Homeopathy for high blood pressure
Treatment of hypertension with homeopathy and its effectiveness depends on the stage of development of the disease. Most of the drugs that are used to lower blood pressure, due to the expansion of the diameter of the great vessels, quickly become addictive to the body and cease to have the desired effect.
Do homeopathic remedies help with high blood pressure?
The composition of homeopathy contains pomace from natural plants and herbs, which are combined with chemicals. The main advantage of homeopathic medicines is their effectiveness, the absence of side effects and contraindications.
In addition, unlike medications, homeopathy eliminates directly the cause that causes an increase in pressure, and not just the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
Homeopathic treatment requires careful and individual selection of drugs. It is important to note that it is not always possible to choose a remedy that has the most effective effect on disorders in the body the first time.
To eliminate the increase in blood pressure, it is necessary to influence the functional disorders not only of the heart and blood vessels, but also of other body systems, because everything is interconnected in it.
Homeopathic remedies for hypertension
It is prescribed in case of hypertensive crises with overheating of the body, exposure to ultraviolet radiation or smoking abuse. There are no organic lesions of the heart in this case.
Aconite is used when the following symptoms are present:
- redness of the skin;
- nosebleeds;
- heart palpitations;
- feelings of anxiety and fear;
- pain in the region of the heart;
- nervous excitement;
- dizziness;
- tinnitus.
Aconite should be taken when high blood pressure is accompanied by nosebleeds. The drug is taken in 3X, 3 or 6 dilutions.
Arsenic album
The drug is taken in the presence of the following symptoms:
- fear of a tonometer;
- high diastolic pressure;
- pressing pain in the heart;
- headaches, in which there is a desire to put a wet cold towel on the forehead;
- VSD.
It is prescribed for a feeling of pulsation in the head.
Such a homeopathic remedy is prescribed if the patient has the following symptoms:
- head becomes hot;
- limbs, on the contrary, are cold;
- pupils are dilated;
- heartbeat quickens;
- sharp fluctuations in pressure;
- anxiety.
The patient cannot be in a horizontal position, lying down on a pillow, the throbbing in the head increases. The optimal position in which discomfort is reduced is upright, with the head slightly thrown back.
The basis of the drug is nitroglycerin. This homeopathic remedy is effective for tachycardia, heart pain, throbbing headache, tinnitus, angina pectoris.
A patient with a hypertensive crisis loses the ability to navigate in space, there is a strong fear of death (while there is no anxiety), intolerance to solar radiation.
A person becomes very irritable, reacts to any smells, the process of falling asleep is disturbed. The patient has an increased sensitivity to caffeine, even a small dose of the drink causes an increase in blood pressure and a rapid heartbeat.
A characteristic sign is the presence of a pulsation in the head, hot sweat, fever. Most often, such a drug is prescribed to people who have a rich imagination and a lively character, as well as those suffering from insomnia.
It is used when, in a state of hypertensive crisis, a person looks drunk or under the influence of a narcotic substance.
In the elderly, a similar course of hypertension is accompanied by:
- slow heart rate;
- drowsiness;
- constriction of the pupils;
- the patient's condition resembles a coma.
Opium helps to restore the depleted nervous system, is effective in spasmodic diseases, paralysis, sudden emotional shock. The drug is prescribed in the case when there is no reaction to physical or mental stimuli, or the sensitivity to external influences on the body is greatly reduced (even when touching the skin).
The drug is prescribed for people who suffer from severe dizziness after waking up. This symptom develops mainly against the background of renal diseases, because hypertension is chronic.
The patient has high systolic pressure, frequent syncope, the appearance of plaques in the vascular bed, thrombosis, swelling of the extremities, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction.
Such people are distinguished by their developed imagination, quickly and easily establish contacts with people, are selfish, friendly, have developed artistic abilities and are relaxed.
This homeopathic remedy is used in case of drowsiness and lethargy with an increase in blood pressure.
It is indicated not only in old age, but also for young people in whom the crisis is accompanied by:
- the appearance of a purple hue on the skin;
- diarrhea
- frequent urination.
Effective after a deep emotional shock. Gelsemium should be taken by people with increased excitability, irritability, as well as with any nervous disorders.
A homeopathic remedy is prescribed for:
- renal hypertension;
- puffiness;
- severe headache;
- feelings of lack of air and lightheadedness;
- hypertension caused by cirrhosis of the liver;
- menopause;
- cold extremities.
When high blood pressure is the result of disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system, after each urination, the patient's condition improves. There may be fears from sudden calls (especially during sleep). Such people prefer loose clothes, like to chat, they are like owls by the type of sleep, they are inconsistent and inconsistent in their stories.
The drug is prescribed in the presence of:
- redness on the ears, nose, lips, eyelids;
- a feeling of heaviness in the head caused by a rush of blood;
- tinnitus;
- hard heartbeat;
- strong breath.
A person is thrown into a fever, he seeks to open up. There is a feeling that there is too much blood in the body and the heart cannot pump it. There is a burning sensation in the legs, when the head is tilted to the side, the pain and hot flashes increase.
Homeopathy in complex therapy
With increased pressure, preparations containing barium or gold salts are most often used.
- Barium salts are prescribed in the presence of severe consequences of hypertension (after a stroke or heart attack) or concomitant complications - Barita muriatica, Barita carbonica - are used by the patient in the third or sixth dilution.
- Gold salts are effective when hot flashes and heaviness in the head are felt. It is prescribed in the case when the disease causes structural changes in the vessels - Ignatia, Strocyan, Amylum nitrosis, Zincum - are used in the third, sixth, twelfth or thirtieth dilution.
With the help of these tablets, it is eliminated:
- neurosis;
- cardiac ischemia;
- urolithiasis disease;
- thyroid disease;
- cholelithiasis;
- arthrosis.
It is not necessary to choose drugs on your own. In addition to a waste of money and time, improperly selected homeopathy can harm human health, causing complications of current chronic pathologies in the body.