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    Renal hypertension

    Renal hypertension is a serious disease that requires attention and serious treatment.

    The mechanism of regulation of renal pressure is quite complex, and impossible at home, so the treatment of such a disease is fraught with many difficulties.

    He has a high probability of a malignant course and a low effectiveness of treatment with medications.

    Although therapeutic methods and some drugs, unfortunately, cannot bring the desired effect, one should not despair. There are other - invasive and surgical - methods of dealing with the disease.

    Features of the development of the disease

    High blood pressure is one of the most common symptoms of heart disease and can be treated at home. But it can also occur due to poor performance of other organs.

    Secondary hypertension, which includes renal hypertension, is diagnosed in 5-10% of the world's population: these are young people, more often men.

    Only a differentiated diagnosis can determine the primary or secondary form of hypertension.

    Secondary hypertension occurs in connection with diseases of organs that are actively involved in the regulation of blood pressure:

    • kidneys;
    • heart.

    Only the coordinated work of these organs and vascular tone ensures normal blood pressure. Failure in their functioning leads to the release of renin into the blood, which is subsequently converted to angiotensin, which constricts blood vessels.

    High blood pressure against the background of kidney disease complicates treatment both in the hospital and at home.

    The kidneys perform important functions in the life of the body:

    • filter the blood;
    • remove metabolic products;
    • get rid of excess water.

    When blood flow is reduced for various reasons, filtration is disrupted. Sodium and water are not removed in a timely manner, the intercellular space is filled with fluid, which provokes swelling. There is an activation of substances that increase blood pressure, and the mechanism of the kidneys does not allow it to be regulated. Their regulatory function is fading away. Therefore, renal hypertension is characterized by a persistent increase in pressure.

    Renal hypertension can also occur as a result of diabetes, as well as kidney diseases, for example, nephropathy, pyelonephritis, narrowing of the renal artery, polycystic diseases.

    Clinical picture

    Renal hypertension differs from the arterial form in that it is not a prerequisite for strokes, heart attacks and hypertensive crises. Perhaps this is where her "positive moments" end. This is a serious disease that is difficult to treat and significantly worsens the patient's quality of life. It is impossible to cope with it at home, taking only drugs prescribed by a doctor. It is not possible to reduce pressure in this way.

    The main symptoms of the disease include signs of hypertension and kidney disease.

    First of all, this is increased pressure, and the lower one rises more than the upper one. The difference between these figures is decreasing. Conventional medicines for this disease do not help reduce pressure.

    In addition, important symptoms of renal hypertension are:

    • puffiness;
    • heartache;
    • rapid breathing;
    • headache (more often in the back of the head);
    • weakening of vision;
    • sharp pain in the lumbar region;
    • dizziness;
    • vomit.

    Renal arterial hypertension has two forms - benign and malignant. They are easy to distinguish by the speed of development. The danger of the disease lies in the high probability of cerebrovascular accident. Persistent high blood pressure can affect the condition of the retina and even lead to hemorrhage in this area. Conventional drugs in this case will have little effect, more serious treatment is required here.

    Revealing such symptoms in yourself, consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to reduce the time before starting therapy.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    Before prescribing treatment, the doctor is obliged to analyze the mechanism of the development of the disease, to conduct diagnostic studies, since high blood pressure is not always associated with kidney disease.

    Diagnostics consists of the following procedures:

    1. Laboratory research methods (blood and urine tests).
    2. Examination of the fundus.
    3. Kidney ultrasound.
    4. excretory urography.
    5. Renography (dynamic and static).
    6. Renal angiography.

    The condition of the fundus is directly related to kidney problems. Visual impairment is rare in normal hypertension. Renal hypertension is distinguished by narrowing of the central retinal artery, hemorrhages. With such a disease, the blood supply in the vessels that conduct blood to the optic nerve is disturbed, the retina swells, and visual fields fall out.

    Ultrasound examination allows you to identify tumors, determine the efficiency of blood supply, as well as the structure and degree of damage to the walls of the arteries.

    Renography is used to evaluate the work of each kidney, identify pathologies, analyze the dynamic processes occurring in the organs. This is a painless diagnostic method, which is considered one of the most objective today.

    In renal angiography, using a radiopaque substance, the specificity, place and extent of the pathology of the renal arteries are determined.

    Features of treatment

    A timely visit to a doctor and a correct and comprehensive diagnosis will determine the choice of the most effective method of treatment (including at home).

    This decision is made by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease, the speed of its development, the symptoms.

    To alleviate the patient's condition, he is prescribed the necessary drugs to reduce pressure and improve kidney function.

    Nephrogenic arterial hypertension should be under special control, since this disease is quite severe, has a malignant character and is dangerous with subsequent damage to the heart and brain, leading to a complete loss of kidney function. These symptoms serve as a direct indication for serious medical intervention. Treatment in this case should be only operational and carried out as soon as possible after the diagnosis is made. The degree of development of kidney pathology plays an important role in the outcome of therapy.

    Many patients are interested in the question: “Is it possible to treat such a disease at home. Is it possible to reduce pressure and create conditions for the kidneys to work using various drugs? Each doctor will answer with confidence that only home remedies will not be able to help, but some recommendations on the mode of life for such a disease can alleviate the patient's lot.

    In the treatment of renal hypertension, the doctor's efforts, first of all, should be aimed at normalizing blood pressure and preventing further development of the pathology.

    Since sodium and water are retained in the body in this picture, the patient should limit the intake of salt in the diet. This will make it easier for the kidneys to work.

    Drug therapy is carried out by patients at home, but with regular monitoring by a doctor. This is mainly taking diuretics and adrenoblockers. Treatment with these drugs is quite long, it can not be interrupted. Only systematic care of your health will help improve the patient's condition.

    For patients with renal insufficiency, hemodialysis is necessary, between which antihypertensive therapy is prescribed. In especially severe cases, kidney removal is indicated, and subsequently transplantation.

    It is the duty of every person to monitor the state of one's health, regularly measure pressure. A hypertensive patient should be able to reduce pressure using various drugs. But at the same time, other symptoms that appear against this background should be taken into account.

    Leading a healthy lifestyle, consulting a doctor in a timely manner, following all his recommendations at home, taking prescribed drugs, you can prevent the manifestation of some symptoms and alleviate your condition.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Renal hypertension