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    What is left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy

    Very often, when a diagnosis is announced, cardiologists are asked the question, left ventricular hypertrophy of the heart - what is it and how can the disease be treated? Experts assure that the disease is quite common, and occurs both in young people and in middle-aged patients. The main characteristic of the disease is the thickening of the muscular wall of the left ventricle. Normally, the thickness should vary from 7 to 11 mm, if the indicator exceeds the value, the patient is diagnosed with hypertrophy. Doctors warn that the disease can be completely cured only with the help of surgical intervention. In most cases, conservative treatment is prescribed, since hypertrophy does not pose a threat to the life of patients.

    Characteristics and degrees of the disease

    In professional parlance, hypertrophy is often referred to as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. With this disease, a pathological thickening of the wall of the left ventricle of the myocardium is diagnosed, which leads to dysfunction of the aortic valve. As practice shows, the disease is more common in patients suffering from hypertension, as well as in citizens with a busy life. The risk group includes patients who abuse alcohol and those who, due to their professional activities, are in a “sitting” position all day long.

    Doctors say that the disease often manifests itself as a symptom of another, more dangerous heart disease. That is why, in order to prevent the occurrence of complications at the first signs of pathology, you must immediately sign up for a consultation with a doctor - timely preventive measures taken will help prevent serious health problems in the future.

    Depending on the symptoms and course of development, myocardial hypertrophy can be:
    • moderate. With this form of the disease, an increase in the left ventricle is very weakly expressed. Such a deviation may signal an increased likelihood of a heart attack or cerebral hemorrhage. Very often, a moderate form of LVH occurs without the manifestation of specific symptoms, which is why the disease is diagnosed in the course of third-party studies;
    • expressed. Dystrophic changes lead to displacement of the main valve, due to which it rises to the top of the septum and disrupts the general blood flow. With such disorders, the load on the myocardium increases, the muscle works in constant tension.

    Doctors warn that before choosing a treatment regimen, it is necessary to figure out what exactly is the primary source of the disease and try to immediately eliminate the provoking factor.

    What causes disease

    Left ventricular hypertrophy (myocardial hypertrophy) occurs under the influence of a variety of factors. The role of the primary source is not only genetic predisposition and the presence of certain diseases, the disease can also appear under the negative influence of external factors.

    More often hypertrophy is provoked by such violations:
    • constant jumps in blood pressure, hypertension;
    • diabetes;
    • cardiac pathologies such as arrhythmia, ischemia and atherosclerosis;
    • engaging in professional sports and excessive physical activity more than once a week. Passion for sports often leads to myocardial expansion and other concomitant pathologies;
    • mitral valve dysfunction;
    • being overweight. Obesity in children is especially dangerous;
    • excessive consumption of alcoholic products;
    • smoking;
    • complications during childbearing. If the pregnancy was difficult or the fetus did not develop correctly, there is a possibility of congenital heart disease or LVH;
    • lung problems;
    • constant stress, emotional distress, nervous exhaustion.

    Cardiologists claim that sleep disturbance can also be the cause of hypertrophy. With insomnia or constant nightmares, many people begin to breathe intermittently, there is a short-term cessation of breathing. Such deviations also lead to the expansion of capillaries and the growth of tissue on the heart.

    The manifestation of the disease

    Since the signs of hypertrophy are not always pronounced (especially at the initial stage), patients are often unaware of the presence of pathology. In most cases, the disease is detected during third-party examinations or with the manifestation of periodic failures in the work of the heart.

    When diagnosing, patients complain of such violations:
    1. Periodic tingling in the region of the heart.
    2. Pressing pains in the heart.
    3. Swelling of the lower extremities (it will be especially pronounced after physical exertion).
    4. The appearance of shortness of breath.
    5. Severe arrhythmia.
    6. Excessive fatigue.
    7. Frequent dizziness.
    As practice shows, in more than 60% of patients, the pathology resolves without symptoms.


    In most cases, the disease is detected during a routine medical examination. More often, the disease is diagnosed in people involved in professional sports, since they have to undergo a comprehensive examination at least once every 12 months. A deviation from the norm can be noticed during the passage of an ECG (electrocardiogram) or ultrasound. Such a diagnosis is more often prescribed to patients who complain of hypertension, shortness of breath and pain in the chest area.

    If during the electrocardiogram a thickening of the wall of the left ventricle was detected, the doctor directs the patient for further examinations to identify the general clinical picture and determine the primary source of the pathology.

    Typically, diagnosis includes the following steps:
    • ECG;
    • measurement of blood pressure;
    • pulse measurement;
    • assessment of the condition of the veins using ultrasound;
    • doppler echocardiography. The examination helps to find out how fast the blood moves through the veins.

    If the proposed diagnosis is confirmed, the cardiologist will be able to proceed with the selection of the most appropriate treatment regimen.

    Methods of treatment

    Despite the fact that surgery is considered the most effective method of dealing with hypertrophy, operations are prescribed quite rarely. This is due to the fact that it is very dangerous to perform heart surgery, if the procedure is performed incorrectly, the patient may experience more serious complications than with hypertrophy.

    Treatment tactics are selected taking into account such factors:
    • stage of the disease;
    • patient's age;
    • the presence of concomitant diseases;
    • which is the source of the pathology.

    With hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart, operations are prescribed no more often than in 10% of cases.

    Medical treatment

    In pharmacies in the free sale, you can find many medicines designed to combat the disease. But experts warn that it is impossible to self-medicate, since an incorrectly selected drug can only aggravate the situation.

    More often, one drug from the following pharmaceutical categories is prescribed for treatment:

    • ACE inhibitors. Medicines in this group help lower blood pressure and normalize blood flow. The most popular drugs of the pharmaceutical category: Enalapril, Lisinopril;
    • calcium blockers. Means such as Verapamil promote the expansion of the arteries and reduce the pulse;
    • antiplatelet agents. Medicines that thin the blood and prevent blood clots (Clopidogrel);
    • beta blockers. Appointed to stabilize the pulse. The most common medicines are Anaprelin, Metoprolol.
    If the disease is accompanied by complications, antiarrhythmic drugs (Disapyramide) and nitrates can also be prescribed to the patient as additional means, which prevent the occurrence of pain in the chest area.

    Operations are usually prescribed if hypertrophy is provoked by heart disease. In this case, it is impossible to correct the situation by taking medication, the only way out is surgical intervention.

    With LVH, the operation can be of 2 types:
    • aortic valve replacement. It is prescribed for vasoconstriction. With such a complication, it is impossible to refuse the operation, since without the necessary treatment the patient is unlikely to be able to live more than 5 years;
    • stenting. The absolute indication for such an operation is atherosclerosis of the aorta, in which the formed plaque narrows the vein by more than 50%. At the initial stage of the pathology, it is possible to prevent the progression of the disease with the help of medications.

    If the disease is in an advanced stage, and the symptoms are severe, excision of excess tissues that have grown on the heart is prescribed.

    Folk methods of treatment

    Regardless of the type of hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart, it is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment only with the help of folk methods. Experts warn that alternative medicine can only be used as an auxiliary, and it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

    The most effective recipes:
    1. Tincture based on drops of lily of the valley. A small amount of solution (a tablespoon), it is necessary to pour 300 ml of high-quality alcohol, the container must be tightly closed and removed to infuse in a dark place. The liquid will be ready for use only after 2 weeks, but it must be properly filtered before consumption. 15 drops of tincture must be diluted with 200 ml. cool water, and drink the resulting liquid three times a day.
    2. St. John's wort. 50 g of a dry plant must be poured with a liter of warm water, then bring the liquid to a boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. The medicine is taken 100 ml three times a day.

    To achieve improvements, you need to use alternative methods of treatment regularly, the minimum duration of such therapy is 30 days.

    Additional Recommendations

    Sometimes a diagnosis can mean that the patient is at risk, and under favorable conditions, more dangerous diseases may appear.

    To avoid such undesirable consequences, it is necessary not only to take the prescribed drugs, but also to follow the recommendations:
    • it is necessary to get rid of all bad habits as soon as possible;
    • if you are overweight, you need to go on a diet;
    • every morning it is recommended to do gymnastics and at least 2 times a week to take long walks in the fresh air;
    • strenuous exercise should be avoided.
    In the rarest cases, LVH can cause disability, but this is possible only if the disease is accompanied by aortic valve stenosis.
    Article author: galchonok_-07
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    What is left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy