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    Treatment of hypertension according to Dr. Myasnikov

    Dr. Myasnikov on hypertension and the treatment of this disease in his TV show "About the Most Important" repeatedly covered this topic that is relevant for our century. The advice that the most authoritative doctor gives in his TV show and in his books helps many people gain health. As Alexander Leonidovich assures, hypertension can be dealt with in various ways and achieve positive results. This will be discussed further.

    Doctor about hypertension and pill treatment

    According to most people, ordinary non-specialists, it is impossible to cope with hypertension quickly, and, most importantly, without side effects, by taking medications. In fairness, it should be noted that this belief is deeply rooted.

    And, nevertheless, Dr. Alexander Myasnikov emphasizes that the best way to stay healthy is not to fight the disease, but to do everything possible to prevent its occurrence.

    It's no secret that hypertension is one of the most common diseases in our century and, moreover, very serious. The disease affects different age categories of the population, but most often the disease begins to progress after 40 years of age. The reason for this is malnutrition, a stressful lifestyle of a modern person, and doctors sometimes, due to various circumstances, cannot prescribe adequate treatment. That's when the time allotted to eradicate the disease at the very beginning of development is lost, and instead of preventive measures, it is already necessary to fight the insidious disease and its complications.

    Official medicine, unfortunately, believes that the only way out in this case is to take medication. All basic treatment is mainly based on medication, and many of them do not always help the patient, and they have enough side effects.

    However, Alexander Myasnikov, in his discussion of hypertension, assures that not in every case the dosage forms of drugs are the right and only right decision. And there are enough reasons for such doubts.

    The main problems, according to the doctor, are as follows:

    • a huge number of side effects;
    • the cost of medicines, which is very often unreasonably expensive;
    • intolerance to the individual nature of certain components, the reaction to which is unpredictable.

    Hence the conclusion that it is fundamentally wrong to consider pills as the only adequate means for the treatment of hypertension.

    However, many of the remedies recommended by healers are also not an option. So what, according to Alexander Leonidovich, is an alternative solution, how to choose a treatment that will help "curb" the disease?

    About the safe and effective treatment of arterial hypertension

    Many doctors are very unfavorable to many of the recipes of "our grandmothers." But according to Alexander Leonidovich, many of the folk remedies deserve flattering words and there are those that are approved by experts in the field of medicine. It is to alternative medicine that an authoritative doctor suggests turning.

    He states that herbal medicine can not only improve the patient's condition, but also cure hypertension, especially in the initial stage.

    Of course, it is impossible to treat hypertension with herbs without taking into account the important rules and tips, which are as follows:

    • you should buy herbal preparations only from sellers who have earned recognition, that is, from trusted people;
    • you need to apply fees approved by doctors;
    • before use, you should consult with your doctor, and during herbal therapy, it is necessary that the doctor monitor the results of treatment;
    • you need to use only those means that in each case have no contraindications and are able to alleviate the patient's condition, and not aggravate the disease.

    If you correctly approach the treatment of folk remedies, you can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve tissue regeneration, blood circulation, and cleanse the vessels of atherosclerotic deposits.

    Dr. Myasnikov on hypertension and alternative treatment suggests getting acquainted with folk remedies, and as an example, he suggests considering the use of Monastic Tea.

    Doctor about the treatment of hypertension "Monastic tea"

    Firstly, it should be clarified that medicinal tea in the usual sense of the word is not such, and secondly, it is not just a unique remedy, but a whole complex that includes a large number of medicinal fees.

    In order for the symptoms of hypertension to subside, you need to use Monastic Tea for at least two weeks. Of course, in such a short period of time the disease cannot be completely cured, but it is possible to significantly improve the patient's health indicators. And to achieve the desired effect, you must strictly follow the instructions of the drug. In addition, you should buy the drug from trusted suppliers.

    Unfortunately, the drug collection is not omnipotent, and before deciding to take this remedy and treat hypertension with it, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

    Perhaps many readers will be interested in the question: “How does the drug advertised by the doctor work”?

    Therapy with "Monastery Tea" mainly affects special receptors at the cellular level. As a result of exposure to special unique substances that make up the medicinal collection, a kind of “restart” occurs - the replacement of cells that have been damaged with new healthy cells. The causes of hypertension as a result of beneficial effects are eliminated, and the person gains health.

    Treatment with standard methods does not always eliminate the cause of the disease, but only helps to eliminate some of the symptoms. And "Monastic tea" has a positive effect on the whole organism as a whole and at the same time does not have a large number of contraindications.

    Other effective methods of struggle

    In the TV show "About the most important thing" there was repeatedly a conversation about diseases of the heart and the cardiovascular system. A large number of topics were devoted to the prevention of arterial hypertension. But for many people it is no secret that the main measures for the prevention of many diseases, including hypertension, are a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition - these are common truths.

    A reputable doctor tells a lot about how to treat hypertension. And first of all, Alexander suggests revising the menu and reducing salt intake. Sodium, which is part of the salt, is able to attract excess water into the body. As a result, there is an excess of fluid, and this, in turn, leads to arterial hypertension - persistent high blood pressure.

    According to experts, the average Russian instead of the prescribed 5 grams of this product uses at least 12 g daily. It turns out that each of us uses more than two times more than the most useful product, and then we complain that we don’t feel well. True, such a warning is more relevant for people whose age has exceeded 50 years. However, young people should heed the doctor's advice and reconsider their attitude to the use of salt.

    The treatment of hypertension will not bring the desired results if a person does not force himself to move, and this must be done daily, overcoming the desire to luxuriate on a soft sofa with a book in hand or at the TV screen and computer.

    Alexander suggests trying to get rid of worries and not drive yourself into a depressive state, because all this not only aggravates the course of the disease, but literally “eats us”. After all, people are constantly worried about the future of their close relatives, and their own future. Moreover, many of the experiences are devoid of common sense, that is, they are born without good reason for that. You can't do this. After all, tomorrow has not yet come, and you should not think about it in black shades.

    Now, as for nutrition. On the recommendation of the doctor, you should diversify the diet with fish dishes, vegetables, herbs and fruits. Myasnikov recommends eating at least 0.5 kg of healthy foods every day. In addition, the doctor suggests getting rid of "unhealthy fats" - sausages, ice cream and other things. But vegetable oils of any kind should not be underestimated, and therefore these products should not occupy the last place on the table for hypertensive patients. Among other things, an additional dose of vitamin D can be obtained from preparations based on fish oil.

    Also, one clove of garlic, eaten daily, will bring invaluable benefits. It is in this product that flavonoids are contained - substances that are very useful for the heart. These beneficial substances are also found in dark natural chocolate and therefore it can also be eaten by hypertensive patients, along with garlic. According to the doctor, hypertension can be treated with available methods and means, and many of them are literally at our fingertips.

    But to restrain the growth of "bad" cholesterol in a person suffering from hypertension, nuts can. Those who are not indifferent to the state of the cardiovascular system and those who have decided to treat hypertension with affordable folk remedies need to eat different types of nuts daily in the amount of 70 grams.

    Treatment of hypertension will not bring the desired results if you do not stop smoking and drinking alcohol. High blood pressure and addictions are incompatible things.

    One of the most common causes of hypertension and diseases of the cardiovascular system is obesity. And if a person's body weight is far from ideal, he is unlikely to have hypertension. So, at least, says Alexander. Treatment will be much more effective if a person gets rid of at least 10-20 kg of excess weight.

    After eliminating extra pounds, pressure indicators will at least decrease from 5 to 20 mm Hg. As you know, hypertensive patients are forced to use medications to keep pressure under control. Unfortunately, the vast majority of patients are faced with the use of drugs with numerous side effects, many of which are very serious.

    That's exactly why the doctor recommends turning to traditional medicine and treating hypertension with "grandmother's recipes." Alexander Leonidovich strongly recommends the use of treatment with herbal decoctions and preparations, which, firsthand, are able to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and influence the course of arterial hypertension.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Treatment of hypertension according to Dr. Myasnikov