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    Diet for hypertension

    Diet for hypertension is the main link in the complex therapy of this dangerous disease with a wide variation of complications. Hypertension is classified as a type of cardiovascular pathology and is characterized by high blood pressure, which is detected in the course of measuring measures. Persistent vasospasm adversely affects the state of organs that play a key role in human life.

    Dietary nutrition for arterial hypertension can compensate for the painful symptoms of pathology, and sometimes completely eradicate the disease.

    Nutrition principles

    Arterial hypertension tends to latent course, which is why the disease is detected most often in the later stages of development. Naturally, drug therapy in such cases comes to the fore, because the adaptive forces of the body are simply depleted. Proper nutrition for hypertensive patients and a healthy lifestyle help drugs to act as efficiently as possible.

    Rational nutrition for hypertensive patients is carefully thought out by cardiologists and nutritionists.

    Their task is to develop a daily menu and establish a list of recommended products that would meet the following points:

    • did not impede blood circulation, did not thicken the blood;
    • restored the function of the liver, kidneys and other excretory organs;
    • normalized weight, helped cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
    • well absorbed in the digestive tract, contained a maximum of nutrients and vitamins;
    • were balanced in cholesterol content and blocked the atherosclerotic process.

    The diet for hypertension is considered low-calorie, which is ensured by a low content of saturated fats.

    Such nutrition is rational for patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus who receive treatment in a hospital and who are recommended dietary table number 10 according to Pevzner.

    The diet, according to scientific developments, does not exceed 2700 calories per day. The energy requirement for habitual life activity is covered by complex carbohydrates and proteins of animal origin.

    Features of the table according to Pevzner

    Table number 10 provides for nutritional features for patients with arterial hypertension and other forms of cardiovascular pathologies, as well as for diabetes.

    Special rules affect the choice of products, their processing, their content in the daily diet, their combination with each other.

    Nutrition for hypertension includes:

    1. Special diet. Meals are taken at least five times a day, while portions of each meal are reduced. Such fractional nutrition unloads the cardiovascular system, but allows the body to be constantly supplied with energy for the optimal functioning of all organs. At the same time, the patient's weight returns to normal, extra pounds go away gradually and without a threat to health. Eating in the evening is carried out no more than three hours before a night's rest.
    2. With hypertension and diabetes, special food processing methods should be followed, which should be included in the usual way of life. In principle, only frying with sunflower oil, when fat or lard is taken, should be excluded from the usual methods. Such processing not only saturates food with fats, but enriches them with decay products that form at high temperature and burning. Stewing should also be somewhat limited, but steaming or regular cooking are the main methods that a diet for hypertensive patients should include. Cooked foods should be well crushed, which mechanically spares the digestive organs.
    3. Table number 10 Pevsner's recommendations also affect the temperature that food should have. It should not be cold or excessively hot. This will eliminate irritation of the digestive organs and nerve receptors, which causes blood flow and increased pressure. After cooking, the dishes should be cooled so that their temperature range is within 10-60 degrees.
    4. Nutrition for hypertension and atherosclerosis limits the intake of salt and water.
      Do not consume more than six grams of sodium chloride daily. Food with a high salt content attracts a lot of water, which causes an increase in blood volume in the vascular bed. Products with excess salt also form foci of excitation in the brain, which often causes hemorrhages in this organ and irreparable consequences. A diet for hypertensive patients should also limit water intake for the same reason. The removal of fluid creates an additional burden on the kidneys, which often suffer from high blood pressure.
    5. The menu for hypertension completely excludes alcohol in any form. Strong alcohol greatly overexcites the nervous system and vasomotor centers, including what the body of a hypertensive person may not be able to cope with. In addition, ethyl alcohol and its processing products are high in calories, although they are liquid. A single glass of red wine per week has a beneficial anti-atherosclerotic effect.
    6. A diet for hypertensive patients of any stage of the disease must necessarily include foods with an increased amount of vitamins. First of all, it concerns vitamin C, which has a pronounced ability to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. With high blood pressure and diabetes, the need for B vitamins also increases, which strengthen the vascular wall and increase its adaptive capacity.

    A hypocholesterol diet for patients with hypertension also implies a high content of minerals.

    You can include in the diet foods with potassium, which replaces sodium - a provocateur of fluid retention in the body. Magnesium in combination with potassium heals the myocardium, they are also useful for the cerebral cortex, as they eliminate overexcited foci in it. With diabetes mellitus and combined hypertension, products with iodine, calcium, and phosphorus are essential for life.

    What is forbidden to eat and what is allowed

    Atherosclerosis is the main cause of age-related increase in blood pressure. Cholesterol plaques narrow the lumen of the vessels, which forms their high tone and high pressure. Therefore, the diet includes products with a reduced content of cholesterol, which can be easily exchanged for their healthy counterparts.

    The food habitual to everyone usually contains a lot of cholesterol in combination with saturated fats. Therefore, foods that are strictly limited by nutrition for hypertensive patients are, first of all, pastries and dishes prepared with margarine.

    You can also not use the following products:

    • fatty meat, lard, high-calorie fish;
    • sausages, smoked meats, frankfurters, sausages;
    • dairy products with a high percentage of fat content - cheeses, cottage cheese, cream;
    • fried and boiled eggs;
    • pepper, horseradish, mustard and other spices.

    The exclusion of these products from the life of hypertensive patients will allow you to remove high pressure in a short time. Table number 10, used in the hospital, completely excludes the provisions described above, which is why patients are quickly cured. As soon as the diet for hypertension is no longer followed, blood pressure numbers tend to increase.

    The diet for arterial hypertension and therapeutic nutrition for diabetes mellitus is based on foods rich in fiber. You should eat fractionally and in small portions, which also eliminates another cause of high pressure - overweight. Lifestyle should also include moderate physical activity and the rejection of bad habits.

    Table number 10 according to Pevsner contains a lot of proteins. This is an integral element of losing weight and restoring weakened blood vessels. A diet for hypertension of degree 2 and above implies nutrition that is as enriched as possible with proteins.

    Fatty dairy products should not be included in the diet. They can be successfully replaced with low-fat cottage cheese, whey, yogurts, which contain more healthy unsaturated fats. They help to feel light and lead an active lifestyle.

    Proper nutrition for hypertension and atherosclerosis of table number 10 can be varied, which confirms the food from the following list of products:

    1. Bread with bran, from dried flour or yesterday's.
    2. Fans of rich broths can eat vegetable or milk soups.
    3. From meat products, chicken, turkey, lean beef are recommended. Veal is allowed once a week.
    4. With combined diabetes and hypertension, it is good to eat lean fish and seafood with a high content of iodine.
    5. Whole eggs should not be consumed. You can replace them with a protein omelette.
    6. Salo should also not be used as an addition to a side dish.
    7. Table number 10 according to Pevzner has a lot of leafy greens.
    8. The diet for hypertensive patients allows the use of coffee drinks based on chicory or barley.
    9. With combined diabetes and hypertension, you can "lean" on dried fruits, sour berries (currants, gooseberries - sources of pectin and valuable potassium).
    10. The menu in table number 10 according to Pevsner is full of desserts in the form of mousses and jelly on a berry or fruit base. Once a week with high blood pressure, low-fat ice cream is allowed.
    A diet based on such principles is an element of the complex therapy of hypertension.

    It is also effective in diabetes mellitus, if these principles are followed not for one week, but systemically. Proper lifestyle and nutrition for hypertension will reduce the number and doses of antihypertensive drugs, improve the well-being and functionality of the affected internal organs.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Diet for hypertension