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    Modern methods of treatment of hypertension

    Methods for the treatment of arterial hypertension include a set of measures aimed at lowering blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels and resuming the proper functioning of damaged target organs. In many ways, the treatment of the disease depends on the stage of the disease.

    The disease is ascertained when the tonometer readings (in a state of rest of a person) consistently exceed the value of 140/90 mm Hg. Art. Hypertension, depending on the etiology, is divided into primary and secondary. The reasons for the occurrence of both types can be very different.

    Causes and classification

    Essential hypertension appears against the background of such risks:

    • smoking;
    • obesity;
    • age over 50 years;
    • diabetes;
    • stress.

    Secondary hypertension, unlike primary, does not occur on its own. Its etiology depends on the existing pathologies.

    Causes of secondary hypertension include:

    • renal artery stenosis;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • diabetic nephropathy;

    • pheochromocytoma;
    • hyperparathyroidism coarctation of the aorta;
    • open ductus arteriosus;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • erythremia;
    • pregnancy;
    • alcohol and so on.

    In 1999, WHO proposed a new classification of hypertension, depending on the numerical indicators of the tonometer. So, normal blood pressure is considered to be 120/80 mm Hg. st, the first degree of the disease is stated at constant rates in the range of 140-159 / 90-99 mm Hg. st, the second - 160-179 / 100-109 mm Hg. st, the third is set when the pressure regularly rises more than 180/110 mm Hg. Art.

    At the initial stage of the disease, there are practically no symptoms. With further progression of the pathology, headache, noise, dizziness, noise, "flies in the eyes" sometimes occur. Significant signs of the disease are observed after a change in the functions of target organs. In these cases, a person notes memory impairment (damage to the cerebral hemispheres), the appearance of nocturia or polyuria (kidney damage), and a decrease in visual abilities.

    Diagnosis and therapy of pathology consists in collecting an anamnesis, clinical tests, and identifying affected organs. Treatment of hypertension, most often, is complex and includes pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods.

    Medical elimination of the disease

    Drug therapy depends on the cause of the disease. The doctor prescribes drugs, dosage and duration of administration individually after examining the patient.

    As a rule, the treatment of hypertension begins with one drug, and if necessary, several drugs can be prescribed. For drug therapy of stable high blood pressure, drugs of different groups are used.

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. These drugs affect the renin-angiotensin system. These medicines lower blood pressure by widening the arteries. At the same time, they do not affect the performance of the heart (they do not change the frequency of contractions and ejection fraction). These drugs have proven themselves in the treatment of secondary hypertension caused by diabetes mellitus and heart disease. But since these drugs are excreted in the urine and promote relaxation of smooth muscle structures, they are not prescribed for kidney damage.

    Beta-blockers are most commonly prescribed when hypertension is accompanied by tachycardia. Such drugs lower blood pressure by reducing cardiac output, reducing the frequency of organ contractions, and delaying impulses. These drugs have a hypotensive effect, regardless of the location of the body and the activity of the person, do not cause habits.

    Diuretics reduce blood pressure by increasing the excretion of water and sodium from the patient's body. They are attributed to kidney failure, because they improve blood flow, contribute to more efficient organ performance.

    Calcium channel blockers reduce the contractility of the heart muscle by preventing the entry of calcium into the cellular structure of the organ. These drugs contribute to the expansion of arteries, improve coronary blood flow.

    Such drugs are often prescribed for arterial hypertension complicated by coronary heart disease.

    Vasodilators (most commonly glycerin) lower high blood pressure by widening the arteries.

    It is used mainly for angina pectoris, but it can also be used in the case of a hypertensive crisis.

    When taking medication, remember that:

    1. You can not "forget" about taking drugs or reduce the dose at your discretion.
    2. It is necessary to constantly monitor your pressure (measure with a tonometer at least twice a day).
    3. In case of any change in health or in the event of the appearance of new symptoms, you need to inform the doctor about it.

    Non-drug relief from illness

    Modern non-pharmacological methods are usually prescribed in combination with drug therapy. The combined use of both methods is very effective.

    Non-drug therapy has no contraindications. Doctors recommend it to all patients, as it allows you to slightly reduce blood pressure, regardless of medication. The essence of such treatment is to eliminate the risks that led to the disease.

    First of all, you need to get rid of such factors:

    • Overweight. One of the most common causes of hypertension. According to scientific studies, with an increase in a person's weight by one kilogram, blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases by an average of 1 mm Hg. Art. In addition, if obesity is the cause of high blood pressure, the effect of drug treatment is much lower compared to other causes.

    • Smoking. Nicotine promotes arterial constriction, which in turn leads to an increase in systolic and diastolic values. Very often in smokers arterial hypertension is accompanied by various complications. For a successful fight against hypertension, quitting smoking is an indispensable condition for effective therapy.
    • Salt. Table salt in large quantities prevents the removal of fluid from the body, which, entering the bloodstream, increases pressure on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, this product significantly increases the sensitivity of blood arteries to vasoconstrictor substances. With hypertension, it is recommended to limit salt intake to 3 grams per day (this applies to the total amount, in all dishes) and liquids no more than 1.5 liters.
    • Alcohol. In addition to the fact that ethyl alcohol reduces vascular tone, it contributes to an increase in body weight. And in the treatment of hypertension, it interferes with the action of antihypertensive drugs. It is allowed to consume no more than 20 grams of vodka per day.

    Any modern therapy for hypertension involves diet. A properly drawn up menu will prevent the development of vascular atherosclerosis, improve the heart muscle, and restore impaired metabolism.

    In the diet of hypertension:

    • there must be vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities (especially potassium, magnesium and calcium);
    • high-calorie foods and easily digestible carbohydrates are not allowed;
    • fats are limited.

    The correct way of eating is to eat small meals 4-5 times a day.

    In addition, the treatment of hypertension implies the normalization of the work-rest regimen. For the effectiveness of therapy, the correct daily routine is very important. After work, rest is required for at least two hours. Night sleep is also very important for hypertensive patients. It should last no less than nine hours (you also need to sleep 1.5-2 hours during the day).

    With regards to physical activity, unburdened work in the morning helps to lower pressure. Night activities are stressful for the body. That is, working late increases blood pressure.

    Very often, the disease appears against the background of various stressful situations. In this case, patients are advised to reconsider their views on life in general and on the perception of situations in particular. So, it is necessary to “easier” relate to unpleasant situations. Do not show aggression, harbor anger, resentment, envy. You don't have to be alone with your problems. There will always be someone who can listen and help find the right solution. A psychotherapist, auto-training or special breathing exercises will help to cope with negative emotions. In the case when the patient has a labile nervous system, the doctor may prescribe sedatives.

    One of the reasons provoking the occurrence of consistently high blood pressure is hypodynamia. Low physical activity is mainly observed in people whose job is to stay in a sitting position for a long time.

    Such patients are recommended regular exercise, including walking with gradual acceleration and swimming. But in the case when hypertension is accompanied by damage to target organs, any physical activity should be agreed with the attending physician.

    With hypertension, the doctor prescribes exercise therapy. New studies in the field of influence of special gymnastics on the heart and blood vessels have proven the positive effect of such exercises. The therapeutic and physical culture complex has a strictly individual character and depends on the degree, form of the disease and the patient's condition. Classes are aimed at restoring motor reflexes, arterial tone, optimizing metabolism, slowing down the progression of atherosclerosis.

    Properly composed physical activity in hypertension stimulates regulatory systems, mobilizes adaptive mechanisms, increases the ability and tolerance for physical stress. As a rule, group activities are accompanied by positive emotions, which has a positive effect on neural processes in the cerebral cortex. To reduce high muscle tone, massage, passive and isometric exercises are used with further relaxation.

    Therapeutic gymnastics produces the following effect:

    • irritability decreases;
    • dizziness and headache disappear;
    • insomnia passes;
    • efficiency increases.

    The method of performing physiotherapy exercises also depends on the stage and form of the pathology. The general requirement is the correct combination of general strengthening exercises with special exercises. The former contribute to a decrease in blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels, the latter reduce arterial tone.

    Exercises for hypertension are performed without straining and holding the breath. Positive results are obtained by a combination of gymnastics and massage of the head, shoulders and collar zone. Rehabilitation after a hypertensive crisis in the second and third stages of pathology also includes simple physical training. During bed rest, simple gymnastics for the arms and legs is performed. In between, breathing exercises are done. In the future, in the fight against hypertension, exercises are added to strengthen balance and the normal reaction of blood vessels to changes in the position of the head and body. After the patient feels better, walks are allowed.

    People who fall under hypertensive risk factors should take preventive measures to prevent the development of pathology. Here, first of all, it is necessary to include the rejection of bad habits and a change in diet. You should also lead an active lifestyle, devote time to sports, avoid overeating.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Modern methods of treatment of hypertension