Arterial hypertension of the 3rd degree
Hypertension of the 3rd degree is considered a severe form of the disease, which provokes a persistent increase in blood pressure and disruption of the functioning of most internal organs.
Pathology is a severe form of the disease, which is characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure, impaired functioning of target organs, as well as a significant deterioration in the quality of life of the patient. The risk of disability in people with severe disease increases with age.
Causes of the progression of hypertension
If the pathology was not identified and eliminated at the initial stage, then it quickly becomes a severe form.
Hypertensive disease of the 3rd degree develops:
- due to the progression of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- due to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the inner wall of blood vessels;
- due to problems localized in the cervical spine;
- due to hypertensive crises;
- due to a steady increase in pressure;
- due to a long stay of a person in a state of physical and moral overstrain.
The likelihood of aggravation of hypertension in the first stage increases with a genetic predisposition, pathologies of the heart and kidneys, and the absence of treatment for stage 1 hypertension.
Launched arterial hypertension causes persistent disturbances in the work of all internal organs, as a result of which a certain group of disability is awarded to the patient.
Arterial hypertension often affects the elderly, but now this disease is noticeably “younger”.
Among the common factors provoking a persistent increase in pressure, we can distinguish:
- sedentary lifestyle;
- the presence of excess weight;
- bad habits;
- salt abuse.
Women are more susceptible to hypertension than men. This is due to the fact that the beautiful half is more often exposed to stress, mood changes, excitement and strong nervous strain.
Symptoms of hypertension
Arterial hypertension is manifested not only by an increase in blood pressure.
Most often, this pathology is characterized by:
- pain in the region of the heart;
- throbbing pain in the temples and occipital region;
- nosebleeds;
- dizziness;
- increased irritability;
- increase in heart rate;
- increased sweating;
- darkening in the eyes;
- the appearance of red spots on the skin (mainly on the neck and face).
With stage 3 hypertension, the pressure is in the range of 180/110 mm Hg. Art. Such pressure is difficult to normalize, as a result of which the work of all target organs (retina, heart and blood vessels, liver, kidneys, brain) is complicated.
Women are much more susceptible to the progression of hypertension. That is why they are more likely to have strokes and heart attacks, which entail serious consequences: these are damage to the cardiovascular system, brain and other internal organs, and disability.
Risk groups for hypertension
With hypertension, the risk of developing cardiovascular complications (CVS) increases. Previously, it was believed that blood pressure indicators play the main role in determining risks: the higher it is, the greater the likelihood of CVD.
There are four risk groups.
- Low risk. It is typical for people under the age of 55 who have been diagnosed with grade 1 hypertension, and there are no concomitant lesions of target organs.
- Medium risk. It is diagnosed in patients with elevated blood sugar and cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and a history of hypertension in close relatives. With an average level of risk, there are no pathologies of internal organs, and their functions are not impaired.
- High risk. This group includes all patients with an initial degree of kidney damage, left ventricular hypertrophy, narrowing of blood vessels supplying the retina of the eye. Hypertension of the 3rd degree causes strong changes in the functioning of internal organs.
- Very high risk. Most often it develops in people who have had a heart attack. Also, a high risk occurs if the patient has diseases of the kidneys, heart and brain.
Patients of high and very high risk groups receive disability with further progression of the disease. Arterial hypertension at the last stage causes persistent disturbances in the work of all body systems.
Treatment of hypertension grade 3
The characteristics of therapy are affected by which stage of risk the patient belongs to.
For hypertension of the third degree, only 3 and 4 risk groups are characteristic.
In this case, complex treatment is required, which includes several interacting drugs, since it is impossible to eliminate all lesions of internal organs with one remedy. The first stage of treatment is the organization of a healthy lifestyle. It includes daily moderate activity (it is desirable to give preference to aerobic exercise) and a balanced diet. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe supportive and wellness procedures that will improve overall well-being.
It is important to regularly alternate rest and work, while overwork and nervous strain are contraindicated.
Arterial hypertension in the advanced stage is dangerous by the occurrence of a hypertensive crisis - this is a condition in which blood pressure rises sharply and greatly. As a result, the patient may have a stroke / heart attack, which can lead to disability. The second stage is drug therapy. Each patient is individually selected pharmacological agents that can eliminate the specific cause of a persistent increase in pressure.
In no case can you independently prescribe any means. This is dangerous for the development of complications, side effects, and in very rare cases, leads to death.
Grade 3 hypertension requires long-acting drugs. These funds are taken only once a day, after which they control blood pressure, keeping it normal throughout the day. This is very convenient - especially for patients with poor memory, whose forgetfulness is caused by hypertension.
The choice of drugs is carried out after a complete examination of all target organs, since the active substances affect not only the functioning of the cardiovascular system, but also the functioning of the retina, liver, kidneys and brain.
The choice of drugs for patients in the 4th risk group is of great difficulty. Due to the presence of a wide range of side effects and contraindications, it is worth paying close attention to the selection of drugs. If medications are prescribed incorrectly, a stroke or heart attack can be provoked, which can subsequently lead to disability.
Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies
Sometimes it is recommended to combine drug treatment with the use of traditional medicine. This approach should only be used with a doctor's prescription, and any prescription should be discussed and the benefits and side effects carefully weighed before use.
The benefits of herbal medicine in the treatment of hypertension have been scientifically proven. It is necessary to give preference to herbs that have a sedative effect. These include chamomile, hawthorn, peppermint, valerian, medicinal lemon balm.
Alternative recipes in the treatment of hypertension are aimed primarily at lowering blood pressure. At home, to alleviate the condition, you can drink green tea with lemon and honey, eat citrus fruits, or prepare a rosehip broth. These funds can slow down the progression of the disease and reduce the negative impact of high pressure on other vital internal organs.
Comprehensive treatment can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular complications by 15-20%. Thanks to this, it will be possible to prevent a heart attack and stroke, and, accordingly, disability.
high blood pressure diet
The main task of adjusting the daily diet is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and animal fats consumed. If this diet is followed, weight is reduced, the patient's well-being improves, and blood pressure normalizes.
The diet for stage 3 hypertension does not differ from the nutrition of patients in the first risk group. The basis of the diet should be cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat sea fish.
Rational nutrition allows you to saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals with minimal negative impact on the functioning of vital organs.
It is worth minimizing the amount of salt and sugar in the daily diet to reduce the risk of complications. It is better to replace these products with natural flavoring seasonings, for example, herbs, lemon, honey, cinnamon. A separate place in the diet of hypertension can be allocated to dairy products. It is worth giving preference to fat-free cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir.
In the third stage, the treatment of hypertension includes the systematic use of medications, and proper nutrition improves their effect and accelerates the results of treatment.
It is necessary to introduce a complete ban on coffee and strong tea. Among the drinks, green tea with lemon, a decoction of wild rose and hawthorn, mineral water with lemon, fruit drinks and diluted juices will be useful. Lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the vascular wall.
Only if complex therapy is observed, a lasting effect will develop, manifested in lowering blood pressure and normalizing the functioning of the body as an integral system. It is possible to reduce the risk of developing a stroke and heart attack, and prevent disability through the constant prevention of high blood pressure.