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    Hypertensive crisis symptoms and first aid

    Emergency care for a hypertensive crisis is one of the main measures that helps save a person's life. This is due to the fact that a disease such as hypertension is very common and the consequences of its impact on health are very deplorable. That is why, if your loved ones may experience this kind of phenomenon, it is imperative to know its main symptoms and first aid rules.

    Crisis symptoms

    A hypertensive crisis is one of the manifestations of hypertension, which occurs due to a violation in the body of the mechanisms of regulation of blood pressure.

    The main symptoms of the development of this condition are a significant increase in blood pressure, which is accompanied by a significant deterioration in brain activity, as well as blood supply to the arterial and renal nature. Such symptoms significantly increase the likelihood of developing very serious complications from the cardiovascular system.

    These complications include:

    • Stroke.
    • Heart attack.
    • Edema of internal organs.
    • Renal failure.

    Providing care as well as treatment for these conditions is much more complex.

    Symptoms that accompany the development of a crisis:

    • Increased level of nervous excitement.
    • Rapid pulse.
    • Breathing problems.
    • Cold sweat.
    • The appearance of ants.
    • Redness of the face.

    The following symptoms may also occur due to impaired blood circulation in the brain area:

    • Nausea.
    • Vomit.
    • Reduced vision.

    Based on the consideration of these symptoms, a classification of various types of crises is carried out.

    Classification is necessary to determine the most optimal treatment measures. In addition, the classification of crises allows specialists to determine the possible complications of a particular crisis and prevent their development.

    The main causes of the crisis

    The reasons for the development of the crisis are varied. This condition can develop at any stage of the disease associated with increased blood pressure. In some cases, this condition can also occur in a healthy person. However, it is worth noting that most often this kind of condition occurs in complex forms of hypertension, which are accompanied by atherosclerosis.

    In some cases, the causes of crises lie in the wrong or untimely treatment of hypertension.

    Most experts identify special factors that contribute to the development of a crisis:

    • Stress.
    • Abuse of coffee or alcohol.
    • Refusal to take medications that reduce blood pressure.
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    A condition such as a hypertensive crisis is extremely dangerous for the body.

    Crises that develop due to vascular disease have specific symptoms:

    • Nausea.
    • Tension in the temples.
    • Photophobia.
    • Drowsiness.
    • Chills.
    • Fainting.

    Exacerbations that occur against the background of vascular diseases are quite often associated with local circulatory disorders in the brain area.

    Local crises are characterized by the following symptoms:

    • Numbness of limbs.
    • Feeling of tingling.
    • psychomotor disorders.
    • Sparks before my eyes.
    • reflex disorder.
    • Vomit.
    Emergency care for this type of hypertensive crisis plays a very important role, since this condition can be accompanied by serious complications.

    The main directions of treatment and prevention

    In most cases, the development of a crisis causes:

    • Refusal to take medicines.
    • Stress.

    Such a phenomenon is very dangerous for the body and can cause significant damage to health, so taking first aid measures in a crisis is very important. First aid for a hypertensive crisis includes, first of all, the correct placement of the patient.

    Before the ambulance arrives and the specialist examines the patient, it is necessary to place him on a horizontal surface in a semi-sitting position. This position will help prevent choking. If you feel trembling or chills, you need to warm your legs as quickly as possible and provide fresh air.

    In addition, the patient must be given a medicine previously prescribed by a doctor to lower blood pressure. However, it is important to consider that the decline should be as smooth as possible. In an hour, the pressure should drop by no more than 30 units from the original value.

    First aid for a hypertensive crisis should also be aimed at treating the main symptoms. With heart pain, you can give a tablet of validol. Taking such measures will help improve the patient's condition before the arrival of doctors and avoid serious complications.

    Diagnosis of this phenomenon is quite simple. Assistance is accompanied by the measurement of blood pressure. Such diagnostics as accurately as possible allows you to determine the condition of the patient. In addition, the diagnosis and consideration of the main symptoms in the provision of care help to classify the crisis and select the right drugs.

    As a rule, specialists in the treatment of patients use antihypertensive drugs that quickly eliminate the main manifestations of the condition. Hospitalization in this condition is not required for everyone, most often only those patients who have a crisis in a complicated form or manifested themselves for the first time need hospitalization.

    With an outpatient or inpatient form of medical care, specialists clearly control such indicators as:

    • BP level.
    • Well-being.
    • Symptoms that indicate a violation of the central nervous system.

    Diagnostics, as well as taking into account the main features, help to establish the form of the phenomenon and produce the highest quality assistance.

    In addition, it is necessary to take into account that in the treatment of a crisis, specialists do not reduce blood pressure to normal levels, but only reduce them with medication to the limits at which the patient feels better.

    Most often, the treatment of this condition is complex. Classification of crises helps the specialist to identify additional funds. In addition to antihypertensive drugs, the specialist prescribes, if necessary, drugs that normalize the work of the heart, brain, as well as drugs that eliminate the main causes that provoked the crisis.

    The development of a crisis mainly indicates non-compliance with the main measures of treatment or its ineffectiveness, therefore, quite often, when such phenomena occur, the specialist additionally adjusts the main treatment plan. For a patient who has had a crisis, experts not only strongly recommend continuing treatment with medication, but also adjusting their lifestyle.

    For example, during the recovery period, you need to minimize the salt content in food or completely abandon its use. Doctors also strongly recommend giving up bad habits and avoiding the influence of stress. In addition, with the normalization of the condition, every day the patient should have physical activity, which will speed up the treatment.

    There are quite a lot of various preventive measures that are aimed at normalizing blood pressure and maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. Most preventive measures are similar to those used to prevent the development of hypertension. First of all, when such situations arise, it is necessary to identify the main causes that provoke their development, and eliminate their influence.

    Prevention measures:

    • Day balance.
    • The right balance of physical activity and rest.
    • Proper nutrition.
    • Rejection of bad habits.
    • Minimizing the impact of stress.
    • Compliance with the basic prescriptions of the doctor.
    • Taking medicines.

    Separately, it is worth noting that medications should be taken even if the state of health is normalized, since this factor can act as one of the main reasons for the development of a crisis.

    Thus, a crisis is a rather dangerous condition that can cause significant damage to the body. When it occurs, there must be first aid before the arrival of doctors, as well as subsequent competent treatment. When choosing medicines, experts take into account the symptoms of a crisis and classify it.

    The classification of this condition allows you to choose the best drugs and conduct treatment aimed at preventing the development of complications.

    As a rule, simple crises are treated on an outpatient basis.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Hypertensive crisis symptoms and first aid