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    Who are hypertensives?

    Are hypertensives born or made? Who are these people and what is their lifestyle like? Such questions are of interest to everyone who is faced with interruptions in the work of the cardiovascular system and wants to understand the causes of the disease and ways to eliminate it. To be informed about the state of your health means to be halfway closer to solving the problem.

    Principle of the heart

    It is called the motor of the human body. This is an important organ that launches life into every cell of all organs and systems. Its normal operation is as follows. The contraction of the heart muscle pushes blood into the lungs, where it is saturated with oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. After that, it receives nutrients in the stomach and intestines. The liver and kidneys rid it of harmful substances accumulated in it. Then it goes back to the heart and the next contraction sends it to the lungs. This continues from the first to the last breath of a person throughout his life.

    The heart is a rather cunning organ, it makes itself felt only when the scheme of its actions is violated, which at first glance is quite complicated.

    Palpitations are usually felt after physical exertion or severe stress, the rest of the time the body works silently and imperceptibly for a person.

    Causes of failures in the mechanism of the cardiovascular system

    It is easy for the heart to cope with the mission assigned to it, if there are no factors that prevent it from freely pumping blood. But if such movement of blood through the vessels is difficult, this important organ automatically begins to contract in an enhanced mode. The result of this is an increase in pressure. What contributes to this?

    There are several reasons leading to such violations:

    • smoking,
    • regular consumption of alcohol in large quantities,
    • unbalanced diet,
    • wrong metabolism.

    The increased mode of operation of the heart is due to the fact that fluid can accumulate in the vessels, interfering with the passage of blood. This is a consequence of its accumulation in organs and systems. Where does it come from? Eating too fatty, salty foods leads to the fact that after some time a person begins to feel thirsty and drinks liquids in unmeasured quantities. She does not have time to quickly excrete and presses on the walls of the vessels when blood enters them. Improper nutrition contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, which prevent blood from circulating freely.

    When a person smokes or drinks alcohol, it creates an additional load on the heart muscle. In addition, it also forces the kidneys, liver, and stomach to work in emergency mode.

    What do the numbers on the tonometer screen depend on?

    The pressure can be high or low. Depending on this, people who experience it on themselves are called hypertensive and hypotensive, respectively. Both situations are not the norm; they require a careful approach and timely treatment.

    The readings of the tonometer are affected by:

    • force of contractions of the heart,
    • the volume of blood ejected by him during contractions,
    • vascular wall resistance to blood flow
    • total blood volume
    • blood quality - viscosity,
    • pressure surges in two cavities - abdominal and chest.

    For measurement, 2 indicators are used - pressure at the time of contraction of the left ventricle and between contractions. Such indicators are called upper (systolic) and lower (diastolic) pressure. Normally, they are 100-129 and 70-80, respectively.

    Hypertensive patients are people who have high blood pressure and suffer from hypertension.

    This disease goes through several stages:

    1. Light. Indicators: 160-180 / 95-105. Patients at this stage, as a rule, have a headache, insomnia, and mental performance decreases.
    2. Average. Indicators: 180-200 / 105-115. Severe headaches, sharp jumps in pressure, pain behind the sternum.
    3. Heavy. Tonometer readings: 200-230/115-130. It is characterized by pathologies in the kidneys, eyes, brain. It requires complex treatment, otherwise angina pectoris, heart attacks, strokes, encephalopathy cannot be avoided.

    The last stage leads to irreversible consequences in the functioning of many organs and systems, memory deteriorates, and the level of intelligence decreases.

    Hypertensive patients - people at risk

    A single pressure jump should alert everyone who has experienced it. But if this happens periodically, then this is a wake-up call and the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

    Studies have shown that there are factors that contribute to the development of hypertension, in which case the following population groups are at risk:

    • people with bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs),
    • having a genetic predisposition
    • overweight people,
    • those who lead a sedentary lifestyle
    • experiencing personal stress.

    Since almost every family has obese or smoking people, and most people are in stressful situations or spend a lot of time at the computer, it can be said that almost everyone runs the risk of getting this unpleasant disease sooner or later, which is sometimes very difficult to cope with. According to statistics, about 25% of the world's population has hypertension. This is a serious problem that everyone who is at risk should think about.

    These people are often called weather dependent people, but this is very individual. Many of them feel changes in atmospheric pressure, react to upcoming precipitation, or feel bad after a change in the weather. In any case, every hypertensive patient should always carry with him the medicines prescribed by the doctor. And wherever heartache or other symptoms find you, you should be able to give yourself first aid.

    Often people do not suspect that they have the first signs of hypertension, because these symptoms are short-lived: heaviness in the back of the head, headache, throbbing in the lips or nose, heart palpitations. If you do not pay attention to this, the symptoms will become more pronounced and numerous over time: they will be joined by tinnitus, hot flashes, nosebleeds, numbness of the fingers and toes, nausea and vomiting. And all this can last up to several days! Therefore, prevention and consultation with a doctor should become the norm for you.

    How not to become hypertensive

    To prevent hypertension, you should follow some important rules.

    Before the disease finally knocked you down, get rid of bad habits.

    • Review your diet. Eliminate all provoking factors: canned food, fatty foods, try to reduce the amount of salt, and also forget about strong tea and coffee. Increase the amount of vegetables, fruits, greens, lean fish.
    • Look in the mirror more often. Do you like your reflection? Then do not allow changes for the worse, watch your weight. Drink clean water.
    • It is also impossible to allow the liquid to linger in the body, it can provoke a pressure surge. If swelling occurs, consult your doctor.
    • Go in for sports. Even daily morning exercises (a common truth from childhood, but so effective!) Can maintain joint mobility and improve blood circulation. Those who want to be in shape should know that, for example, running is not for everyone. It is better to do brisk walking, it will have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels. Among other useful activities for such patients, a bicycle, a visit to the pool, and trips to the sea are suitable. Try not to get into direct sunlight and stay in the sun for a long time.
    • Don't sit at the computer. Make it a rule to get up every hour and do some warm-up exercises. Do not forget about the benefits of sleep, it must be full.
    • Check your blood pressure regularly. Even a slight deviation from the norm (especially systematic) is a reason to see a doctor. If the doctor has prescribed treatment, strictly follow the prescription and in no case stop taking drugs designed for a certain course, even if you feel better and nothing hurts.

    Such a careful attitude to oneself will serve as a guarantee at an older age to avoid many health problems.

    Article author: roman
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    Who are hypertensives?