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    Is it possible to play sports with hypertension?

    A large number of people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to play sports with hypertension. Immediately it is worth noting that this largely depends on the sport. Moderate physical activity with hypertension will help normalize blood vessels and stabilize the work of the heart. In addition, engaging in certain sports will help to significantly reduce pressure. However, before you start physical exercises, you need to figure out what kind of physical exercises for hypertension are allowed?

    The impact of sports on blood pressure

    According to most doctors, one of the main measures to prevent hypertension is exercise.

    With persistent high blood pressure, it is absolutely not worth refusing to exercise. But in order for physical education to have a beneficial effect on the state of pressure, it is necessary to take into account the cause that provoked the disease. That is why before you start exercising, you need to consult a doctor.

    Based on the characteristics of high blood pressure, the doctor will determine the following:

    • Duration and frequency of classes.
    • Exercises to Avoid.
    • Optimal exercise.
    • Blood pressure indicators at which it is necessary to stop exercising.

    Most experts note that during exercise therapy, the pressure drops significantly. This is due to the fact that it is a sedentary lifestyle that provokes the development of this disease.

    With significantly elevated blood pressure, sports can do the following:

    • Reduce pressure.
    • Improve metabolism.
    • Normalize oxygen consumption.
    • Reduce body fat.
    • Increase muscle tone.
    • Boost your mood.

    What types of physical education are allowed with high blood pressure?

    One of the safest types of physical activity for high blood pressure is exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises). Exercise therapy is a set of special exercises that are aimed at strengthening the body and normalizing metabolic processes.

    It is worth noting that physiotherapy exercises should be prescribed by a specialist on an individual basis. This is due to the fact that people suffering from significantly high blood pressure should not perform certain groups of exercises.

    As a rule, physiotherapy exercises per day should take no more than 30 minutes. In addition, in one exercise therapy session, 5 different types of exercises are performed. In general, exercise therapy contributes to a significant improvement in the condition and normalization of blood pressure levels. The result will be noticeable after a few sessions.

    Another type of activity that can be resorted to with hypertension is walking. This activity can significantly lower blood pressure. The answer to the question why the pressure from such activity falls is quite simple. The decrease in blood pressure is due to the fact that when walking, blood circulation improves significantly, namely, the outflow of blood to the leg area and contributes to the fact that the pressure drops.

    In order for therapeutic walking to bring certain results, a beginner needs to walk at least 1500 meters several times a week. It is best if therapeutic walking classes are held in stadiums or parks, this will greatly facilitate the process of measuring the distance traveled.

    Another rather interesting physical activity that people with high blood pressure can do is stretching. This type of activity, of course, is not physical education in its traditional sense, but it significantly helps to improve the general condition of the body and at the same time not subject the heart to significant overloads.

    You can do various stretching exercises daily. Many athletes note that they can be done for no more than 15 minutes. After such exercises, the body will be ready for more significant physical exertion.

    Pretty good effect on pressure and morning exercises. Such physiotherapy exercises at home will help to normalize the functioning of the body. Charging is best done in the morning. However, it is necessary to take into account that it is worth refraining from sudden loads, after which the heart rate increases.

    You can do the following exercises in the morning:

    • Sipping.
    • Muscle stretching.
    • Circular movements with the hands.
    • Neck stretch.
    • Circular hand movements.
    • Turns.
    • Stretching.

    Such exercises will help prepare the body for the daily load and significantly reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

    Significant physical activity with hypertension can be performed only as directed by a doctor. For example, running can be done only after a thorough examination and consultation.

    When running, the body has a significant load, so it is best for a doctor or a specialist from among professional athletes to determine the optimal distance and duration of running. In addition, the doctor should identify the main signs, when they appear, you can stop exercising.

    According to professional athletes, aerobic exercise is pretty good at lowering high blood pressure. Such exercises can be done in order to gradually strengthen the cardiovascular system. They are best done under the guidance of athletes or physiotherapists. With the correct implementation of this kind of exercise, the cardiovascular system and lungs will gradually strengthen.

    One of the most famous aerobic exercises that improve blood circulation is squats. The popularity of exercises such as squats is due to the fact that they can be practiced at any age and place. However, not all high blood pressure squats are the same. For example, fast squats are prohibited for hypertensive patients. Answering the question why such a ban arose, it is worth noting that such squats are characterized by a sharp change in body position, therefore, after them there is a significant increase in blood pressure.

    Also, with hypertension, you can do strengthening exercises. It is worth noting that weightlifting with hypertension is contraindicated. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to such exercise therapy complexes that spare the muscles. It is worth noting that all exercise therapy at the initial stage should be under the strict supervision of a physiotherapist.

    Another non-standard, but at the same time quite effective direction of exercise therapy is swimming.

    Such activity normalizes the work of the heart and helps to tone the muscles. It is best to attend exercise therapy classes in the pool.

    Why is the pressure rising?

    It should be borne in mind that with hypertension, physical activity can not only be beneficial, but also cause significant damage.

    With hypertension, the following activities are prohibited:

    • Quick climb up the stairs.

    Climbing stairs should be fairly slow. Also, don't lift heavy things.

    • Rhythmic sports.

    This applies primarily to rhythmic gymnastics. It is strongly not recommended to start exercise therapy classes with this type of activity.

    • Performing an exercise without movement.

    Performing static exercises with hypertension is contraindicated.

    • Weight lifting.

    The maximum allowable weight for high blood pressure should be determined by the doctor.

    As a rule, it does not exceed 10 kg.

    • Quick squats.

    This type of activity, according to athletes, provokes significant pressure surges.

    That is why it is impossible to do quick squats with hypertension.

    Answering the question why hypertension excludes such types of activity, it is worth noting that, according to doctors and athletes, they have the most significant effect on the body.

    Be sure to remember that you need to play sports or exercise therapy only under normal temperature conditions. Significant temperature fluctuations can cause an increase in pressure.

    It is also worth refusing to travel to the country in the period from 10 to 16 hours. In addition, even when in a state of relative rest, it is necessary to constantly freshen up.

    When playing sports, hypertensive patients need to pay considerable attention to the state of health.

    When the first signs of deterioration appear, it is necessary to take a break or stop exercising.

    As a rule, training should be stopped if:

    • Pain in the chest.
    • Feelings of weakness.
    • Weight gain.
    • Pain in the neck.
    • Skachkov AD.
    • High heart rate.

    In any case, sport should improve well-being, and not vice versa, worsen it. Therefore, if after exercise the state of health worsens, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    Thus, we can say that hypertension and sports are quite compatible things. Sports with hypertension should be carried out quite carefully. This is due to the fact that significant physical activity can provoke a deterioration in the condition, therefore, in order for the sport to be beneficial, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Is it possible to play sports with hypertension?