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    Medications for male potency that do not increase blood pressure

    Currently, more and more talk about the relationship between hypertension and lack of potency. As you know, representatives of the strong half do not like to visit medical institutions. They rarely pay attention to signs of increased pressure in the arteries, but the weakening of male power makes them act decisively. After contacting a specialist about a problem, it often turns out that a man suffers from hypertension.

    A man cannot feel complete if he has sexual problems. They suppress him and leave an imprint on all other areas of his life.

    How hypertension affects potency

    In hypertensive men, erections may be weakened or absent.

    Hypertension has a negative impact on the entire body. But experts note a clear relationship between the upward deviation of blood pressure from the norm and male libido. To understand the reasons for this relationship, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of erection.

    An erection occurs due to a rush of blood to the male genital organ. The inflow of blood occurs through one vessel, and the outflow - through the other. Almost half of hypertensive patients complain of a decrease in the quality of sex. This is due to the fact that blood vessels suffering from hypertension lose their elasticity. A man is excited and wants to have sex, but after some time after the start of making love, his penis loses its elasticity.

    The second half of men suffering from high blood pressure do not complain about difficulties during intercourse. But with a more serious survey, as a rule, it turns out that their sex life is not too active. Moreover, problems with erection can appear much later. This suggests that even a slight upward deviation of blood pressure from the norm cannot be ignored.

    Causes of impotence in hypertension

    The development of pathologies is influenced by a number of reasons. Improper lifestyle, heredity and stress lead to the fact that cholesterol plaques and salts are deposited in the vessels through which blood flows. They cause circulatory disorders, lead to hypertension and other abnormalities, including weakening of erection. These pathological deposits do not spare even those vessels that depart from the penis of a man. Because of this, filling with blood during sexual arousal does not occur fully, which leads to a weak erection or its complete absence.

    In almost half of all men suffering simultaneously from arterial hypertension and weakening of sexual function, the cause of the weakening of erection was the disease itself. But the other half of those complaining about this problem suffered because of the intake of antihypertensive drugs, the side effect of which is impotence.

    Such problems can be caused by certain types of beta-blockers and diuretics, which are prescribed to normalize blood pressure.

    How to normalize blood pressure and remain a man

    Hypertension, which negatively affects the body, is formidable in its complications, which often lead to disability or even death. This one says that in no case should you refuse medicines and pills at your discretion, because they are vital. The treatment is carried out in courses, the tablets are periodically changed so as not to cause addiction to them.

    If the patient is diagnosed with arterial hypertension and the doctor prescribes drugs for treatment, you need to ask what are the side effects of these drugs. The fact is that there are pills and drugs with a new generation of antihypertensive effects that do not have a detrimental effect on a man's sexual function.

    Substances that reduce blood pressure, which do not cause impotence, are ACE inhibitors. They have a positive effect on the hormonal background, normalizing blood pressure. Most often, the work of the human body depends on the hormonal balance: there are hormones that are responsible for germ cells, there are those that retain water and salt in the body, as well as those that remove them from the body. If the work of the endocrine system is disrupted, then the fluid and salt deposits may not be fully excreted, which leads to congestion, increased blood pressure and the development of hypertension. ACE inhibitors do an excellent job with this problem and do not harm men's health.

    The most common cause of hypertension is an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Therefore, with an already diagnosed diagnosis, it is important not only to take medications that bring blood pressure back to normal, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle:

    • stop smoking, drinking alcohol;
    • exclude fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods;
    • do not drink coffee, too strong tea;
    • spend more time outdoors;
    • play sports, walk more;
    • go to bed and wake up at the same time, sleep at least seven hours a day;
    • avoid stressful situations and psycho-emotional stress.

    Although the connection between taking certain antihypertensive drugs (pills and other forms of these drugs) and impotence is obvious, it is not worth drawing any conclusions on your own about the dangers of this or that drug.

    If there are doubts about the competence of the doctor, you need to consult with several more specialists, but you cannot refuse treatment.

    It is not uncommon for men to experience psychological impotence against the background of drugs that lower blood pressure. A man started taking pills to normalize blood pressure, while learning from someone that they can cause erectile dysfunction. He had anxiety and anxiety about this, which then led to psychological problems and the impossibility of normal sexual intercourse.

    It should be remembered that the positive psychological attitude of the patient is very important, so you need to adequately assess your condition and not invent anything on your own, but discuss all concerns about your health with your doctor. Perhaps he will consider it necessary to prescribe drugs that increase libido.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Medications for male potency that do not increase blood pressure

    • https://ok.ru/profile/511784968132 Maxim Rykov

      You need to ask your cardiologist what other drugs you can take so that the potency is not affected. And then I began to drink eroprostan to increase potency. There was no erection at all, the wife was going to file for divorce