Symptoms and treatment of hypertension grade 3
The heart plays an important role in human life. The functioning of many human organs and systems depends on the nature and rhythm of its work. Recently, hypertension is not a sign of old age; young people also get sick with it. Therefore, with special care you need to know the causes, symptoms and ways to prevent this disease.
Prerequisites for the occurrence of hypertension
The main function of the heart is to ensure the unhindered passage of blood through the vessels. The narrowing of the diameter of the vessels, which occurs for various reasons, prevents the blood from circulating freely and the heart is forced to work with a vengeance. In this case, we speak of an increase in blood pressure. If a deviation from the norm (120/80 mm Hg) upwards (from 140/90 and above) occurs regularly, the doctor makes a diagnosis of hypertension.
The occurrence of this disease is preceded by pathologies of various organs, in particular:
- kidney problems,
- diseases of the endocrine system,
- obesity,
- lack of magnesium
- various tumors (adrenal, pituitary, etc.),
- diabetes.
We must not forget about stressful situations, and hereditary predisposition (most often on the maternal side). A more detailed analysis of the causes of high blood pressure showed that this pathology is based on metabolic syndrome - a metabolic disorder that leads to the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
A timely visit to a doctor is extremely necessary here, since the lack of treatment can lead not only to unpleasant consequences (brain pathologies), but also to death.
Features of the course of hypertension
There are so-called target organs that are affected to varying degrees in this pathology. Their condition determines the stage of development of the disease. Hypertension makes the kidneys, heart, eyes, blood vessels and brain most vulnerable. High pressure indicators have a great impact on the work of other organs. Therefore, it is necessary to treat everything in a complex.
What happens to target organs during frequent high blood pressure?
- The vessels receive an increased load, as a result of which the muscles of the walls of the arteries thicken and the diameter of the vessel decreases. During stage 3 of the disease, sclerotic plaques form on the inner walls under the influence of pressure, which further reduces the lumen of the vessels.
- The wall of the left ventricle, working with effort, thickens, the myocardium loses its elasticity and cannot function normally, which leads to heart failure.
- With increased blood pressure, the kidneys are poorly supplied with blood, oxygen starvation begins, the structure of the kidney tissue changes and the kidneys stop working properly.
- The retina of the eye with hypertension is also poorly supplied with blood, which leads to visual impairment.
- Changes occur in the brain during this stage of the disease. As a result of vascular sclerosis, encephalopathy develops, and this leads to mental retardation and memory impairment. The tortuosity of the vessels provokes the occurrence of blood clots, as a result, an ischemic stroke may occur.
Treatment of hypertension should be aimed at improving the condition of these organs, only an integrated approach will ensure a favorable outcome.
Hypertension has 4 degrees of risk:
- 15% of target organs are affected,
- the degree of organ damage is within 15-20%, while there are a maximum of three factors that aggravate the course of the disease,
- kidneys, eyes, brain are affected by 20-30% and there are more than 3 aggravating factors,
- lesions of target organs account for more than 30%.
If a person has a pressure of 180/110 and above, then this means that he has the most severe stage of the disease. With grade 3 hypertension, several organs are affected by rhinestones (this refers to the risk of grades 3 and 4), and the quality of life deteriorates significantly. Frequent attacks, when the pressure is kept at critical levels, can lead to myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysm dissection, stroke, kidney and heart failure, and this is already deadly. Therefore, promptly started treatment will exclude possible serious consequences.
A complication of hypertension of the 3rd degree and at the same time its acute form is a hypertensive crisis. This is a sharp increase in pressure to very high numbers. It occurs due to a failure in water-salt metabolism or a violation of hormonal regulation.
There are factors that can complicate the course of the disease and negate all treatment. This is, first of all, smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity, overweight, unbalanced nutrition and frequent exposure to stress.
Symptoms of the disease
The main symptoms to watch out for are:
- headache,
- throbbing pain in the neck and temples,
- dizziness,
- nausea,
- weakness in legs and arms
- lack of coordination
- decrease in intelligence and memory,
- increased sweating and chills,
- pain behind the sternum, radiating to the arm and shoulder blade,
- darkening in the eyes, flashing "flies" before the eyes,
- partial redness of the face and neck,
- loss of consciousness.
These symptoms are the first reason to see a doctor.
The fight against hypertension: the basic rules
If such symptoms have already manifested themselves, then the first and most important rule is to go to a general practitioner and a cardiologist. If your fears are confirmed, then get ready for the fact that the regime of your entire future life will be changed.
The patient's condition can be of varying severity.
It depends on how affected the brain is, because as a result of a deterioration in the patient's condition, hematomas may appear in this area, blood flow to the brain may be disrupted, and encephalopathy may develop. All this is fraught with the occurrence of a stroke, complicating treatment.
It is important for a doctor to see the overall clinical picture of the patient's health, to identify critical pressure indicators and their frequency, to determine target organs and the degree of their damage. Then the patient needs to take tests, undergo daily monitoring of blood pressure and ECG.
After the mandatory examinations, the specialist prescribes a complex of drugs for treatment. It is impossible to stop the course of the disease with one medicine, since not one organ, but several, is in the area of attention, and each of them requires a certain intervention.
Usually, drugs prescribed by a cardiologist are of a prolonged nature, that is, they are capable of long-term action. They are convenient to use because they are taken once a day, and for people with poor memory, this is easy to remember. During the day, they regulate blood pressure and relieve symptoms of the disease.
Drug therapy is selected strictly individually, taking into account the characteristics of the course of other diseases, age, lifestyle, etc. In no case should you indiscriminately take drugs that reduce blood pressure. This is fraught with deterioration in health.
Typically, the treatment of such patients includes the use of:
- diuretics that remove waste fluid and reduce blood pressure,
- ACE inhibitors that dilate blood vessels
- beta-blockers that decrease heart rate
- other drugs that dilate blood vessels and enable the heart to work normally.
It is important for patients to observe the regime of life. Overwork should be excluded. With a working schedule, determine the frequency of alternating rest and work. Good sleep is also important.
Diet for hypertension
The nature of the food is subject to correction. It is necessary to exclude the use of foods with a high content of salt, smoked meats, marinades and pickles, fried foods, limit fluid intake and the use of seasonings and carbohydrates.
Allowed dishes and products:
- From the first courses, various soups are allowed (from vegetables, fruits or milk), beetroot, borscht.
- Sparse cereals from cereals (millet, buckwheat, oats, barley, wheat).
- Dairy and sour-milk products with a low percentage of fat (cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, milk).
- Meat dishes from boiled or stewed chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef.
- Lean fish.
- Vegetables and fruits containing potassium and magnesium.
- Freshly squeezed juices diluted with water.
If you have problems with excess weight, try to coordinate your diet in such a way that it contributes to weight loss. Another important condition: forget about bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
People with a high risk of developing grade 3 hypertension need to remember that hypertension needs to be treated using the right approach, this will ensure high-quality and effective treatment. Therefore, the main thing is a mandatory visit to a doctor at any stage of the disease and a clear implementation of all his recommendations.