Can hypertension be completely cured?
Whether hypertension can be cured depends on many factors. It is known that a large number of people suffer from this problem. Particularly at risk are residents of large cities, who work a lot and actively.
This disease is quite insidious, since in the early stages it may not manifest itself. But gradually, the pathology begins to interfere with the normal functioning of the organs necessary for life.
High blood pressure significantly impairs the state of the cardiovascular system, can cause both visual impairment and kidney damage. Therefore, it is not surprising that everyone is looking for a way to get rid of the disease forever.
When the first symptoms occur, it is important to consult a specialist, only a doctor can prescribe the necessary treatment. Therapy is prescribed depending on how high the pressure is and what harm it has done to the body.
It is very important to start treatment as early as possible, because only then there is a chance to get rid of the pathology forever. Completely curable only the first stage and, in some cases, the second. At the third stage, it is no longer possible to cure a person and he will have to spend his whole life on drugs.
You can get rid of hypertension only with the help of an integrated approach.
Medication treatment
You can completely get rid of hypertension with the right treatment and lifestyle.
Self-medication in this situation is not worth it, only a doctor can prescribe suitable drugs, taking into account the characteristics of the body.
When choosing a course of treatment, usually take into account:
- How high is the pressure.
- Age and gender.
- Absence or presence of problems with the cardiovascular system.
- The presence of diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity.
- Side effects of medications.
Most experts believe that it is possible to get rid of hypertension only by using several drugs at once, since it is necessary not only to lower the pressure, but also to protect the organs that may suffer from its increase and not disrupt the metabolism.
To lower blood pressure, the following drugs are prescribed:
- Hypotensive. These are quite strong remedies, so in no case should you use them without consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe the required dosage and, if necessary, increase or decrease it.
Self-medication with antihypertensive drugs can lead to a sharp decrease in pressure. Which can have serious consequences for the body.
- Diuretics. Such medicines have a diuretic effect. They remove excess fluid from the body, thereby reducing pressure and facilitating the work of the heart. Before prescribing them, the specialist should find out if the patient is suffering from kidney disease and is taking other herbal preparations.
Diuretics have a large number of side effects, so if you experience any symptoms, you should consult a doctor. During treatment, you can not drink alcohol and sleeping pills. They can enhance the negative effects of diuretics.
The main side effect of diuretics is the excretion of potassium from the body. Therefore, potassium preparations are additionally prescribed. An overdose of diuretics can lead to dehydration, so the dosage must be strictly observed.
- Adrenoblockers. They do not allow the occurrence of stress, due to which pressure usually rises. Most often, these drugs are necessary for young patients.
- Calcium channel antagonists are designed to dilate blood vessels.
- If emergency care is needed, nefidipine, diazoxide, or labetalol is administered intravenously.
Nutrition and lifestyle
Whether hypertension can be completely cured or not depends on lifestyle.
Nervous strains cause great harm to health. Stress leads to the release of hormones into the blood, which increase blood pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid such situations and learn to control your emotions. To do this, people use different methods: meditation, yoga, visit psychologists.
Nothing lifts your spirits like doing something you love. Therefore, it will be nice to find an interesting hobby for yourself.
Do not forget to rest. Sleep should be full, at least eight hours a day. Heavy loads are contraindicated in hypertension, and in other cases are not useful. Gymnastics perfectly strengthens the body. It's good if you can do it outdoors. Moderate physical activity will only benefit health.
Physical education can strengthen the cardiovascular system:
- Reduces cholesterol levels.
- Normalizes blood pressure indicators.
- Activates the work of the heart.
But with hypertension, it is very important that the doctor selects the exercises.
Nutrition also plays a significant role in the treatment of hypertension.
You need to make some adjustments to your diet:
- The main condition in the treatment of hypertension is the restriction of salt intake. It retains fluid, which leads to an increase in pressure. Avoiding salt will help prevent this.
- Excess weight causes arterial hypertension. Therefore, hypertensive patients should control their diet. The amount of fatty, fried and sweet will have to be significantly reduced.
- Increasing your intake of vegetables, fruits, and legumes is important for normalizing blood cholesterol levels.
- For the prevention of stroke and heart attack, it is necessary that the diet includes foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. They can be obtained from flax seeds, nuts, oily fish.
- In order for the vessels to be elastic and fully function, the body needs calcium.
In the initial stages, hypertension is curable, and proper nutrition can help beat the disease without drugs.
Things like alcohol and cigarettes should be forgotten. Bad habits significantly slow down the recovery processes in the body. Smoking with high blood pressure increases the risk of a heart attack. Giving up this habit in a day leads to a decrease in performance. Alcoholic drinks for hypertension are also contraindicated.
Folk remedies
Some medicinal herbs and berries help to reduce pressure. This is a simple and affordable way to improve your health.
For the treatment of hypertension, the following folk remedies are used:
- Freshly squeezed vegetable juices that have the ability to dilate blood vessels. For example, carrot and beet. Honey can be added to the drink.
- Currants, mountain ash, cranberries and some other berries can help normalize blood pressure if consumed fresh.
- The use of various herbal infusions with a diuretic effect.
- Decoction of potatoes, walnuts, honey.
- It is also recommended to reduce pressure with the help of apple cider vinegar, mustard plasters, infusion of mountain ash, pieces of ice.
To apply such methods or not, everyone decides for himself. But it is advisable not to neglect the advice of a doctor.
Phytotherapy is, of course, good, but not always safe. And in the case of blood pressure, you must be especially careful.
Some argue that it is better to get rid of hypertension by folk methods. “After all, it’s more useful, without any chemistry, before they were treated like that.” But it must be taken into account that our ancestors lived in different conditions, the ecological situation and the pace of life were completely different. Therefore, traditional medicine should not be abandoned so as not to ruin your health.
Therefore, this disease should not be ignored. Otherwise, you will have to use various drugs for the rest of your life. Only timely treatment will help to permanently get rid of hypertension.