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    Endocrine arterial hypertension

    A fairly large number of people are faced in their lives with such a phenomenon as high blood pressure. This condition has an extremely negative effect on the body and, in advanced cases, can lead to the development of a serious kind of pathologies and other negative processes. As a rule, this phenomenon acts as one of the symptoms of the development of serious diseases. That is why it is important to know what ailments can lead to a significant increase in blood pressure.

    What is a disease

    Experts, speaking of arterial hypertension, mean a significant, persistent increase in blood pressure. As a rule, this indicator exceeds the level of 140/90 units. In most cases, the main cause of such an increase in pressure can not be identified immediately.

    As a rule, quite often an increase in blood pressure is associated with the development of a serious disease. This form of the disease is called symptomatic.

    Experts distinguish 4 main groups of symptomatic hypertension based on what kind of disease provoked its manifestation:

    • Renal.
    • Hemodynamic.
    • Central.
    • Endocrine.

    Endocrine arterial hypertension are quite common, however, they are very difficult to diagnose. That is why, when the first symptoms of hypertension appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor to select the most optimal treatment. This is due to the fact that the sooner the correct treatment is selected, the greater complications can be avoided.

    Most often, this form of the disease occurs in the following risk groups:

    • Patients noting the low effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs in the treatment.
    • Patients under the age of 50 who develop severe hypertension.
    • Patients with hereditary predisposition.

    Of course, in these categories of people during the examination, the primary form of the disease can be detected. However, any hypertension causes significant harm to the body, and that is why, when the first signs appear, it is necessary to consult a specialist for an examination. As a rule, the diagnosis of this disease is complex and necessarily involves a visit to the endocrinologist. This measure is due to the need to exclude endocrine hypertension. After studying the characteristics of the disease and its course, a specialist may prescribe a number of additional specific studies.

    Why endocrine pathologies affect blood pressure

    The endocrine system is one of the most important systems in the body. This is due to the fact that it is responsible for the production of such important compounds as hormones. Such compounds are involved in the passage of almost all processes in the body. This is the main reason for their influence on blood pressure.

    One of their very important functions is to maintain a normal level of blood pressure. This is due to the fact that such substances are actively involved in maintaining the internal environment in the human body.

    The most common causes of a significant increase in blood pressure are the effect on the vessels of adrenal hormones. Also, the role of the main cause is played by thyroid and pituitary hormones.

    The reason for the increase in blood pressure in endocrine hypertension may be fluid retention in the body or excessive accumulation of salts. It can also be provoked by the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Activation of its activity leads to an increase in the frequency of heart rate and narrowing of the vascular lumen.

    That is why the main causes of the development of endocrine hypertension can be diseases of such organs as:

    • Adrenals.
    • Pituitary.
    • Thyroid gland.

    It is these organs that have the strongest influence on the mechanism of blood pressure regulation.

    What is acromegaly

    The development of this disease is due to excessive production of growth hormone in the body. Most often, this phenomenon is associated with the development of pituitary tumors. It is diagnosed mainly at the age of 30 to 55 years. Also, one of the reasons for its development may be a malignant formation in the pancreas or lungs. In the process of its development, the disease leads to the fact that the heart rate increases significantly, and the resistance of blood vessels decreases.

    Subsequently, because of this, atherosclerosis occurs. To determine the development of the disease, the specialist prescribes IGF-1 studies. If in the course of research it is established that the body is unable to reduce the level of GH, then the doctor prescribes the passage of additional studies. As a rule, at the initial stage, the diagnosis includes CT of the pituitary gland, lungs and abdominal cavity.

    The treatment of this disease is quite complicated.

    As a rule, it is complex and may include:

    • Operational intervention.
    • Radiation therapy.
    • The use of medicines.

    One of the most effective methods of treatment is a microsurgical operation, which allows you to achieve lasting results. However, in some cases, additional drug therapy may be necessary.

    As for the conservative effect, GH antagonists are often used.

    Features of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism

    This disease occurs as one of the consequences of improper treatment of Gravis disease. Most often, its development provokes an overdose of hormonal drugs.

    The main symptoms that signal the development of this disease:

    • Increased heart rate.
    • Dyspnea.
    • Fatigue.
    • Angina.
    • Weight loss.
    • Diarrhea.

    However, quite often, in the absence of the manifestation of the main symptoms of this disease, it is extremely difficult for a specialist to make a correct diagnosis and choose the best treatment measures. That is why, if the development of this disease is suspected, the specialist prescribes the passage of complex tests.

    The main measures of treatment of this disease are aimed at normalizing the level of hormones in the body. To eliminate the main symptoms, specialists prescribe a BBA. In addition, with the development of heart failure, diuretics can additionally be used.

    One of the main measures that can prevent the development of various complications associated with this disease is the treatment of the underlying thyroid disease. Depending on the characteristics of the treatment, the specialist may prescribe additional therapy.

    Quite often, symptomatic hypertension is diagnosed in patients who develop hypothyroidism. In addition to a significant increase in blood pressure, it can lead to coronary disease.

    As a rule, to normalize the condition of patients, experts recommend the use of hormonal therapy.

    Diagnosis of this disease is made mainly on the basis of electrocardiogram data. Also, very often, to determine its development, the level of TSH is monitored. As a rule, this figure is significantly reduced.

    The basis of the treatment of the disease is Levothyroxine and hormone therapy. With low efficiency of treatment in relation to lowering blood pressure, diuretics or calcium channel blockers are used.

    Effects on blood pressure Hyperparathyroidism

    Doctors diagnose the development of this disease quite often.

    Its manifestation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • Weakness.
    • Lethargy.
    • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

    However, in some cases, these symptoms may not appear, and under such circumstances, this disease can be recognized only by a significant increase in blood pressure.

    The mechanism of development of this disease by scientists is not fully understood, however, most of them note that it is the excess amount of PTH that plays the leading role.

    In addition, with this disease, an increase in the level of calcium is observed, which has a rather strong effect on the vessels and leads to the development of hypertension. It should be noted that the combination of PTH and calcium leads to the development of atherosclerosis.

    As a rule, most experts agree that hypercalcemia, in which there is an increased concentration of PTH, indicates the development of this disease. For the diagnosis of such diseases, specialists often use diuretics.

    One of the most radical methods of treating this disease is the removal of the gland or tumor. As for the level of blood pressure, after treatment it returns to normal. However, most doctors recommend taking maintenance medications even after treatment is over.

    Cushing's disease

    This disease, or rather, a syndrome, is a rather rare phenomenon. It occurs with a frequency of 1 to 10 times per 1,000,000 people. Most often, this disease is diagnosed in those people who suffer from diabetes and excess weight.

    The symptoms of this syndrome are non-specific, so it is quite difficult to make a diagnosis in some cases.

    The most characteristic manifestations of this disease:

    • Striae.
    • Central type of obesity.
    • Purple face.

    Also, experts seriously consider the likelihood of developing this syndrome if the patient has the following symptoms:

    • Osteoporosis.
    • Hypervolemia.
    • Increased diastolic pressure.
    • Acne.
    • Edema.

    In addition, almost 85% of patients have risk factors such as hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus. In some cases, against the background of this disease, a stroke or heart failure may develop.

    First of all, to make such a diagnosis, specialists determine the severity of its main manifestations.

    With a combination of hyperglycemia and various kinds of external manifestations, a specialist can prescribe a suppressive test, which is characterized by a sensitivity of 98%. However, carrying out such an event in 20% of cases implies a certain error in the results. That is why in most cases it is combined with the determination of the level of cortisol. Also in the role of an additional measure that contributes to the diagnosis of this syndrome is the passage of tomography. As a rule, the zones of the chest and abdominal cavity are examined. Treatment of the syndrome is quite difficult and lengthy.

    It may include:

    • Removal of the adrenal glands.
    • Conducting chemotherapy.
    • Removal of the pituitary.

    Conservative treatment involves the use of metyrapone. As for the elimination of the main symptoms of arterial hypertension, first of all, for this purpose, drugs are used to control the level of cortisol. Potassium-sparing diuretics are not used to stabilize blood pressure in this syndrome.

    Primary hyperaldosteronism with elevated blood pressure

    This disease is detected in 10% of patients who suffer from arterial hypertension. The complexity of diagnosing this disease lies in the fact that the pressure with it rises gradually.

    Quite often, patients feel symptoms characteristic of this disease, such as:

    • Headache.
    • Seizures.
    • Muscle weakness.

    Diagnosing this disease at an early stage is quite important, since its treatment can be carried out with the help of specific therapy. With the help of surgery, you can achieve complete recovery from adenoma, which affects the increase in aldosterone production. This measure allows you to stabilize the pressure and refuse to take antihypertensive drugs. In other cases, the control of emissions of this compound can reduce the risk of damage to the so-called target organs during hypertension.

    Pathological conditions also include an excess of mineralocorticoids. The most common type of pathology is a benign adenoma producing aldosterone. Less common is such a type of disease as bilateral hyperplasia and nodular hyperplasia. In general, experts note that the ratio of this disease in the production of aldosterone is secondary.

    To determine the amount of aldosterone, a special test is used, during which its relationship to renin activity is revealed. Experts note that a few weeks before such a test, it is necessary to stop taking antihypertensive drugs. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of such drugs have a rather strong effect on the blood levels of these components. The drugs allowed during this period include sympatholytics.

    As a rule, removal of the neoplasm is used to treat AD. In the preparatory period, specialists prescribe the intake of spironolactone. This drug significantly reduces the risk of complications after surgery. Overall, surgery is the most effective treatment in 30% of cases. The recovery period after the intervention can last up to 3 months.

    In some cases, drug therapy is used to normalize the condition. Treatment with medication takes about 2 months. For a stable decrease in blood pressure, experts recommend combining the main drugs with antihypertensive drugs. The only exception is diuretics.

    Influence of neuroendocrine tumors

    One of the most common types of neuroendocrine tumors is pheochromocytoma. The peculiarity of these neoplasms is that they develop from a special medulla of the adrenal glands. An important role in the development of such neoplasms is played by catecholamines.

    The occurrence of neoplasms may be due to the influence of hereditary factors. As a rule, if this kind of tumor is diagnosed in one of the family members, the probability of its appearance in others increases by 15%. It should be noted that only 10% of these neoplasms act as malignant.

    There are quite a few different symptoms that indicate the development of this kind of neoplasm.

    As a rule, patients complain of the following manifestations:

    • Tremor.
    • Pain in the head.
    • Nausea.
    • Vomit.
    • The increase in heart rate.
    • Pain in the head.
    • Paleness of the skin.
    • Weight loss.
    • Increase in blood pressure.

    Quite often, experts diagnose the development of this disease in the event that taking several antihypertensive drugs does not provide a steady decrease in blood pressure.

    This ailment can provoke the development of a number of rather serious complications.

    Which include:

    • Heart attack.
    • Arrhythmia.
    • Shock.
    • Heart failure.
    • Stroke.
    • Edema of internal organs.

    In addition, this disease can have an indirect effect on the rhythm of the heart muscle. Various kinds of anesthesia and manipulations with the neoplasm can lead to its increase.

    If the development of such a neoplasm is suspected, the specialist prescribes a series of biochemical tests aimed at establishing the fact of its development. First of all, an analysis is carried out to determine the amount of catecholamines in the blood.

    Recently, however, a modern, accurate diagnostic method based on the determination of the level of metanephrine has been increasingly used.

    However, a positive test result does not always indicate the development of a neoplasm. Quite often, physiological stimuli provoke an increase in the level of specific components in the blood. In this regard, the diagnosis of this disease is quite difficult.

    To detect tumor nodes, the patient is invited to undergo a thermogram. As a rule, in 90% of cases, neoplasms are located in the adrenal glands, and in 8% - in the abdominal cavity. To diagnose neoplasms with a different localization, an x-ray method is used.

    When diagnosing and treating this disease, it is extremely important to constantly monitor changes in blood pressure levels. To prevent the development of serious complications, alpha-blockers and BBK are most often used. The most effective way to eliminate this disease is surgery. However, despite this, in 25% of cases, patients still experience increased blood pressure, which may be due to nephropathy.

    What is carcinoid syndrome

    This kind of syndrome is a rather rare cause of the development of secondary arterial hypertension.

    In most cases, neoplasms characteristic of this syndrome are located in organs such as:

    • Small intestine.
    • Appendix.
    • Bronchi.
    • Ovaries.
    • Bile ducts.

    These tumors are characterized by metastasis. As a rule, metastases are found in the liver and lymph nodes.

    The main symptoms of the development of such a syndrome are as follows:

    • Significant weight loss.
    • Diarrhea.
    • Arterial hypertension.

    The occurrence of such symptoms is due to the fact that with the development of this kind of neoplasm, a significant production of hormones is provoked.

    One of the most complex forms of this syndrome, which is difficult to diagnose, is cardiac.

    As a rule, its development is indicated by ventricular failure or heart failure, not caused by extraneous causes.

    Diagnosing such a disease is quite difficult. Most often, specialists use radiography and echocardiography to make a diagnosis. It is also possible to carry out biochemical analyzes. Most diagnostic methods are aimed at identifying changes in the work of the heart, as well as changing its structure.

    The prognosis for the development of this disease is extremely unfavorable. Treatment is carried out mainly with the power of medicines, however, in some cases, surgery may be indicated to remove metastases.

    To normalize pressure, diuretic drugs and alpha-blockers are combined. When the disease progresses, tricuspid valve transplantation is considered the most effective treatment. This is due to the fact that neoplasms often recur during bioprosthetics. The prognosis for such procedures is extremely unfavorable, however, in most cases, with a good outcome, they help prolong life and eliminate the main symptoms.

    Features of treatment

    Features of the treatment of such arterial hypertension are largely determined by what kind of disease it is caused by.

    Treatment of ailments of the endocrine system should be carried out by a specialist on an individual basis, based on factors such as:

    • The age of the patient.
    • feature of the disease.
    • State.
    • Prognosis of the development of the disease.
    • Possible complications.

    Only taking into account all these factors will determine the optimal measures aimed at eliminating the main symptoms. As already mentioned, in most cases, a significant increase in pressure provokes various kinds of pathological processes or neoplasms.

    For the treatment of pathologies, various kinds of medications are used, which are aimed at normalizing the functioning of the endocrine system. In some cases, with a threat to life, the doctor may insist on surgical intervention.

    As for neoplasms, when they develop, surgical intervention and supportive drug therapy are prescribed. As a rule, removal of the neoplasm in most cases allows you to normalize the pressure.

    To reduce and control blood pressure in this form of hypertension, several different groups of drugs are used:

    • Diuretics.

    These medicines ensure the removal of excess fluid and salts from the body, thereby reducing the total blood volume and reducing pressure on the vessels.

    • Muscle relaxants.

    This kind of medicines reduce pressure due to the fact that they affect the walls of blood vessels. These drugs relax the walls, thus increasing the vascular lumen, which helps to reduce blood pressure.

    • ACE inhibitors.

    These drugs belong to the group of drugs that act on the renin-angiotensin system of the body. In addition, such drugs prevent the conversion of angiotensin, as a result of which its amount in the blood decreases and vasodilation occurs.

    • Angiotensin receptor blockers.

    They block the receptors that the compound acts on. As a result, the interaction of this substance with the main receptors stops and vasodilation occurs.

    • Alpha blockers.

    The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on the fact that they block a certain type of receptor and thereby prevent the irritating effect of norepinephrine on them.

    • Beta blockers.

    Such drugs are used to block receptors located in the bronchi and heart. They are divided into 2 groups: selective and non-selective action. Indiscriminate drugs should not be used in bronchial asthma. The principle of their action is based on blocking the production of prorenin, which causes vasodilation and a decrease in blood pressure.

    However, the selection of drugs should be carried out strictly by a doctor on an individual basis.

    Prevention measures

    There are no special specific preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of arterial hypertension caused by disorders of the endocrine system. To prevent the development of arterial hypertension will help the observance of general preventive measures.

    The most important measures include:

    • Compliance with the daily routine.

    Compliance with the daily regimen allows you to dose the load on the body and provide it with full time for rest.

    • Avoidance of stress.

    Emotional overload has a rather strong effect on the level of pressure and, in addition, negatively affects the entire body.

    • Body weight control.

    Excess body weight leads to the development of a number of serious problems with the body. In order to avoid hormonal disruptions and complications from the side of the most important systems, it is necessary to constantly monitor body weight.

    • Eat properly.

    Proper nutrition in hypertension is one of the most important provisions. This is due to the fact that the correct selection of products will saturate the body with useful components and vitamins, while eating unhealthy foods will increase the load on the blood vessels and lead to problems with them.

    • Exercise.

    Moderate physical activity with hypertension allows you to restore the body's defenses. However, with this ailment, you should not resort to too intense training. It is best to first consult with your doctor and determine the optimal level of exercise.

    • Alternation of work and rest.

    The correct alternation of work and rest allows you to reduce the negative load on the body and stabilize its condition. As a rule, rest for patients with hypertension should be not only passive, but also active.

    • Walks in the open air.

    Regular walks in the fresh air allow you to harden the body and bring pressure back to normal. To normalize blood pressure indicators, you need to walk at least 2 hours a day.

    • Rejection of salt.

    This is one of the most important measures to reduce such an indicator as blood pressure. Salt tends to accumulate in the body and retain water.

    That is why, with increased pressure, it is worth refusing to use it.

    Compliance with elementary preventive measures will allow you to maintain health for a long time and significantly improve your well-being.

    Thus, we can say that symptomatic endocrine hypertension is a fairly common phenomenon. In most cases, its development is associated with the occurrence of neoplasms that disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system or with the development of various kinds of pathological processes. This form of arterial hypertension is quite dangerous and difficult to treat, which is why it is important to diagnose it as early as possible. The treatment of this disease is determined by a specialist on an individual basis, as a rule, based on the characteristics of the disease that provoked hypertension. Timely access to a doctor, the correct diagnosis and the selection of optimal treatment will help maintain health.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Endocrine arterial hypertension