Hypertension: causes, etiology
The statistics around the world on the number of people suffering from arterial hypertension are simply appalling. Its symptoms occur in every third inhabitant of the planet, and only half of them are trying to eliminate them through etiological treatment. Constant vascular tone provokes many pathologies of most organs and sometimes leads to irreparable consequences.
Picture of hypertension
Vascular experts point to such main causes of hypertension as circulatory disorders and heart failure. Their combination with high blood pressure can initiate fatal complications in the form of an ischemic heart attack or cerebral hemorrhage. Even at a young age, the vessels from constant tension become thinner and weaken, which becomes the cause of the development of these catastrophes. The disease has significantly rejuvenated in recent years, like most somatic pathologies.
Signs of hypertension were previously observed in their majority in men and women after forty years, since from this age atherosclerotic phenomena began to make themselves felt. However, errors in nutrition and physical inactivity of today's youth have the worst effect on the vascular state and functionality of the heart. Regarding gender, there are no differences in the frequency of occurrence of episodes of arterial hypertension, however, in men, high blood pressure is more likely to cause complications.
All countries of the world conduct scientific research on hypertension, recognize what its etiology is and what are the most effective methods of its treatment. High blood pressure with its consequences becomes a frequent cause of human disability, so this cannot but worry the world health community. However, often ignoring the clinic of the disease and neglecting their health on the part of patients generates irreversible changes in the body that have reached the peak of their development, so that medical care is useless.
Other manifestations of arterial disease in men and women are also brain manifestations: vision falls, flies seem to flash before the eyes or a veil covers them, the head may spin or become unbearable. The overall endurance of the body, the ability to withstand stress also decreases, insomnia or a constant craving for sleep occurs.
From the side of the heart, there is a powerful heartbeat, sensations of the work of the organ intermittently. Overfatigue of the myocardium subsequently gives a detailed clinic of heart failure, which gives rise to the causes of pulmonary hypertension. Shortness of breath and ascending edema invariably accompany this complication.
But above all, the progression of hypertension is reflected in the vessels of the retina and brain. Their defeat gives vision problems, a decrease in the sensitivity of some parts of the human body, and even paralysis.
Everyone should know the first signs of hypertension, since a measuring device may not always be at hand:
- Bleeding from the nose in the absence of trauma and blows.
- An incoming feeling of nausea without previous food poisoning or individual food intolerance.
- There may be a disorder of sleep and wakefulness, depression coming.
- Memory disorders, deterioration in the ability to concentrate, concentrate.
- Any physical stress provokes a rush of blood to the head, causes flushing of the face.
- There are symptoms of strong pressure on the eyes, patients experience discomfort when looking to the side.
- Rapid fatigue leads to a decrease in efficiency and inability to perform previously subject to the amount of work, even for people at a young age.
- Decreased potency in men, sexual pathological disorders.
The occurrence of pathology
The causes of hypertension are long-term neuropsychic stress, stress. The emotional stress of a person in the workplace can lead to unforeseen consequences for his health. Some studies show that a history of concussion may be the cause of high blood pressure. The etiology of hypertension is also mediated by hereditary predisposition. High blood pressure in relatives increases the risk of its occurrence several times. And now the probability of developing pathology is increased at any age, which is practically not taken into account by the younger generation.
Pathological conditions in old age in men and women are significantly complicated by the addition of arterial hypertension. The progression of atherosclerosis with increased pressure makes it difficult for blood to flow to the brain, heart and kidneys, reducing it to a critical amount. A spasm of a vessel narrowed by atherosclerosis in some cases completely turns off the vessel from the bloodstream, which causes a heart attack or stroke.
Unlike men, women's vessels are also exposed to constant changes in hormonal levels due to cyclical phenomena. The period of menopause sometimes has unpredictable symptoms, which also becomes a big test for the female body and its vascular bed in particular.
The etiology of the disease is aggravated by bad habits. Their absence deprives the vessels of excessive spasm and regular stress exposure. This applies not only to nicotine addiction and alcoholism, but also to excessive cravings for food with excess salt.
Additional Risk Factors
The causes of hypertension are supplemented by risk factors for its development:
- Excess body weight in both men and women provokes the symptoms of arterial hypertension due to the increased demand for blood supply to adipose tissue. Even a slight weight gain generates an additional load on the circulatory system, which can cause problems with the arterial bed and heart.
- Emotional stress and stress, in their chronic course, keep the whole body in good shape and wear out blood vessels with a loss of their elasticity.
- Brain injuries give rise to symptoms of high blood pressure due to the detrimental effect on the higher regulatory centers.
- Infectious damage to blood vessels and some organs, as a result of which the lumen of the channel narrows and the body struggles with apparent hypotension.
- Not only already held atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels provoke high blood pressure. Arterial hypertension develops with an increased content of cholesterol in the blood, which makes it difficult for blood flow. Cholesterol plaques, in fact, is an atherosclerotic process.
- Recent studies show a detrimental effect of computer technology and other gadgets on the state of blood vessels, especially at a young age. Constant high radiation is compared to the effect of radiation, which thins the vascular wall and becomes a factor in the development of arterial hypertension.
- The absence of fresh air saturated with oxygen can also adversely affect their condition. The hypoxic mixture from the lungs is compensated by vasodilation. Symptoms of arterial hypertension develop with constant exposure to poorly ventilated areas.
- High testosterone levels in men, especially at a young age, provoke symptoms of high blood pressure and initiate hypertension.
Thus, there are a lot of reasons for the development of serious vascular pathology, as well as their risk factors.
There are etiological features for men and women, but the symptoms of the disease are usually similar for both sexes.
Reliable knowledge about the development factors and causes of arterial hypertension will allow everyone to be on guard of their health and not suffer from common vascular pathology with many painful complications.