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    Treating hypertension at home

    The treatment of hypertension with home remedies today is performed by the overwhelming number of hypertensive patients, and it should be noted that such non-traditional therapy brings the desired effect. Unfortunately, the statistics in the field of medicine are disappointing, because every third adult inhabitant of the planet has high blood pressure. Now you will not surprise anyone with the diagnosis of arterial hypertension, and the methods of treatment based on the use of folk remedies too.

    Phytotherapy as a way to treat hypertension

    You can treat hypertension with traditional medicine using various herbs and herbal preparations. Today there is a whole science of methods of such treatment, which is called herbal medicine.

    Before proceeding to the description of the funds from the piggy bank of traditional healers, it is worth recalling that before using certain methods and methods, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician in order to avoid serious complications and not cause additional harm to health. We also recall that herbal medicine is effectively used and brings the desired effect only in the first stages of the disease, and with 3 degrees of arterial hypertension, it is necessary to combine traditional medicine with medications.

    To cure hypertension completely with folk remedies, especially in old age, is not an easy task, and sometimes it is simply impossible. But it is possible to alleviate the patient’s condition, improve his well-being, normalize metabolic processes, and also improve the functioning of internal organs, in particular, the cardiovascular system, the blood supply to the brain, and the means known to our great-grandmothers become good helpers in this.

    Recipes of our great-grandmothers

    In case of hypertension at the initial stage, the composition of herbal preparations used to lower blood pressure should be changed and this should be done every two to three months. In this case, the body will not develop a habit, and the result will be better.

    10 folk recipes to cure hypertension at home:

    • A decoction of valerian roots: 10 g of dry rhizomes of the plant are ground into powder, poured with water, boiled for a quarter of an hour, filtered. The course of treatment is a month, the number of doses is 3, the dosage is half a cup before breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can also treat hypertension with valerian root powder, and for this you need to take the indicated remedy in an amount of 2 g at least three times a day.
    • Motherwort has a similar effect to valerian, but traditional healers believe that this plant fights high blood pressure more effectively. Various medicines can be prepared from motherwort - alcohol tincture, water infusion, decoctions. To treat hypertension with motherwort means, in addition, to simultaneously cure diseases associated with the nervous system, because the plant has a sedative effect.
    • Means based on calendula can also fight hypertension. To do this, take 30 drops of alcohol tincture of calendula for a long time every day three times a day. After such therapy, sleep improves, performance improves, migraines disappear, pressure stabilizes.
    • Herbal collection helps to cure hypertension, which includes 2 parts of dry fruits of raspberries, linden inflorescences, coltsfoot, oregano, plantain leaves, birch. Among other things, you should add 3 parts of shoots of field horsetail, dill seeds and crushed rose hips, of which 5 parts should be taken. A decoction prepared from these plants (500 ml of water is taken) should be drunk before meals, 2/3 cup for a month.

    • If you treat hypertension at home with 40 cloves boiled for 20 minutes over moderate heat, then the pressure will stabilize in a few days. It is necessary to take a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach and before dinner.
    • Folk healers consider lilac, mulberry, and quince leaves to be effective home remedies. They should be taken in 5 pieces of each type, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 4 hours and take at least 5 times half a glass before sitting down to eat.
    • You can cure arterial hypertension at home with an infusion prepared from the same amount: 20 g of adonis herb, cudweed, peppermint, motherwort, hawthorn fruit and 10 g of kidney tea. For decoction take 2 tbsp. l. vegetable mixture per 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, insist and take three times 1 tbsp. l. Course - 2 months.
    • Grandmother Vanga's recipe is very popular in Bulgaria: 20 cm of the upper shoots of celandine at the time of flowering are passed through a meat grinder, squeezed juice into a glass container, covered with gauze or cotton cloth, and placed in a dark place. After the peculiar smell disappears, and mold spores appear on top, which, of course, should be removed, the remedy is taken in a dosage not exceeding 10 drops twice a day. The soothsayer said that hypertension can be cured with such a remedy in 60 days.

    • For the next recipe, you will need 2 heads of garlic, 30 g of hawthorn fruit, the same amount of arnica herb, horsetail, mistletoe. For a decoction in the amount of 250 ml, you will need to take the prepared mixture of 20 g, you should insist from evening to morning. You need to take the remedy in advance every time you sit down to eat. It takes 2 months to treat stage 1-2 hypertension in this way, if necessary, supplement the course with medications.
    • The ten most popular recipes for hypertension include an infusion of meadow clover, which is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. clover inflorescences are poured with 250 ml of boiling water, then this tea is consumed half a cup three times. The duration of the course is 20 days.

    Effective home remedies to reduce blood pressure

    Means that can be prepared at home can not only be used to treat hypertension, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system with them.

    For example, many hypertensive patients managed to cure grade 2 hypertension with a tincture made from red pine cones. Among other things, this medicine is taken as a prophylactic during the recovery period after a stroke. It helps to normalize cerebral circulation and establish motor activity after paralysis.

    Cone tincture recipe:

    • Cones are harvested in the summer, washed.
    • Fill a glass jar with a capacity of 1000 ml with whole cones and fill it with vodka or homemade moonshine.
    • In a dark place, you should hold the tincture for at least three weeks, after which the medicine is filtered.
    • Apply: 1 tsp. infusion of cones 3 times half an hour before a meal, drink daily with warm water or tea.

    According to people who decided to cure hypertension with such a remedy, after three days of taking homemade tincture, there was a persistent drop in blood pressure in the region of 15-20 units, and the patient's well-being improved markedly.

    Additionally, to enhance the therapeutic effect, pollen and pine flowers should be taken along with pine infusion. With this treatment, stabilization of blood pressure occurs in a short time.

    You can treat arterial hypertension at home with garlic. Moreover, there are a great many recipes where garlic is used.

    Doctors approved the use of garlic as an additional treatment, because this root vegetable stimulates blood circulation, thins the blood, and cleans blood vessels from cholesterol deposits. The formation of atherosclerotic plaques, one of the causes of high blood pressure, is also noticeably reduced when garlic is used.

    Daily consumption of fresh garlic in the amount of 2-3 cloves can lower blood pressure by up to 10 units.

    In addition to using the product in its pure form, a universal medicine is prepared from it:

    • Crush 2 cloves of garlic in a mortar, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew overnight.
    • After waking up, garlic infusion is drunk before breakfast, and a fresh portion is prepared, which is drunk before bedtime.
    • It takes a month to treat hypertension with this remedy. Then they take a break for two weeks and repeat the therapy with garlic infusion again.

    The properties of garlic, which allow you to thin the blood, are factors that prevent the formation of blood clots - the main cause of blockage of blood vessels. Such an effect is an excellent prevention of hypertension, stroke, heart attack, and this, in turn, leads to the fact that the risk of death from heart disease and cerebral hemorrhage is significantly reduced.

    Article author: roman
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    Treating hypertension at home