Hypertensive crisis: treatment at home
A hypertensive crisis is a very common phenomenon, which is why the question of its surgical treatment at home is very relevant.
Most people encounter this phenomenon quite suddenly, which is why it is very important to know what measures need to be taken so that this condition does not cause significant damage to health.
Why does a hypertensive crisis develop?
A hypertensive crisis is a significant abrupt increase in pressure, in contrast to the norm provided for by age, which is accompanied by the appearance of specific symptoms and needs to be immediately reduced.
Most often, the development of this condition is facilitated by various kinds of extreme situations that have a strong impact on the state of the autonomic nervous system. It is the influence of various factors on this system in most cases that explains the development of a hypertensive crisis due to strong psycho-emotional overload.
In addition, the following can act as prerequisites for the development of such a condition as a hypertensive crisis:
- Unstable work of the nervous system.
- Nervoses.
- Stress.
- Unstable hormonal background.
- Accumulation of salts in the body.
- Bad habits.
- Overvoltage.
- geomagnetic storms.
- Chronic diseases.
- Cancellation of antihypertensive drugs.
All of these factors can influence the development of this condition. Incorrect work of any part of the ANS provokes the occurrence of a certain type of this condition. Features of the impact on it are based on the belonging of the disease to any type. Treatment affects the cause that caused the crisis.
Crisis types:
This type of condition develops due to the intense influence on the sympathetic division of the ANS. This condition most often develops before the age of 40. This type of crisis develops very quickly.
Most often it is accompanied by:
- An increase in BP.
- General excitement.
- Trembling of limbs.
The mechanism of development of this condition is associated with an increase in heart rate.
Most often, this kind of hypertensive crisis causes:
- Problems with blood circulation in the brain.
- Damage to the visual organs.
Such complications can arise if the victim is not provided with timely assistance.
This type develops rather slowly. It most often occurs in older people. The first manifestations of such a crisis may appear in a few days.
Its main manifestations include:
- Lethargy.
- Drowsiness.
- Vertigo.
- Puffiness.
- Pallor.
The parasympathetic division of the ANS is responsible for the development of this type. Help in such a crisis plays a very important role, since complications often develop in this condition.
Complicated course of the crisis
This standing can be formed on the basis of a crisis of any type. Its main difference lies in the fact that it provokes the occurrence of arterial circulatory disorders, which causes seizures.
This type of crisis requires special assistance and a special approach to treatment, since most often it occurs in parallel with the development of:
- Arrhythmias.
- Pulmonary edema.
- liver failure.
That is why first aid and treatment of this condition should be carried out as correctly as possible.
The definition of the type of crisis, as well as its features, is based on the following data:
- Age.
- Features of the flow.
- Clinical manifestations.
- heart rate.
An uncontrolled increase in blood pressure is quite dangerous for a person, since it can provoke the development of such a phenomenon as a vascular catastrophe.
The main complications that act as consequences in a hypertensive crisis are circulatory disorders, the treatment of which is very difficult. In addition, against the background of the development of this condition, a significant deterioration in the activity of the body is possible, which can lead to death.
Crisis symptoms and first aid measures
In most cases, this phenomenon develops suddenly.
However, it has a number of very specific features that indicate its development:
- Significant increase in blood pressure.
- Strong headache.
- Pain in the region of the heart.
- Labored breathing.
- Nausea.
- Drowsiness.
- Violation of consciousness.
Emergency care, namely its measures during the development of a crisis, most experts do not associate with its type.
First aid includes:
- Doctor's call.
- Placing the patient in a semi-sitting position, this is especially true when providing assistance at home.
- Removal of restrictive clothing.
- Providing access to fresh air.
- Warming the legs, especially this measure is relevant when providing assistance at home.
- Taking a small amount of Corvalol, this measure will help relieve psychological stress.
- Taking captopril tablets.
- With a significant headache, taking Furosemide.
If the patient has severe pain in the region of the heart, it is necessary to give him a Nitroglycerin tablet. However, it should be taken into account that this measure can significantly reduce the pressure, which can lead to a worsening of the condition. Therefore, at home, it is necessary to combine treatment and taking Nitroglycerin and Validol.
This reaction of the body to taking medications is quite dangerous, since its treatment is very difficult. According to the mechanism of its development, it is similar to an allergic reaction, however, it is extremely difficult to predict its behavior.
Also, do not resort too often to the use of Nitroglycerin, which produces a vasodilating effect. The predominant effect of this drug is directed to the heart muscle, so its uncontrolled use can lead to the development of collapse.
It is best to entrust the relief of the crisis to emergency doctors. Specialists carry out all manipulations with strict consideration of the level of blood pressure. If there is a medical worker near the patient, then it is possible to stop the crisis without calling a doctor.
Most often, intramuscular injections are used for home treatment:
- Furosemide.
- Dibazol.
- Magnesium sulphate.
- Antispasmodics.
- Vitamin B6.
It should be borne in mind that the pressure reduction should take place as smoothly as possible. As a rule, in 1 hour the pressure should decrease by no more than 20 units. This is due to the fact that a sharp decrease in such an indicator as blood pressure can significantly affect blood circulation.
What action is taken by the doctor?
All doctors from ambulance teams operate within the framework of certain protocols of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which provides for a special algorithm for providing first aid for each disease.
To urgently reduce pressure, ambulance doctors resort to intravenous administration of drugs such as:
- Gemiton.
- Lasix.
- Dibazol.
- Magnesium sulphate solution.
What specific medicine to use, and what measures to follow, the specialist decides based on such factors:
- BP level.
- type of crisis.
- The age of the patient.
- State dynamics.
The patient needs mandatory hospitalization and treatment of a crisis in a hospital with a complex crisis.
In addition, patients need hospitalization:
- Complicated crisis.
- With the first hypertensive crisis.
- With a crisis that cannot be stopped.
- With a second crisis within 48 hours.
- With a high risk of complications.
What to do after the crisis?
In order to minimize the risk of adverse effects, the following recommendations should be followed:
- Do not make sudden movements.
- Refrain from doing sports.
- Stop watching TV at night.
- Reduce the impact of stress.
- To refuse from bad habits.
One of the best measures that allows you to normalize the condition during a hypertensive crisis is specialized spa treatment. Its main condition is that for the patient there should not be a sharp change in climate.
However, as you know, any disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, in the presence of arterial hypertension or other conditions that contribute to the development of a crisis, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures.
The main preventive measures include:
- Compliance with the daily routine.
- Balanced physical activity.
- Regular intake of drugs that reduce blood pressure.
- Treatment of diseases that contribute to the occurrence of arterial hypertension.
- Regular neck massage.
- Taking sedatives.
- Refusal of alcohol.
Alternative methods for hypertensive crisis
Quite often, along with drug therapy at home, treatment with alternative methods is used to maintain the body and reduce the negative effect of drugs on it. Their correct use at home contributes to the stabilization of pressure and has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, which helps to improve treatment.
However, treatment with the help of traditional medicine must be treated very carefully. Therefore, before applying any measures of influence, you must first discuss this with your doctor.
The most effective medicines to use in a crisis at home:
- Tea from wild rosemary and motherwort.
For tea, it is necessary to steam the herbs in the same proportions and boil a little over low heat. After this, the herbs must be insisted and filtered. A decoction is taken 3 times a day. You do not need to make too much tea, as it is not stored much.
- Decoction of astragalus.
In order to prepare a decoction of this plant, it must be poured with a small amount of hot water and boiled. After that, the liquid must be boiled for 10 minutes. The decoction is taken several times a day.
- Rosehip and chamomile.
Tea based on rose hips and chamomile quite effectively helps to reduce pressure due to the fact that it has a calming effect on the nervous system. To make tea, you need to steam the ingredients and insist them for several hours. Take tea several times a day.
- Infusion of motherwort and valerian.
This remedy is used to normalize the pressure caused by the influence of stress, as it has a pronounced calming effect. To prepare the infusion, you need to mix the infusion of motherwort and valerian and dilute them with a small amount of water. A decoction is taken in a small amount several times a day.
However, it should be borne in mind that this kind of treatment acts solely as an auxiliary, therefore, before starting it, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order not to aggravate the hypertensive crisis.
Summing up, it is worth noting that a hypertensive crisis is a very common phenomenon. It causes a number of negative health effects, however, with proper treatment and timely intervention, help can minimize the negative effects.