5. Chronic diseases of the arteries, such as atherosclerosis. Due to atherosclerosis, the vessels are deformed and narrowed.
    6. Often, intervertebral hernias pinch the roots of the nerve endings. This phenomenon provokes an involuntary contraction of the arteries.
    7. stressful situations. When the body receives a powerful release of adrenaline, the vessels constrict for a while. This causes an increase in the lower pressure level.

    There are a number of other causes of hypertension. These factors increase the amount of blood, which overstrains the cardiovascular system, and the heart is constantly in tension.

    These reasons include:
    • kidney disease that prevents various salts and fluids from leaving the body;
    • due to problems with the endocrine system, the amount of sodium in the tissues increases, and this leads to an increase in blood pressure;
    • obesity and a sedentary lifestyle prevent blood from circulating normally;
    • an excessive amount of pickles, smoked meats and fatty foods in the diet.

    In healthy people, lower blood pressure also sometimes rises. This is due to excessive physical or emotional stress, so if you notice an abnormal level of pressure after a hard day at work or under stress, repeat the measurements after a good rest.

    High blood pressure symptoms

    Elevated lower blood pressure can be seen in the typical manifestations of hypertension.

    The symptoms are as follows:

    • headache;
    • rapid heavy breathing;
    • tachycardia;
    • pain in the sternum under the shoulder blade;
    • frequent noises and ringing in the ears;
    • in some cases, swelling of the extremities is observed.
    When the lower level of the tonometer rises, and the upper one remains stable, a person experiences the following symptoms:
    • causeless appearance of cold sweat;
    • labored breathing;
    • rapid pulse;
    • sudden attacks of dizziness.

    Having found problems with pressure, doctors often prescribe an electrocardiogram and ultrasound diagnostics. Sometimes hypertension is detected by chance during a routine examination. In such cases, the patient is additionally examined in search of the causes of pressure problems.

    How to lower your lower blood pressure quickly

    With a sudden increase in pressure, the state of the body deteriorates sharply. If a person feels that he has become too ill and the body cannot cope without help, it is necessary to call an ambulance. However, doctors do not always arrive quickly, and the patient has to experience severe torment while waiting for specialists. To quickly reduce pressure, several methods are useful, which, although not completely normalizing blood pressure levels, will help to improve the condition in the shortest possible time.

    The following methods of quickly lowering the lower pressure are considered the most effective:
    • a person assumes a position lying face down, and a cold compress is applied to the back of the neck (instead of a compress, you can massage your neck with pieces of ice);
    • a decoction of plants that reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, thereby calming the body (mint, hogweed, hawthorn, valerian);
    • tincture on cedar cones.
    With a slight increase in lower pressure, the use of aromatic oils and acupressure helps (preferably using the same aromatic oils). It is also recommended to abandon pickles and smoked meats.

    Methods for the treatment of high lower pressure

    To get rid of pressure problems, you need treatment prescribed by a specialist. To choose the right treatment, the patient undergoes a thorough examination, which will help determine the measures necessary to normalize the pressure. In most cases, treatment takes a long time and consists of several methods.

    Most often, doctors give such recommendations:
    1. Change in diet. Compiling a list of prohibited foods and a list of recommended foods makes serious adjustments to a person's daily life. If certain liberties are still allowed with the recommended products, and their use is only advised, then the forbidden food must be excluded from the diet. In most cases, doctors recommend saying goodbye to strong coffee, smoked meats, pickles, canned food and fatty foods, but to actively consume dried fruits, nuts, dairy products, lean meat and steamed, boiled, baked or stewed without oil. Following these rules will help lower blood pressure levels in the initial stages of hypertension, avoiding drug treatment.
    2. Active lifestyle. People with a sedentary job and a sedentary lifestyle should take care of stabilizing blood circulation and vascular health. Recommendations in this case include frequent walks (for example, to and from work home), exercises in the morning, playing sports. Of course, everything should be treated without fanaticism and correctly calculate the load so as not to get injured. Also, an active lifestyle will help get rid of other health problems and add energy to everyday life. Massage will also be useful, but you should consult your doctor about this.
    3. Refusal of nicotine and alcohol. Smoking and alcohol abuse are bad for the body. Among alcohol, beer is considered especially harmful, as it slows down the excretion of fluid from the body, especially if salty snacks go with beer. There are certain medical recommendations for drinking alcohol, since small amounts of wine or cognac are good for the heart, but exceeding these doses will do nothing but harm, the main condition is an adequate amount.
    4. Setting up a daily routine. The body normally rested, a person should sleep for 8 hours. Good sleep will help normalize blood pressure, so doctors recommend creating a daily routine that accurately prescribes the time for sleep. Also, when drawing up the schedule, the fact that sleep from 21.00 to 03.00 is considered the most useful is taken into account. If a person is having difficulty sleeping, then sedatives will help. To minimize the side effects of drugs, it is better to choose herbal medicines. For a comfortable sleep, the room is ventilated before going to bed, clean linen is laid and the optimum temperature is selected.

    All these recommendations will help stabilize the pressure in the initial stages of hypertension, but if the situation is running, then you can’t do without medication. Of course, taking medication brings with it a lot of side effects, but compared to the possible consequences of hypertension, these side effects are not so serious. Moreover, a competent combination of drugs will help reduce the number of complications.

    The most commonly used medications are:
    • drugs that remove fluid from the body, and thereby reduce tissue swelling;
    • beta-adrenergic receptor blockers, which help reduce the workload on the heart and relax the walls of blood vessels;
    • calcium antagonists, which dilate blood vessels and relax the heart muscle;
    • angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, which lower the concentration of angiotensin, thereby dilating the blood vessels;
    • drugs that relieve the tone of peripheral arteries.
    High blood pressure is not a disease itself, but only a symptom of another pathology. In this regard, having noticed problems with blood pressure, you should immediately begin to look for the cause of this behavior of the body. As practice shows, the sooner a disease is detected, the easier it is to cure it.

    How to protect yourself from high blood pressure

    There are many people who are predisposed to high blood pressure. Living with such a feature, a person must follow a number of preventive measures that will save you from frequent visits to doctors and a long treatment process.

    For fear of pressure problems, the following rules should be observed:
    • give up smoking and alcohol;
    • adhere to a healthy diet;
    • play sports or at least do exercises;
    • keep track of your weight.

    To normalize the pressure, doctors advise regular exercise (in moderation). Sports activities will not only strengthen the heart, but also improve the general condition of a person.

    To prevent an increase in pressure, the diet is adjusted, excluding a number of certain foods and trying to eat food that is useful in this situation more often.

    A person should refuse such products:
    • excessively salty foods;
    • semi-finished products;
    • smoked meats;
    • spicy food;
    • fried food;
    • sweet dough.
    Prevention of hypertension involves the inclusion of the following foods in the diet:
    • dairy products;
    • vegetables and fruits;
    • berries;
    • buckwheat grain;
    • oatmeal;
    • dried fruits;
    • baked potato.
    If a person is overweight, then you should take care of the right diet, which will help reduce extra pounds and not harm your health. In such cases, doctors recommend a plant-milk diet.

    Article author: galchonok_-07
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    Basic Treatments for High Lower Blood Pressure