Emergency care algorithm for hypertensive crisis
A hypertensive crisis is a very common phenomenon, so everyone needs to know the algorithm of emergency care when it occurs. Often, knowledge of the elementary mechanism of action with a sharp increase in pressure can not only save a person's life, but also protect him from the development of very serious complications. That is why it is necessary to clearly know how to act with significant pressure surges.
What is a crisis?
Such a phenomenon as a hypertensive crisis is characterized by a significant increase in the level of blood pressure, which is most often accompanied by a manifestation of disorders in the side of the nervous system or brain.
First aid in a crisis largely decides whether the patient will experience complications that can lead to a significant deterioration in life or even death.
A fairly large number of different factors can provoke the development of the phenomenon, among which it is worth highlighting nervous strain and significant overwork.
In addition, the following factors can provoke significant pressure surges during a hypertensive crisis:
- Physical exercise.
- Insomnia.
- Significant fatigue.
- Weather.
- Wrong nutrition.
- Hormonal disruptions.
- Refusal to take drugs that normalize blood pressure.
Depending on the characteristics of the body, the type of drugs used to lower blood pressure, first aid measures can vary significantly.
Among specialists, it is customary to distinguish 2 types of such phenomena:
- Uncomplicated (first order).
- Complicated (second order).
First aid measures in a crisis are determined mainly depending on the type of phenomenon, since each of these types requires a separate approach to elimination.
It is also customary to distinguish such types of crises as:
- Hyperkinetic.
This type is accompanied by a significant increase in blood emissions, which causes the accelerated work of the heart muscle. This hypertensive crisis does not affect the state of the vessels, however, in some cases, their tone may slightly increase. This type is characterized by a significant increase in the upper pressure indicator, and the lower pressure indicator during this crisis is within the normal range.
As a rule, such a phenomenon is characterized by a very rapid development and a short duration. The acute phase lasts from 2 to 4 hours. Most often, with such a hypertensive crisis, a significant increase in heart rate is observed.
- Hypokinetic.
The occurrence of such a phenomenon causes changes in the work of blood vessels. With this crisis, changes in the work of the heart muscle are insignificant. This type of phenomenon is mainly observed in older people who suffer from the development of hypertension for a long time.
Such a crisis develops very slowly. Before the onset of the acute phase, it can take from several weeks to several hours.
Manifestations of this kind are much more severe. It is characterized by an increase in both upper and lower pressure. One of the features of this type is that the lower pressure indicator is higher. Characteristic phenomena with this type of phenomenon are loss of strength, pallor. Very often, a crisis is accompanied by a number of complications from the nervous system or brain.
Crisis symptoms
Crises of the first and second orders manifest themselves in different ways.
As a rule, the following symptoms are characteristic of an uncomplicated condition:
- Rapid deterioration.
- Strong nervous excitement.
- Breathing problems.
- Sweating.
- Headache.
- The level of blood pressure is within 200/100 units.
These kinds of things pass fairly quickly. The most acute period of this phenomenon lasts, as a rule, about 3 hours. Uncomplicated crises are eliminated at home and, with the right first aid, do not harm the patient's health.
As for the crises of the second order, they develop rather slowly and last for a long time. As a rule, this phenomenon can last from several hours to several days. It is very difficult to lower the level of blood pressure with this phenomenon.
The main symptoms of the development of this condition:
- Lethargy.
- The appearance of edema.
- Nausea.
- Vertigo.
- The level of blood pressure is 200/120 units.
The main danger of such crises is that quite often, with untimely or incorrect first aid, they provoke a number of serious complications that threaten the patient's health.
Complications include:
- Heart problems.
- Stroke.
- Swelling of internal organs.
- Loss of consciousness.
- Seizures.
- Acute hypertensive encephalopathy, manifested by convulsions, loss of consciousness.
Measures of first aid
In no case can pre-medical assistance replace the advice of a doctor, since certain types of crises require exclusively inpatient treatment.
First aid algorithm for a sharp jump in blood pressure:
- Call an ambulance.
- Calming the patient.
- Giving the patient a semi-sitting position.
- Ensuring smooth and deep breathing of the patient.
- Applying a cold compress to the scalp.
- Providing free access to oxygen.
- Patient taking an antihypertensive drug.
- Reception by the patient of a remedy such as Captopril or Kapoten.
- Taking Corvalol or motherwort tincture.
- Warming of the patient's legs.
- With the appearance of pain in the heart - taking Nitroglycerin.
Such a standard of emergency care in dealing with the manifestations of a hypertensive crisis will help to avoid the deterioration of the patient's condition and wait for the arrival of specialists. The standard of first aid was specially developed by doctors to normalize the condition.
In some cases, with a mild course of the phenomenon, after the provision of first aid measures, the patient's condition improves significantly, which avoids hospitalization. However, if emergency measures did not improve the patient's condition, but, on the contrary, the level of blood pressure rises with the manifestation of various symptoms, it is urgent to call a specialist.
Separately, it is worth noting that when stopping the phenomenon, it is necessary to measure the level of blood pressure every 30 minutes. These data will help the specialist to establish the features of the development of the phenomenon and carry out the necessary emergency measures.
What kind of help does the doctor provide?
As already mentioned, treatment measures are based on the features of the development of the phenomenon. Each type of hypertensive crisis has its own standard of care. In an uncomplicated condition, for relief, the standard involves the use of drugs belonging to the group of diuretics.
In a complicated crisis, first aid most often involves the use of more serious drugs, for example, Clonidine.
In general, in the treatment of a crisis, the pressure should decrease smoothly, the normal decrease in pressure is 10 units per hour. However, it is necessary to take into account that when providing emergency care, the pressure must be reduced not to a fixed norm, but to a level normal for a person. A sharp decrease in blood pressure can provoke the occurrence of quite serious problems with the blood supply to the internal organs.
Most often, if it is necessary to stop a crisis, doctors use the following groups of drugs:
- ACE inhibitors.
- Beta blockers.
- Clonidine.
- Muscle relaxants.
- Calcium channel blockers.
- Diuretics.
- Nitrates.
Most often, to eliminate the main symptoms in a hypertensive crisis, drugs are used in the form of injections. This is due to the fact that in this condition vomiting is often observed, which makes taking the pills ineffective.
As a rule, uncomplicated crises are treated at home, while those phenomena that are accompanied by complications are eliminated in the hospital. However, regardless of the type of crisis measures, first aid plays a significant role. Compliance with the correct algorithm of actions allows you to avoid the development of complications and stabilize the patient's condition before the arrival of specialists.